Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, part of the growing repentance remnant, cleansing as His Bride, getting ready for His soon return as our Bridegroom-----

At the same time that Presidential politics are headlines in the USA, the Holy Spirit is aflame in Africa among pastors catching the FIRE Jesus preached: " I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!" (Luke 12:49) . Here is today's report from Zambia: "Blessed to you, Here is a report for Friday and Saturday evangelism tour, we really thank God for your prayers and support, our evangelism,was done very well by his grace ,we reach to many people, but only 145 people gave there lives to Jesus Christ, we are resting on Thursday, Friday and Saturday we are having a conference for 9:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs two days"

[ Only 145 !! How many are coming into our neighborhoods and cities today?? any similar reports on your TV set??]

Much like Zambia, Malawi is a model for all other nations, including the "western" nations such as USA and Australia. As shaking continues, Hebrews 12:26-29, the greatest preparation for the days ahead is bringing in souls through Jesus' Gift of repentance: Matthew 4:17. I'm so encouraged every day by emails from repentance pastors showing boldness and taking initiative in their respective areas and countries, catching the true meaning of Repentance, and walking in their own individual Callings - as per Jesus' Words in John 15:16 - realizing that Jesus has called them and appointed them to make a difference and to bear fruit in their own respective countries.

More and more they are operating out of the Word of God, specifically God's gift of repentance. In Malawi Repentance is literally being planted in Jesus Farms!

Witches are leaving their charms at the altar and repenting! This is the Vision of Jesus Farms now coming alive:

A) To provide food security by planting crops through rain fed Agriculture and irrigation farming in the catchment area of repentance. 

The food shall be given to repentance pastors who support repentance, the aged, youths and kids. Those suffering from different ailments are also supported 

B) To provide food to repentance gatherings to reduce costs of feeding repentance gatherings 

C) To encourage unity of believers praying together in unity regardless of denominational barriers. Eph: 4 v 3, Psalm 133

D) To pray around the farm for families and nations, and for all of Malawi to come to Repentance back to the Lord

E) praying for the sick. Those with Blood Pressure. Diabetes, Skin Cancer Epilepsy have been healed around the farm already. We have also been praying for rains and they come !

There are 4 Repentance Centers in different district areas within Malawi, with the Gideon Farm in Balaka being seen as the Main one - where the pastors running these farms are also preaching Repentance every week, ministering to people and then working on the Farms during the week.

The youths are also starting to catch on the idea as part of the OUT Training under Bishop Joseph Kazembe as part of the Joseph Project, as well as the different pastors that have joined Bishop Edward as part of National Repentance Malawi, all working together to reach their beloved country Malawi for the Lord Jesus, and so bringing HOPE in a time of serious political confusion and deception - where many people are dying of hunger and others influenced and being intimidated through violence, etc.

But we at National Day of Repentance are working closely with both Bishops Edward and Joseph, assisting them in their respective efforts and projects, continuing to encourage them to do even more, and to continue to expand their visions.

And thus we want to say A BIG THANK YOU ! to those of you who have donated to NDR over the past years ! You have an Abundance of FRUIT that abounds to your account! You have seed in the ground, and we pray that may the Lord bless you in receiving your Harvest in a greater abundance to what you have sown into His Kingdom.

1 Corinthians 15:58

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Here then is today's praise report and feedback we've received from our brother - Bishop Edward, from Blantyre, Malawi:

Gideon Farm checks food insecurity and helps many to repent and heals many


National Repentance Malawi is a spiritual force to reckon with in Malawi and south east Africa as far as Repentance is concerned and Jesus farms ministry 


Gideon Farm in Balaka has stood the test of times and weather in Balaka south east of Malawi


Many souls have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior leaving their old patterns of witchcraft, sexual pervasions, polygamy and pride among others 


Chiefs of different faiths have been united in repentance during conferences on repentance over these last few years


People of different faiths have been healed from different diseases like skin cancer, high blood pressure, long/overdue pregnancies, epilepsy, drug and alcohol abuse at Gideon farm in Balaka during silent time of prayers led by Pastor Mind and his team


Praise GOD !

At the farm crops like maize our staple food, tomato's, potatoes, cabbages have helped needy pastors in repentance, orphans and the aged with good rations 


Gideon farm is operating all year round now


After rain fed agriculture season October to March there is winter cropping that we are planting year round 


Now we have a plot of potatoes, tomatoes, cabbages and greens through irrigation 


There are four dams around the area; They help in irrigation. A Treadle pump of $300 dollars now needed urgently for irrigation to beat manual labor !


As renting land is exorbitant during our team visit recently we had silent prayers at the farm And through Pastor Mind, the Holy Spirit helped us to now be offered our own repentance land in Balaka North 


In future it may be our main center in Malawi to even Plant Bananas, Maize and Greens to sell in chain stores and support repentance efforts 


We may build at the center to help our conferences and lodging 

Land Offer has even been reduced from $1500 to $750 and money urgently needed so we can make use of this opportunity !


