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Jets in Action!

Legacy Community Brief

Bus Driver Appreciation Breakfast

Thursday, September 5, 2024

From the Flight Deck

Dear Mark,

We made it through a productive first month at Legacy. All students should have now received a laptop unless they still have an outstanding fine. If your child has a technical issue with their device, please have them submit a Device Tech Request in Launchpad. They may receive technical assistance during 2nd or 7th period with a pass from their teacher.

Next week we begin our first round of testing for the year. You will find more information on specific dates and the adjusted schedule changes in this JIA edition. Please remind your student to take the tests seriously by trying their best, getting a good night’s sleep, and eating a healthy breakfast.

Families, we know that we can’t do the critical work of education our Jets without your guidance and support. We didn’t go to school with all of the digital distractions that our students see on a daily basis. We all have to adapt to the new systems and styles of teaching and learning. Here are a few items that I ask you all to implement at home with your Jet: 

  1. Create a Homework-Friendly Environment: Set up a quiet, well-lit area dedicated to studying. Ensure it’s free from distractions like TV, cellphones, and loud noises.  
  2. Establish a Routine: Consistency is key. Set a regular time each day for homework and study sessions. This helps children develop good time management skills. 
  3. Be Involved: Know your child’s teachers and their expectations. Review homework, assignments, teacher announcements to stay updated on your child’s progress. 

These small, yet powerful actions realized over the course of the year will have a positive impact on your child’s experience on the flight deck.  

Have a wonderful weekend!

Jason Jiménez


Legacy Middle School

Bus Driver Appreciation Breakfast

In addition to getting our Jets to and from school safely, our bus drivers are very often the first and last representative from OCPS students see each school day. They can help set the tone for the day and can also be role models for our middle schoolers. They provide a valuable service and we were proud to recognize them last week!

Florida flag

Useful Links

Legacy Website

2024-2025 Bell Schedule

Lunch Menus

Find Your Bus

Sports Physical Forms

Volunteer at Legacy

Bring Your Own Device

OCPS Skyward

OCPS Canvas for Parents

OCPS Transportation

2024-2025 Calendar

Other Legacy Links

Volunteer at Legacy

Please go to and scroll to ADDitions Volunteer.

Connect with Legacy
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11398 Lake Underhill Rd.
Orlando, FL 32825
(407) 658-5330

Jet Spotlight!

Spanish 1 and 2 classes, Latinos in Action Club, Officer Howarth, and 'Coco'

On August 30th, we had a visit from Officer Howarth and his K9 partner, Coco, to Mrs. Zayas-Vargas' classroom. The Latinos in Action Club was exploring this career path. Thank you to Mrs. Martinez from the Access and Opportunity Office for your support. Mrs. Velez was also integrated with the LIA students.

Above and just below: Spanish 1 and 2 Classes with Officer Howarth and Coco

Officer Howarth, Coco, Ms. Thomas, and Mrs. Zayas-Vargas

Ms. Velez and Ms. Roudabush’s students with Officer Howarth and Coco

Dates to Watch For

Friday, September 6th:

Hat Day

Tuesday, September 10th 

SAC meeting in the Media Center at 5:30 pm


Wednesday, September 11th

Soccer vs. Corner Lake Middle at HOME, 5:00 pm

Student Progress Reports - 1st Nine Week Quarter

Thursday, September 12th 

Math PM1

Sunday, September 15th

Start of National Hispanic Heritage Month

Monday, September 16th – Friday, September 20th

Scholastic Book Fair

Information about the Legacy Middle Book Fair and Ewallet

Tuesday, September 17th


Thursday, September 19th

OPEN HOUSE, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Friday, September 20th:

Celebrating Hispanic Voices: An Evening of Spoken Word (Our Legacy Dancers will be performing at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts)

* This is a special evening for all of Orange County as part of National Hispanic Heritage Month. Please see the segment in this issue below.


Testing dates:

  • B.E.S.T. - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking
  • EOC - End-of-Course Assessment
  • ELA - English Language Arts
  • FAST - Florida Assessment of Student Thinking
  • NGSSS - Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
  • PM1, PM2, PM3 - Progress Monitoring Assessments. FAST is administered during three windows of the school year. 

Bell schedules for test days:

Special Events

United Basketball Academy:


Essay Contest - Scholarship Opportunity:

The Florida Department of Education and Volunteer Florida are encouraging students to participate in the Hispanic Heritage Month student art and essay contests with the theme “Honoring Hispanic Contributions to Florida’s Success.” Hispanic Heritage Month is recognized and celebrated in the United States from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.

About the Student Art Contest

The Hispanic Heritage Month art contest is open to all Kindergarten through third-grade students in Florida. Each student will submit original, two-dimensional artwork based on this year’s theme. Four statewide winners will be selected, and each winner will receive a $100 gift card for school supplies and a one-year pass to Florida State Parks.

