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Legislative & Advocacy Round-up

To inform brain injury advocates about

grassroots advocacy and public policy

August 2023  

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  • September 13
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Brain Injury Resource Center

Whether you have a brain injury or concussion, are a caregiver or a professional, the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey has resources available for you. If you’re in need of further assistance, please contact the Helpline at 1-800-669-4323, or

Visit the Resource Library

Brain Injury Support Groups

Brain injury support groups allow people with brain injuries and their family members to meet others in similar situations. They gain valuable emotional support, form friendships, obtain information, and discuss a variety of brain injury topics.

Find a Support Group

CARES Program

The BIANJ CARES (Care, Assistance, Resources, Education and Support) Program supports individuals and families impacted by brain injury through care management. This program focuses on assessing current needs and developing a plan to help individuals achieve greatest potential and improve quality of life.

More about CARES

Support Coordination

The Alliance is an approved Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) /Medicaid-approved Support Coordination agency. Support Coordinators provide care management services to adults 21 + who are eligible for DDD services. Individuals and their families are assisted in identifying services and developing individualized plans based on a person’s needs. 

Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey Recognizes Assemblyman Benson

The Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey presented Assemblyman Daniel Benson with an award of appreciation for his years of steadfast advocacy and support for brain injury issues and for the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey.

Assemblyman Benson, who currently represents towns in both Mercer and Middlesex counties, will not be seeing re-election to the New Jersey General Assembly; which is one of two chambers that comprise the New Jersey Legislature.

Tom Grady, Director of Advocacy & Public Affairs for the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey (pictured left above) presented Assemblyman Benson with the award on August 29, 2023.

You may view the presentation by clicking HERE.

Assemblyman Benson was the lead sponsor of several brain injury related bills. Most notably, he was the lead sponsor of a budget resolution that reinstated funding for the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey's Community Services contract. The key elements of Community Services is comprised of advocacy, education, information / resources, outreach, and support services.

The assemblyman is also a past recipient of the James and Sarah Brady Award for Public Service. This award is presented to an individual or group for public service based on an outstanding record of contributions that further the goals of the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey through work at the federal, state, or local level.

Be Prepared for Disaster!

Register for Register Ready

Register Ready is a free, secure, voluntary database designed to help emergency managers and first responders plan for and support people with disabilities and access and functional needs.​You (or someone on your behalf) are encouraged to register if you have a physical, developmental, cognitive, or behavioral impairment.​ You may register HERE.

Advocacy Efforts Strive to Improve Training and Enforce Accountability for School Buses Used by Children with Special Needs.​ 

New Jersey Regional Family Support Planning Council responded to the tragic school bus accident in Somerset County, which resulted in the death of a six-year-old girl with special needs by releasing a letter to be distributed to government officials, elected officials, and a variety of organizations.

The Council is collecting stories about your experience with school bus transportation safety and your loved ones with special needs through a survey here. It is available in different languages on the NJCDD website. 

WEBINAR: When Parents Collect Social Security: How Parents’ Social Security Benefits Impact Adult Children with IDD

Many parents are thinking about collecting their Social Security retirement benefits and wondering how this will impact their adult child with an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD). Questions and concerns often arise when parents are planning to collect their own Social Security and they have a son/daughter with disabilities who receives SSI and Medicaid. Learn more about this webinar and register HERE.


NJ Resources Now More Accessible Than Ever And Easier To Use 


The New Jersey Division of Disability Services announced the release of its newly reformatted resource directory, NJ Resources. The new look was developed with a focus on enhanced accessibility. You’ll notice key features like clickable links and redirects, convenient bookmarks to aide in navigation, and alternative text to name a few. Also, instead of updating this useful guide only once per year, the Division made it a living document by committing to updating the web version as changes occur. Check out the latest edition by clicking HERE.   

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