We continuing in prayer 

Haggai 2 v 8

Gideon Farm - Balaka

  • Model farm in repentance 
  • Pastor Mind role model in farming 
  • Fosters unity of believers 
  • Planting many crops and good at diversification 
  • Planting maize, tomatoes, cabbages and pumpkins
  • Feeds old people and the aged
  • Has secured land for us to buy now. We pray for provision 

DAVID Farm - Thyolo

  • Did cabbage farming using irrigation 
  • Sold few cabbages for repentance offices communication budget 
  • Harvested 3500 Heads of cabbages that support many families in repentance 
  • Encouraged team work in Thyolo
  • Did team prayers at the farms 
  • Highly witchcraft area - but with farm prayers many repented  - like for weeks after irrigation pastors did silent prayer from the Holy Spirit - and during the week following a Pastor came to the front in one of our Repentance conferences at the "Church of GOD". He started weeping confessing that he used charms and witchcraft to preach and fill the church. He then repented and received the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel with boldness (Acts 1:8)

  • Even in Chikwawa, a few Kilometers West of Thyolo, at another repentance conference a witch came and left his charms at the altar so that we burn them with Holy Ghost Fire at the altar (Hebrews 12 v 29)

Suzanna Farm - Mulanje 

  • Under Felister, we planted and harvested vegetables 
  • They Offers us free land
  • Used to harvest vegetables 
  • Some went to the needy and aged 
  • Some were even sold

Esther Farm - Marka, Nsanje

  • Close to Mozambique 
  • Planted tomatoes and greens
  • Loveness, the chief, has helped us to do big repentance conference for church leaders 
  • 20 chiefs and 100 leaders attended
  • There was miracle of fresh fish found at Esther Farm in Nsanje
  • This meant we needed to intensify repentance in Malawi Lowershire 

Please also support our Repentance Summit coming up now between August 9th-20th August, 2024..

Since this morning people calling to ask for more information on our summit conference 

This is shaking Malawi, Africa and the world !!

Perhaps this is a sign of the late Bishop John Bulinda AAA-Vision of America, Africa & Australia

Also in August, 4 main political parties in Malawi are planning on holding their party elective conventions for 2024 tripartite elections 

And then we have our Africa Repentance summit !!

May God hear our prayers, and help us to Continue Growing this Vision in Malawi, we pray..

GOD Bless!!! 


WOW! What a Miracle these Repentance Jesus Farms are becoming to Malawi!

As the Lord leads, please join me in this prayer:

" Heavenly Father, in Yeshua's Name above all names, breathe on this mighty move of God among Your people in Malawi to bring even more souls into Your Kingdom. Please give us Your Wisdom and Your Provision to carry this Fiery Torch of Your Holy Spirit to all communities, starting in Malawi, then spreading into all of Africa and then spreading into all the nations. Purify your pastors and priests, and all shepherds of Your Body of Christ, to return fully to You with humble repentance, so that they can shepherd young and old into the Kingdom and into the calling You have for each of them. Awaken Your Bride in this hour as only You can do. In Yeshua's Name, Amen. "


Are you among those discerning the times realizing ALL need to come into the Messiah/Christ's Kingdom through repentance? And do you see that thereafter it's His Gift by which you and I cleanse as His Bride; He's the soon-coming Bridegroom?

Then you're on our team ! That is our simple mission: to encourage God's gift of repentance personally and in all nations.

Years ago there was a great Bible teacher on the radio, J. Vernon McGee. He asked us each show to "get on the Bible bus." Well now we have, if you will, not a bus, but another vehicle, good for rough terrain, a "Repentance Rover."

Please join us for this remarkable journey! We are a volunteer-based, donor-funded ministry. Your donations are sent to pastors all over His planet now preaching repentance (Mark 6:12) and, like the first disciples, seeing miracles (Mark 6:13). Thank you in advance for giving, whatever amount, in the faithful spirit of Luke 8:3, and the cheerful giving of 2 Corinthians 9:7. Thank you !

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly

National Day of Repentance


Our Cleansing the Bride call on Wednesdays allows private time with the Holy Spirit to remove old sin patterns, old strongholds no longer needed. Please join us! email me or Susan Hammer [] for the zoom or phone information.

This is the Youtube link of the Global Day of Repentance Zoom meeting we had for Kenya July 3, 2024

a powerful teaching and beautiful sharing of communion was given by Susan Hammer on an earlier Africa Kneels call-- :

The Lord makes it clear: Luke 13:1-5, repent or perish. Here's a NDR video on this key scripture:

and a video on moving from betrayal to love:

Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1

National Day of Repentance |