About the Student Essay Contest

The Hispanic Heritage Month essay contest is open to all students attending any Florida school in grades 4-12. Six winners will be selected: two elementary school students (grades 4-5), two middle school students (grades 6-8), and two high school students (grades 9 through 12). Each winner will receive a two-year Florida College Plan scholarship provided by the Florida Prepaid College Foundation and a $100 gift card for school supplies.

Contest entries and nominating forms and guidelines

Student contest forms and educator nomination forms must be mailed to Volunteer Florida or submitted at

Media Center

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month!

Sign up for a library card with the Orlando Public Library.

Did you know that OCLS provides free classes and programs that include language learning, hobbies, technology, gaming, and more? They also provide Brainfuse (see below) for homework help and LinkedIn Learning for continuing education and career development. 

FREE Virtual Tutoring through the Orange County Library's "Brainfuse" program

An additional resource for academic support is the Orange County Public Library's Brainfuse tutoring. Please take advantage of this.

The database opens at 2:00 p.m. through 11:00 p.m. 7 days a week, and tutors are ready to help with studying, preparing for an exam, evaluating research papers or documents or completing projects. Create an optional, free account to create an online study group, store homework assignments, class notes, and projects, and review previously saved tutoring sessions before a test.

Jets in the Library!

ELA classes have been coming to the library for orientation lessons and to check out books. After the library orientation lessons are completed, students can visit the library before school to check out books, read, study, or choose other activities like coloring, games, and puzzles. Throughout the year, teachers will sign up to bring their whole class to check out books and students will have the opportunity to earn the privilege to go to the library during lunch when they have finished eating.

Reminders - Media Center Policies:

  • Students may check out up to three (3) books at a time.
  • Books may be kept for two (2) weeks with the option to renew.
  • Students are responsible for damaged or lost books.

Online Library Resources for our Jets

Visit Destiny Discover to see the books available to check out in our library. Also, check out the following resources found in the Library Research Tools Folder in Launchpad:

Jet Athletics

Soccer Schedule: Jets at HOME September 11th!

Instructional Highlights

Rigor in action!

Mr. Smith’s 7th Grade Civics Class 

Gummy Bear Activity / Forms of Government

Evan arranges his Gummy Bears to portray an Absolute Monarchy

David arranges his Gummy Bears to portray a dictatorship

(the red one is the leader)

Isabella arranges her Gummy Bears to portray a Representative Democracy

Mr. Eschenbach’s Civics Class

Students arranging Gummy Bears to portray a form of government:

Celebrating Hispanic Voices

Join us for a night of celebrating Hispanic Heritage with our Legacy dancers!

It’s such an honor to be invited back for a second year! Bring your family and friends to this amazing free showcase show at 6pm! We are opening the invite to our community including feeder schools (Elementary and HS). Students from each class will be selected to join us on a field trip experience for just $10 that includes pizza and bus transport.

The link below is to reserve your free ticket for the 8 pm show- The director told me to give her a number asap so that she can accommodate other schools as well.

Snapshots from last year's event!

Legacy Middle SAC & PTSA

Legacy Middle School is seeking the support of families and the community to join our Student Advisory Committee (SAC) and Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) in its mission of helping students collaborate, innovate, and accelerate our students to success.  

Our first SAC meeting of the year will take place on Tuesday, September 10 at 5:30pm in the media center. We will review important information regarding SAC, the school, and a motion for funding. When parents are actively involved, it fosters a sense of community and collaboration among families, teachers, and administrators. This can create a more supportive and engaging environment for students. Being part of the SAC/PTSA helps parents stay informed about school events, policies, and needs. It also provides a platform for parents to voice their concerns and ideas directly to the school administration.

The current PTSA officers will help guide you through the process, provide all materials, and send out the officer application. 

Members of the nominating committee can run for office but are not required to.

If you would like to serve on the Legacy Middle School PTSA Nominating Committee please complete the following form LMS Nomination Form or email us at

Thank you,


Legacy Middle School PTSA 


Thank you for reading.

Mr. Jiménez, Principal

Legacy Middle School

Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024

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2024-2025 Leadership Team

Mr. Jiménez, Ms. Torres, and Ms. Thomas

Principal: Mr. Jason Jiménez -

Assistant Principal: Ms. Carla Thomas -

Assistant Principal of Instruction: Dr. Jessica Torres -

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Copyright Notice
Reproduction of this material, either written or electronically, including the general layout, graphics, analyses, and content topics without the express approval of Target Performance Systems, Inc., a Florida corporation, and Legacy Middle School is forbidden without written consent. Thank you for your support of the Orange County Public Schools and especially OCPS - Legacy Middle School. Please contact Mr. Jason Jiménez at with any questions.