Online Workshop November 29

WMPHA and other members of the Coalition for Local Public Health are hosting a webinar for local public health to review the new Housing Code provisions before they go into effect in April 2023. 

Click here for flyer and registration information 


The Department of Environmental Protection has released proposed changes to Title 5 that address Nitrogen Sensitive Areas and Watershed Permit Regulations.

CLICK HERE to see the proposed changes to Title 5.

For more information on the regulations, click the below links:

CLICK HERE to see the recording of the information session held last week.

Public Hearings on the changes are on 11/30, 12/1, and 12/5. See the schedule and registration link by clicking here.

Email your thoughts or concerns by 5PM on 12/16 to


Send your postings to for inclusion.

FRCOG Cooperative Public Health Service Health Agent Job Posting

Western MA Health and Medical Coordinating Coalition Coordinator Job Posting

Southampton Part Time Health Agent Job Posting

Greenfield Health Agent Job Posting

Northampton Public Health Nurse Job Posting

Montague Health Agent Job Posting

Virtual Forum: Roadmap to Behavioral Health in Western Massachusetts

The COVID Pandemic exacerbated a behavioral health crisis particularly in Western Massachusetts. The 2020 statewide COVID-19 Community Impact Survey (CCIS) reported that in western MA, one in three respondents (33%) reported 15 or more poor mental health days in the past 30 days. The lack of access to culturally competent mental health and substance use disorder treatment in rural and under-resourced urban areas is having a devastating impact on individuals, families and communities.

This forum will examine the depth and causes of the crisis and potential solutions. It will also look at recently passed Mental Health ABC: Addressing Barriers to Care and the state's Roadmap for Behavioral Health. 

After a welcome from Secretary Marylou Sudders and Dr. Mark Keroack, President & CEO of Baystate Health, Audrey Shelto, President & CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation will provide an overview of state action and moderate a panel of Western Massachusetts experts in the field. Jessica Collins, Executive Director, Public Health Institute of Western Massachusetts will provide insight into behavioral health community needs in Western Massachusetts. Tania Barber, President & CEO of Caring Health Center will give ground level insight into patient needs from the community health perspective and Steven Winn, the President & CEO of Behavioral Health Network will provide insight into state legislation and needs in the commonwealth and Western Massachusetts.

Click here to register

Totally Title 5 Conference

WMPHA would like to thank the speakers, attendees, vendors, Log Cabin and members for an incredibly successful Title 5 conference!

Our speakers were informative, knowledgeable and great presenters. Our vendors were readily available to answer questions. Log Cabin, always a great host, and available to meet everyone’s needs. Our members, as always, worked hard and long to make this conference a success. Another year, another successful event. Thank you all.

 -- Sharon Hart, WMPHA Executive Committee President

Missed the conference? You can find the presentations at 

Registered Sanitarian Study Supports!

Are you interested in taking the Registered Sanitarian exam? WMPHA has study guides available for free to help Health Department staff from Western Massachusetts attain this important credential. They can be checked out for three months at a time. If you are interested, contact Executive Committee member Bri Dupras.

Local Public Health Training Institute Sites

New to Public Health Training Site:
Please share with your NEW Board of Health Members, Health Agents and Public Health Nurses:

Joint Coalition for Local Public Health Training Calendar:
Western Massachusetts COVID Data Dashboard:

Missed a previous WMPHA Training Event?

Click here to see recordings and materials from recent workshops (Totally Title 5 materials coming soon!)


The WMPHA Executive Committee:

·       Sharon Hart/South Hadley, President

·       Gerri Swanson/Southampton, Vice President

·       Brianna Dupras/Easthampton, Treasurer

·       Jen Hoffman/Greenfield

·       Phoebe Walker/FRCOG

·       Tom FitzGerald/Retired, Secretary

·       Laura Kittross/BRPC

·     Tom Hibert/Westfield

·      Tammy Spencer/East Longmeadow

·      Charlie Kaniecki, Retired, Ex Officio

·      Randy White, Retired, Ex Officio

Western MA Public Health Association | Website