The church office will be closed on Easter Monday (April 1). | |
Palm Sunday begins the most Holy Week in the church calendar and celebrates Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem. It is a time for Christians to remember to welcome Jesus into their hearts and a reminder of the selfless love Jesus showed by laying down his life for us.
Last Sunday was, therefore, a time for WFPC to welcome 251 in-person attendees at our Palm Sunday worship service. Wow, a 2024 record attendance; only 17 unoccupied seats were observed. Moreover, what a wonderful service; the music was joyous and powerful as was Robert’s reading. I doubt that anyone could have left that service and not felt uplifted.
Today, we all know the pain and darkness of Good Friday will be followed by the joy of the risen Christ on Easter Sunday. Alleluia!!
Dear Lord, look at me, accept my prayer as you accepted Peter's prayer, and let me not run away from you in the night as Judas did. Bless me, Lord, in this Holy Week, and give me the grace to know your loving presence more intimately. Amen.
A happy Easter to all in the WFPC family,
Keith Thomas
Elder, Finance
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Worship at WFPC
Easter Sunday at 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Our Scripture for our 7:00 service comes from John 20:1-18 and Marguerite will share her sermon, "Dazed and Confused."
Our Scripture for our 10:00 service comes from Mark 16:1-8 and Marguerite will share her sermon, "You Have to Wonder."
You can watch our 10:00 service livestreamed our YouTube channel.
A print-at-home version of the 10:00 bulletin can be found here.
Elder on Call: 7:00 Mindy Hidenfelter 10:00 Carol Winans-Geiser
Deacon of the Day: 7:00 Robin Hendricks 10:00 Elizabeth Esguerra
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Easter Sunday at WFPC
March 31 at 7 a.m. in the sanctuary
Join us for our annual Easter Sunrise Service. We’ll be indoors this year because of how early Easter is. This beloved tradition is a shorter, simpler service to celebrate the sunrise discovery of the empty tomb. Note — no nursery care for this service.
March 31, 7:45—9:45 a.m. in the CLC
Come one, come all to break bread with our Risen Lord on Easter morning! Breakfast will be available in the Christian Life Center. Our menu will include a yogurt bar (with a dairy-free option) with various toppings, fruit salad, a variety of bread and pastries (with gluten-free and dairy-free options), French toast casserole, a gluten-free casserole, pork and turkey sausage, and hard-boiled eggs. To offset the cost of the food, love offering baskets will be on each table.
March 31 at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary
We will be celebrating our Risen Lord with a joyous worship service in the sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. Nursery care will be provided for children 4 and younger.
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By Popular Demand
So many folks have requested a presentation on the Sirrines' trip to Hawaii in January, we will host one in the sanctuary following worship on April 28. Let's put the new projection system through its paces with videos and photos of manta rays, whales, volcanoes, and some of the deep and sobering history of the Hawaiian islands. Grab a snack in the narthex and then join us for some sharing and some Q&A.
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Pickleball and Ping Pong
Pickleball and Ping Pong will continue next Sunday, April 7, in the CLC (Christian Life Center) gym. If you have never played, that's okay; come anyway. We have three courts and (two) one-hour sessions. We start at 11:30 a.m. and we wrap up at 1:30 p.m. We also have a ping pong table set up on the stage. All are welcome, bring a friend, or neighbor! Sign up at For more information, reach out to Mike Honkomp at 919-606-7520 or
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Help Wanted
Financial Administrator needed. We are recruiting to replace Amy Simmons' position. Part-time, 20-25 hours per week. Mostly in office, but allows for some work-from-home. Accounting and bookkeeping experience required, specifically Quickbooks Online. Although we don't hire members, we would appreciate referrals. If you know someone you would like to refer and for details, please contact one of our Personnel elders, Harold Panel at or Karen Sperati at 919 389 0211,
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Flowering Cross -- Easter 2024
The Flowering Easter Cross has become a tradition at WFPC. You are invited again this year to bring your own fresh flowers or even silk ones to help decorate the Cross. There will be one cross in the front circle. Please come by any time after 12:00, noon, on Saturday, March 30. The Enhancement Team will create a greenery base, and you may stand before the cross to place your flower(s) upon it with reflection and reverence. Eventually, the cross will be fully covered with colorful flowers. The Cross becomes beautiful, new and alive in celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. Did you know, symbolic flowering crosses can be found in Christian art as early as the Sixth Century?
On Easter Sunday you are invited to come by for family photos. The cross will remain up until mid-week, April 3.
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Rose Garden Dedication
Our Rose Garden Dedication will be held on April 7 after the worship service in the rose garden. Roses will be planted by families of WFPC members that we have lost in the past twelve months: Grace Maul, Marcia Rhoten and Kristin Wills. Join us in the rose garden for a time of remembrance and celebration. (Note – historically this has occurred on Palm Sunday, but we’ve rescheduled it to the first Sunday after Easter.)
