Learn, Innovate, Excel! Our goal with this newsletter is to provide useful information and tips that will help you save time, be more productive, and also reduce risk. This information complements our SE University program, by introducing you to tips on a wide variety of topics affecting structural engineers.
If you have any tips you would like to share as part of a future
Learn, Innovate, Excel newsletter, please email
Lisa Willard or
Brian Quinn.
When designing bracing connections, have you been using a weld ductility factor on welds subjected to shear and transverse loads to allow for adequate redistribution of stresses? Although there have been multiple tests and papers showing the importance of this factor, some engineers are still unaware of its necessity which can result in underperforming bracing connections.
In the February 2018 SEU presentation
Introduction to the Design and Cost of Steel Seismic Connections - Braced Frames, Patrick Fortney, PhD, PE, SE, P.Eng., from the University of Cincinnati reviewed using the uniform force method in braced frame connections and covered the various strength and detailing requirements for braced frames and the associated costs. In his presentation, Pat walked through the design of seismic steel connections, which also included many important thoughts on braced connection design, in general.
Is your company looking to hire student interns? Connect with thousands of engineering students from the nation's top engineering universities through AISC's Student Internships webpage at
www.aisc.org/internships. Through this webpage, students can review available internships and link to appropriate company sites or contacts. AISC provides this as a free service to AISC members as well as the students searching for internships.
Internships are a great way to invest in your company's future by attracting young, talented student engineers who may return as employees upon graduation. Offering internships can help foster connections with local universities and help your company invest in the next generation of engineers. If you would like to advertise your company's student internship, visit
www.aisc.org/internships and complete the form "Post an Internship Opportunity" or contact AISC's University Programs team at universityprograms@aisc.org should you have any additional questions.
SE University began the
SEU Speaker Inspires
program in 2015 as a way to "pay it forward," enabling our speakers to designate a charity/organization of their choice for SE University to make a donation to help improve our world. To learn more about the organizations that SE University speakers have chosen, please read our
SEU Speaker Inspires Blog Posts
Patrick Fortney, PhD, PE, SE, P.Eng., University of Cincinnati |
In January and February of 2018, SE University welcomed back Patrick Fortney, PhD, PE, SE, P.Eng, from the University of Cincinnati, to present Selecting the Appropriate Seismic System for Your Steel Project and Introduction to the Design and Cost of Steel Seismic Connections . In 2017, Patrick nominated Wounded Warrior Project (https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/) for the SEU Speaker Inspires donation, and has chosen to do the same in 2018.
Patrick previously shared why he chose the WWP: "The mission of the Wounded Warrior Project is to honor and empower wounded warriors who incurred a physical or mental injury, illnesses, or wound, co-incident to military service on or after September 11, 2001. As with most veterans, these veterans served our country not out of any political bent or personal goal; they made selfless commitments to protect and preserve the great freedoms that we as Americans enjoy and vowed to resist anyone acting to take our freedoms from us.
The Wounded Warrior Project not only addresses the physical ailments of these veterans but, takes a holistic approach to helping veterans to once again acclimatize to their private and personal lives; addressing issues not only suffered by the veterans but, by their families as well. I encourage everyone to view the testimonials of the wounded veterans and their families to which this charity has served. We cannot overlook or underestimate the sacrifices made by our veterans."
David Odeh, SE, PE, SECB, F.SEI, F.ASCE, Odeh Engineers, Inc. |
David shared about his involvement in SEI Futures Fund: "A few years ago, a group of leaders from SEI got together and created something we called the SEI Vision for the Future of Structural Engineering (
https://www.asce.org/uploadedFiles/visionforthefuture.pdf), which is a strategy to promote leadership and innovation in our profession to make sure that in the future we are the creative leaders that are coming up with the solutions to the great problems that society faces like Urbanization, Climate Change, and Public Health.
