Lenten  Devotionals

 Welcome to the 2024 edition of Lenten Devotions that have been lovingly and prayerfully prepared for you by the Elders, Deacons, and friends of

 First Christian Church. 


Travel with us through the days of Lent as we share with you our personal stories and thoughts on faith and the experiences we have had in our journeys with Christ.


 May God bless you and keep you!

Scripture: “…‘Death is swallowed up in victory.’ Where, O death, is thy victory? Where, O death is thy sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:54-55); “It was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him.”

(Acts 2:24)

March 31

Day 47

Easter Resurrection


All four of the Gospels give us an account of early Easter/Resurrection Sunday morning, and while they don’t all agree with who was where at what time, they all agree that Jesus was raised. There is shock, surprise, joy, fear, and some running included.

Chances are we’ve all experienced such emotions when we were surprised with shocking, even unbelievable good news. Our hearts beat fast, a smile spreads across our face, there may be tears of joy in our eyes. Maybe it’s good news a family member or good friend received. Maybe the Bar exam is passed, the raise and promotion have been secured, the cancer is gone. There are ‘high fives’ and hugs, singing, shouting, and clapping, there is so much joy.

Because we have grown up already knowing the truth of Easter/Resurrection Sunday it’s difficult for us to imagine how the women and the first disciples felt about Easter, but we have all witnessed miracles that filled our hearts with joy. We celebrate and we share; we tell others, we give God thanks, that’s the next step, we don’t keep it to ourselves, we ‘share and tell.’

Prayer: Victorious God, Thank you for the victory not only of Easter/Resurrection Sunday, but for all the victories you give us. Help us to ‘share and tell’ that others may also experience life-changing joy.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


Donn Brammer