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Holy Grounds Update
As the temperatures increase, the desire/need for hot beverages decreases. Therefore, beginning April 1 coffee will not be served after the worship service. Juice, lemonade, and water will still be available.
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Mission and Outreach
Please join us for the 2nd annual Si Seiler Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, April 22! The sign up sheet to play in the tournament is located in the hallway adjacent to the narthex (as you head toward the CLC). If you would like to sponsor a team or make a donation, you can pick up a form there as well. All funds raised will be used in the M&O discretionary fund to advance WFPC’s outreach programs.
Questions? Contact Denny Ide (, 919-971-5909) or Kevin Sharpe (, 919-210-7036). Please come out to support this event. It is really a fun-raiser as everyone has a great time!!! Thank you in advance for your support!
Happy Easter! There will be no garden workday on Saturday, March 30.
Harvests: Strong backs and many hands are needed for our final harvest of cabbage and collards on Tues, April 2. If there’s time, we’ll plant more potatoes and cabbage seedlings.
For More Information: Please call, text or email Pam Schulze (919) 522-3146,
Want to know more about Mission and Outreach at WFPC?
Please contact Kathy Tharrington at or Carol Winans-Geiser at
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Children's Ministries
Hint hint.... VBS registration opens SOON!!!!
Registration for both participants and volunteers will open mid-April, so stay tuned for LOTS of info on our upcoming excellent week together!
VBS Dates
June 23-26, 6-8 p.m.
Family dinner and celebration, June 27
A Look Ahead
April 3 Open Gym and Fire Fellowship (6:00)
April 7 Club 4/5 — Backpack Buddies Packing! (3:00)
April 10 FINAL Open Gym and Fire Fellowship of the season (6:00)
April 25 Potluck dinner and trivia night!
May 3 Classic Car show and movie night on the lawn! (more info to come)
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Youth Ministries
Break for Holy Week/Spring Break
There will be no youth group or youth band on 31. Enjoy Holy Week and spring break. Spend some extra time with family and friends. We will be back on our regular schedule April 7.
Youth Calendar at a Glance:
March31 - No youth group, no confirmation class
April 7 - youth group and youth band
April 14 - youth group and youth band
April 20 - ALS walk
April 21 - Confirmation retreat - 11:00 - 2:00
April 21 - youth group and youth band
Questions about youth ministries? - Contact Janet Briley
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Please join us in offering love and sympathy to:
Michael Smith on the passing of his mother, Kim Fillers, on March 25
Carol Winans-Geiser on the passing of her sister, Evelyn Keller, on March 26
Please keep the following members of our church family in your prayers:
Jody Alston
Don McCorkle
Evelyn Patton
Don and Sally Shupe
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Saturday, March 30
8:00 am Iron Sharpens Iron
Sunday, March 31
7:00 am Sunrise Service
7:45 am Easter Breakfast
10:00 am Worship Service
Monday, April 1
office closed
6:30 pm Facilities Team meeting
7:00 pm Cub Scouts
7:00 pm Boy Scouts
Tuesday, April 2
5:30 pm Glory Tones
6:30 pm Praise Team
Wednesday, April 3
10:00 am Daughters of the King
5:00 pm Alleluia Choir
5:45 pm Grace Notes
6:00 pm Children's Open Gym
6:30 pm Iron Sharpens Iron Wednesdays
7:00 pm Chancel Choir
7:00 pm Fire Fellowship
Thursday, April 4
7:00 pm Outreach Team meeting
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WFPC Finance and Attendance | |
Offerings/Tithes vs Expenses -- February 2024 | |
** Offering includes several members giving total year 2024 pledge in January & February $43,000
March 24, 2024 Attendance: 251
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WFPC Deacons
Class of 2024
Karla Frye, Welcome
Bonnie Habicht, Fellowship
Mike Honkomp, Fellowship
Traci Marchand, Compassion
Class of 2025
Joy Blanton, Compassion
Eric Earle, Welcome
Class of 2026
Elizabeth Esguerra, Fellowship
Robin Hendricks, Branch
Eunice Shankland, Fellowship
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WFPC Session
Class of 2024
John Akerman, Generosity
Joni Amerson, Worship
Harold Panel, Personnel
Kathy Tharrington, Outreach
Keith Thomas, Finance
Class of 2025
Mike Chapman, Facilities
Kathy Drake, Worship
Melinda Keen, Finance
Lisa Solomon, Generosity
Karen Sperati, Personnel
Jacky Wilson, Congregational Life
Carol Winans-Geiser, Outreach
Class of 2026
Andy Dunlap, Congregational Life
Mindy Hidenfelter, Facilities
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Stay in touch with what's happening in New Hope Presbytery by reading their e-news! | | | | |