Learn From Tua
The Throw By Tua Tagovailoa
The Catch By DeVonta Smith 
Tua the freshman football hero...in one of the most exciting college football playoff games of all time...
Alabama beat Georgia


Great athletes on both teams!
It's never over 'til it's over!
College football is hard to beat!
28+ million were watching it on TV!

As a Christian he was looking for an opportunity to express his faith in Jesus Christ...
In front of multiplied millions he didn't initially answer the TV interviewer's
question about his heroic football performance...
rather he immediately took time to first thank his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...
and then immediately answered the football questions

Later in the interview he thanked God for his family

After approximately 15 minutes when he was recognized as the offensive player of the championship game....
when interviewed he again thanked his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ...
and then talked football (see 2 great clips below)


The odds of him even playing were close to 0%...
the starting quarterback Jalen Hurts had 12 wins and 1 loss in 2017-2018 prior to the National Championship- leading Alabama again to college football dominance

a freshman- was definitely not expecting to play
and more important
TUA is a great model-

Daily we should look for His open doors to share the Gospel ...anywhere and at anytime He unexpectedly opens the doors for the Good News...TUA had absolutely no idea of the unbelievable witness opportunity God would give him...but he was ready

TUA testified before multiplied millions ...most often we'll testify before one or 2 people

TUA made sharing his faith his obvious priorit y...

We can learn from TUA...and make sharing our faith our PRIORITY looking for His open doors ...then boldly and humbly simply claiming Jesus as our Savior...we don't have to make it complicated

Ted Sprague 
John 3:16
Acts 17:28


Georgia vs. Alabama..

Two middle aged men, friends who work for the same company but are based in different cities... Dallas, TX and Atlanta, GA

They met up in Atlanta for the national championship game looking for
scalpers tickets...but found them too expensive

both men are big time Alabama fans......
by their own definition Alabama country boys at heart

We met the day after the game and had a great post game discussion...after a lot of good conversation
I told them I wanted to give them my unusual business card...the WRISTBAND
(I'm a sinner, Jesus Christ is my Savior, John 3:16)
I gave my testimony along with the words on the band:
Frankly they were blown away and they asked me many questions about Jesus, salvation, marriage and getting their lives straightened out

The OPEN DOOR God provided for me to proclaim Jesus Christ
was discussing the football game...and of course Tua's performance...I then said, "As great as the game was, my highlights were Tua's interviews where he gave credit and honor to Jesus Christ and God..."
That led to our very deep discussion.

After sharing my two minute testimony and lots of dialogue by all three of us, I asked them if they could relate to my testimony of coming from a broken home four times and never knowing my real father...Immediately one of them said, "We're both going through shaky marriages right now" and the other man said, "I never knew my father and ended up being raised by my grandparents... at 15 I tried to live with my alchololic mother...but soon left to live on my own as a 15 year old...got married at 17, divorced, and am now married again..."

The other man kept saying, "Our meeting you was no accident"
I asked them if they, too, had personally claimed Jesus as Savior from all their sins through His life, death and resurrection.

One man quickly said... "WE'RE BOTH BAPTISTS"

I paused... (They were Marlboro men in appearance.) In directness and humility I said, "THAT'S NOT WHAT I ASKED YOU!"

THERE WAS SILENCE for a long 10-15 seconds...neither man was smiling. Finally, one man laughed and said...
"I know what you mean- if I go to my garage for my car doesn't mean I'm a car"

They both do not go to church and do not read and apply the Bible to their lives...so I asked them to REPENT ...I gave them wristbands to remind them of God's love for them personally through Jesus and suggested specific churches....plus telling them I would enjoy getting together again...they agreed

THANK GOD for HIS OPEN DOORS...are you looking?

TUA looked...then he spoke boldly and humbly!

Witnessing is not THEORETICAL but ACTUAL
...talking about witnessing, studying how to witness... but never witnessing will not cut it!!

Becoming a relaxed, Holy Spirit led, loving witness is where it is at.. John 3:16

Watch 2 videos of Tua:

2- It's fantastic highlights of the Game turning around and Tua's multiple witness

Church Application
On January 31st we'll be having WB training every Wednesday for 5 weeks at our church ...one of the most important goals is for all of us to be prepared in unexpected situations (like Tua) to humbly and boldly in love share our faith in Jesus Christ

Verses like this will guide us...

"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..."
1 Peter 3:15 NIV
