Contact Your State Senator

MSD’s 2024 flagship legislation SB 10 on Prior Authorization is being heard this Wednesday (May 15th) in Committee. Call or email your State Senator to vote to support this bill. MSD thanks Senator Bryan Townsend for sponsoring SB10.

If you do not know who your Senator is or do not have your Senator’s contact information, you can find it here: Home - Delaware General Assembly (under “Who is My Legislator?”).

This bill impacts physicians, practices, staff, and patients positively. It is modeled after the American Medical Association (AMA) prior authorization model bill. MSD has worked closely with the AMA on legislative language and lessons learned from other states to ensure physician and patient protections are included in this bill including:


  • Enhanced qualification of medical reviewers
  • Improved availability of medical reviewers
  • Faster turnaround times of pre-authorizations and adverse determinations
  • Protections for continuity of care when changing carriers.   

Reach out today to your Senator with your support of this bill and share your stories of prior authorization failures. For questions about this critical legislation, please contact Lisa Gruss, External Affairs and Development Officer at or 610-306-6951.