The SEI Futures Fund invests in new initiatives that are beyond the scope of the SEI budget, and it does things like fund young engineers and professionals to come to Structures Congress, participate in SEI Standards committees, and learn the leadership skills that will be needed to make sure our profession thrives in the future."
Thank you, Patrick and David, for helping structural engineers with your SE University sessions, and for your designations of the
Wounded Warrior Project and SEI Futures Fund
SEU Speaker Inspires
As we finish the first quarter of 2018, we'd like to remind you that upcoming SE University sessions can be used to help you meet your continuing education requirements - start earning hours now to avoid the last minute rush (of course, if you find yourself needing last minute hours, we can help with recorded sessions from our
SE University Session Archives).
If additional hours are needed, please contact Lisa Willard to discuss how we can help you.
States with license renewals for
engineers on April 30th:
Hawaii (No continuing education required)
New Jersey
States with license renewals for some engineers by April 30th
Kansas (April 30th)
Louisiana (March 31st)
In addition to the states listed above, there are other states that may require renewal based on your initial date of licensure or other rules for that state. Please check your license information to confirm your renewal dates.
For more information about license renewal, please visit our Continuing Education Requirements by State page, where you can click on states in which you are licensed to see the license renewal date, as well as the continuing education requirements for that state. If you would like a complete summary of all 50 states, a PDF file is available for download below the map. This option can also be selected if you are viewing the page from a mobile device.
We hope that you find this information beneficial. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Willard.
On April 18th, we will be welcoming back Matthew R. Rechtien, PE, Senior Assistant City Attorney, City of Ann Arbor, to SE University to present
Engineering Law and Ethics Case Studies. This session will be held from 12:30 - 1:30 pm EDT.
Note: This session will be one hour, and will be one week later than usual due to NASCC.
Handouts and registration emails for this session will be sent to SE University companies on Friday, April 13th.
On May 9th, we will be welcoming Robert Kuserk, PE, from APA - The Engineered Wood Association, to SE University to present
Woof Framing: Best Practices to Avoid Callbacks
. This session will be held from 12:30 - 2:00 pm EDT.
Handouts and registration emails for this session will be sent to SE University companies on Friday, May 4th.
On May 23th, we will be welcoming back Betsy Werra, from E.L.Werra Consulting, LLC, to SE University to present our
SEU BIM Forum: Tips & Tricks in Revit Structure
. This session will be held from 12:30 - 1:30 pm EDT.
Handouts and registration emails for this session will be sent to SE University companies on Friday, May 18th.
Thank you for reading our
Learn, Innovate, Excel Newsletter - we hope you found this information useful. If there are any questions we can answer, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email.
Additionally, if you would be willing to help other structural engineers by sharing tips that you have, please email your tip to
Tips@LearnWithSEU.com. If we choose your tip to publish, you will have your choice of a $50 Amazon gift card or a $50 donation sent to the Structural Engineering Association of your choice.
Your SE University Team
Brian Quinn, P.E. Brian.Quinn@LearnWithSEU.com Lisa Willard, P.E. Lisa.Willard@LearnWithSEU.com Jenny Schultz, P.E. Jenny.Schultz@LearnWithSEU.com Cathleen Jacinto, S.E., P.E. Cathleen.Jacinto@LearnWithSEU.com Linda Benson Linda.Benson@LearnWithSEU.com |
Would you like to read previous Learn, Innovate, Excel Newsletters? Visit our
Newsletter Archives
to select from previous topics.
Coming Soon to SE University
Engineering Law and Ethics Case Studies
Matthew Rechtien, PE
Senior Assistant City Attorney, City of Ann Arbor
This session will be one hour
Topic: Wood Framing: Best Practices to Avoid Callbacks
Robert Kuserk, PE
APA - The Engineered Wood Association
May 23, 2018
SEU BIM Forum: Tips and Tricks in Revit Structure
Betsy Werra
E.L. Werra Consulting
This session will be one hour
For updated session descriptions and schedules, visit the SCHEDULE page.