February 13, 2017

We are in week six of the Montana Legislative session.  Activity continues to increase as some important legislative dates approach. 

  • February 18 is the final day that a committee may request bills or resolutions. 
  • February 23rd is the last day that general, non-revenue, bills can be introduced. 
  • March 1st is the Transmittal date, where general bills must be transmitted to the other house from the house that introduced the bill or the general bill dies.  It is also the last day to request appropriation bills.

Below you will find  list of current bills being monitored by your lobbyist, legislative committee , staff and leadership. Bill numbers are linked to the detailed information page for each bill.

View the current bill text by clicking on the links next to the Bill Draft Number. Look for the pointing finger icon:

The bills that are most significant are in "bold" and the current status is in "red".

Do you have a relationship with your legislator? Let the legislative committee and Roger know. The most important and affective representation for your agency, your clients and yourself, is one-to-one contact on a grass-roots basis. Roger can be contacted at govrelations@iiamt.org.

House Bills

HB 24
Providing protections to vulnerable persons from financial exploitation
Passed the House and scheduled to hearing 2/8/17 in (S) Public Health, Welfare and Safety

HB 46 
Generally revising funding for civil legal aid 
Tabled in (H) Appropriations

HB 73
Regulate certain air ambulance memberships as insurance
The bill has passed (H) Business and Labor and remains in Committee and will be on second reading in the House

HB 120
Revise insurance laws pertaining to NAIC accreditation
The Bill is in route to the Governors desk

HB 123
Require certain insurance disclosures to minimize surprise bills
Tabled in (H) Human Services  

HB 137
Generally revise securities and insurance laws pertaining to the State Auditor
The bill passed second reading in the House and now has been referred to (H) Appropriations Committee and scheduled for hearing 2/9/17. The IIAM supports the Bill as amended.

HB 138 
Revise licensing of general insurance agent laws
Passed the House; Heard in (S) Business and Labor 1/31/17; Insurance Department bill to clarify MGA language and appointments of producers by affiliation.  The Bill has been amended and passed the Senate and now returned to the House with amendments.  The IIAM Supports with as amended in the Senate. 

HB 142
Revise insurance law to give mental health coverage parity with physical health
Hearing scheduled 2/8/17 in (H) Human Services    

HB 144
Generally revise motor vehicle laws
The bill was taken from the table, amended and passed from the committee, (H) Transportation, and passed by the House as amended then transmitted to the Senate.

HB 145
Adopt NAIC model legislation regarding Annuities 
Passed the House as amended with the Insurance Department Amendments.  The IIAM does not oppose as amended.  

HB 165 
Revise punitive damage laws
Passed the House as significantly amended and heard in (S) Judiciary 2/3/17.

HB 216 
Require bonding for wind development
Heard in (H) Energy, Technology, and Federal Relations 1/30/17

HB 222 
Revise laws related to insurance and storm damage repairs
Tabled in (H) Business & Labor Committee

HB 229
Allowing worker to choose treating physician in workers' compensation cases
Heard 1/27/17 (H) Business & Labor and remains in Committee

HB 252
Revise Insurance Law to clarify provider agreement laws
Tabled in (H) Business and Labor

HB 266 
Authorize interstate healthcare compact
Heard 1/25/17 in (H) Human Service and remains in Committee

HB 267
Revise laws related to bicycles on roadways
Passed the House and Transmitted to the Senate scheduled for hearing 2/7/17 (S) Highways and Transpoertation, establishes distances vehicles must stay from bicycles

HB 291 
Prohibit certain underwriting factors for private passenger insurance.
Scheduled for hearing in (H) Business and Labor 2/16/17, IIAM will oppose this bill.

HB 342 
Revise business laws related to liability and agritourism
Bill passed from (H) Judiciary Committee to the House floor

HB 346
Designate fiscal agent as employer for workers'' compensation insurance
Heard in (H) Business and Labor 2/7/17

HB 356 
Prohibit individual health insurance discrimination with some exceptions Scheduled for hearing in (H) Human Services 2/13/17

HB 358
Revise workers'' compensation laws pertaining to release of information    
Referred to (H) Business and Labor Committee       

HB 380
Prohibit texting while driving
Referred to (H) Judiciary Committee

HB 392 
Creating the family and medical leave insurance act
Scheduled for Hearing in (H) Business and Labor Committee 2/9/17

HB 395
Require PSC approval of certain hospital charges
Scheduled for Hearing in (H) Human Services Committee 2/15/17                       

Senate Bills
SB 44 
Provide process to hold patients harmless from balance billing by air ambulance
This bill has been significantly amended and passed to the Senate floor

SB 58        
Prohibit the use of $0 claims for insurance policy cancellation or renewal                        
The Bill was taken from the table in (S) Business, Labor and slightly amended and passed by the Senate … there are concerns with the Bill by industry representatives.

SB 72
Create presumptive illness for firefighters
Heard in (S) Business & Labor 1/13/17 and heard in (S) Finance and Claims Committee 2/ 2/17 with proposed amendments to change funding for the program.  

SB 96
Right to shop act for health care services
Heard (S) Public Health, Welfare and Safety and referred to (S) Finance and Claims with hearing scheduled for 2/14/17    

SB 107 
Provide liability limits for emergency care by volunteer emergency responders
Passed the Senate and referred to (H) Committee

SB 116 
Disallowing workers' compensation benefits for certain false statements
Passed the Senate and transmitted to the House

SB 118
Provide for uniform act regarding fiduciary access to digital assets, providing some immunity

Passed the Senate as amended and transmitted to the House

SB 129 
Require insurance coverage of teledentistry
Passed the Senate and transmitted to the House

SB 134
Revise laws related to motorcycle operation
Tabled in (S) Highways and Transportation Committee

SB 142
Revise laws related to volunteer emergency personnel and worker's comp insurance
Passed the Senate and transmitted to the House

SB 167
Generally revise laws pertaining to insurance offenses
Tabled in (S) Business and Economic Affairs Committee

SB 170
Provide civil liability for unmanned aerial vehicle trespass
Scheduled for hearing in (S) Judiciary Committee 2/14/17

SB 179                       
Revise offer of judgment laws                      

Heard in (S) Judiciary 2/8/17  

SB 184
Revise workers compensation to allow termination of payments due to fraud 
Scheduled for hearing in (S) Business, Labor and Economic Development 2/10/17  

SB 212
Revise mature defensive driving laws
Introduced in House 2/6/17, The bill would expand this program to all drivers  and mandate the discount from 2 to 3 years.