Friday, March 1, 2024

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Officers' Column

We all strive to be successful in all we do at home, at work, at the church and in our daily life. Seems there is no magic formula to make this happen, but when I think on this, I am reminded of a study guide that was written by Dr. Tony Evans, a pastor, best-selling author and frequent speaker at Bible conferences and seminars. He was also a former chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys. I have borrowed liberally from his book “No More Excuses” where he outlines his “Three Steps to Success.”

Fear and love God! This is not the type of fear you have when you may encounter danger or while watching a thriller at the movies. This is the fear and respect that you have when in the presence of a judge or authority figure that you respect. When this fear and love shows up in your thoughts and actions, God is actually influencing them.

Keep his commandments. God has revealed a number of commandments throughout scripture. We should always strive to obey them. One of the most important is given to us in Matthew 22:37,39. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”


Include God in your planning. Planning is good and important, but excluding God from your planning is a sure way to head in the wrong direction. Including God in your planning means bringing His perspective to bear to all you do. It also leaves room for the Holy Spirit to shift your thinking and your plans midstream!

These three steps can be critical components for being successful in all you do. By following this road map you will hopefully discover a life of purpose and fulfillment you never dreamed possible. Thank you Dr. Evans for sharing this insight to successful living.

Harold Panel

Personnel Elder

Worship at WFPC

Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

This Sunday our Scripture comes from Exodus 20:1-17 and I Corinthians 1:18-25. Marguerite will share her sermon, "Say What?"

You can watch our service livestreamed our YouTube channel.

A print-at-home version of the bulletin can be found here.

Elder on Call: Kathy Tharrington

Deacon of the Day: Joy Blanton

Our Lenten Journey

As we prepare for Easter, we are offering an adult study based on the book Meeting Jesus at the Table by Cynthia M. Campbell and Christine Coy Fohr. Eunice and Sherwood Shankland will guide dialogue and storytelling sessions in B103/B104 from 5-6pm on Sundays, March 3, 10, 17 and 24. We encourage all adults to join in this community fellowship as a special Lenten experience. Come and join us for lively discussions!  


Topics will include:

1. Reflection on how our experience at tables builds our identity as followers of Christ.

2. To recognize again the presence of Christ in the breaking of bread.

3. Strengthening our fellowship as a community of faith.


Book recommended but not required for participation. We ask that you sign up here:


Youth Sunday

Our Youth Sunday service is on March 17 during our 10:00 a.m. worship in the Sanctuary. Our youth have worked hard to plan a very meaningful service. We look forward to seeing you on the 17th! 

Palm Sunday

Holy week starts with Palm Sunday on March 24.  The Chancel Choir will share the path Christ took on his way to Calvary through the spoken and sung word. “The Journey” is a powerful recounting of all He went through for us. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend and let them hear and see all Wake Forest Presbyterian has to offer.  

Thank You, WFPC

I am very thankful for all the support and kindness shown to my family and I during Benny’s illness and passing. There are so many to say thank you to for help with the service and the wonderful reception. This is definitely a church family that gives hope and love.

Bonnie Hoots

...and More Thanks!

The youth of WFPC want to say THANK YOU for coming out to support them in the annual Pancake Breakfast! We hope that you enjoyed the food and fellowship time with our church family! 

Prayers for Our Youth

The New Hope Presbytery high school retreat at Camp Don Lee is this weekend.  Pray for travel mercies and that our high school youth will grow stronger in their faith, closer to God, and to one another.  Please pray for Peyton Berger, Carsyn Blalock, Jackson Briley, Collin Fitzpatrick, Rilynn Fitzpatrick, Mackenzie Gatlin, Grace Hare, Lilly Hare, Ellie Herman, Parker Jarrell, Caroline Kuziak, Max Lewis, Sydney Mazzio, Emma Nesbitt, Jack Ritchie, Nick Valentino, Shannon Blalock, Janet Briley, and Dean Viall.

Annual Report Now Available Online

If you missed the Souper Bowl Lunch and Annual Meeting on February 11, you can now view the PowerPoint from that meeting online. Use this link for a view-only version on Google Slides:

Easter Lilies

If you would like to honor a loved one, living or deceased, we invite you to help sponsor our Easter floral enhancements for the sanctuary. Honorariums/Memorials will be printed on an insert in the Palm Sunday bulletin. Flowers will be available for you to take home following our 10:00 Easter Sunday Service on March 31. Lilies are $13.50 per plant and can be ordered by clicking here. Orders are due March 16.


Amazon Wish List

Our Palm Sunday will look a little different this year, and it’s for ALL ages and stages (stay tuned for more info soon), but one thing will always be present… egg hunts for all!! We have an Amazon wish list for items needed for the egg hunt. It's super simple... click here and send it on to the church! If you'd rather purchase items on your own, there will be labeled collection bins in both the narthex and the CLC for drop off. Questions? Email Katherine Peiper ( THANK YOU and make sure you mark your calendars for Sunday, March 24, 11:00-1:00! 


Mission and Outreach


The 2024 Si Seiler Golf Tournament will take place on Monday, April 22nd. Rain date will be on April 29. Location is Henderson Golf Course. There will be opportunities for single play, team play, and sponsorships. All money raised will go to support Mission and Outreach. Any questions can be directed to Denny Ide at or Kevin Sharpe at More details to follow.


Planting & Harvesting: Onions and lettuces have been planted, and we hope to start planting potatoes next week. We’re continuing to harvest winter crops.

Sunday, March 3, at 2:30 pm: Please join our Ukrainian friends in the garden for this special spring planting day.

Saturday, March 9, 8 am –11 am: Saturday garden work days begin for 2024. Please come when you can within these hours.

Please register on:

For More Information:

Want to know more about Mission and Outreach at WFPC?  

Please contact Kathy Tharrington at or Carol Winans-Geiser at

Children's Ministries

What's Happening in March

3 Club 4/5 (3-4:30) off campus field trip

6 Open Gym and Pizza (6-7 p.m. CLC) 

13 Open Gym and Pizza (6-7 p.m. CLC) 

17 Club 4/5 (3-4:30) egg stuffing and games creation for Palm Sunday

20 Annual Pet Blessing! (5:30 on the lawn) with FIRE FELLOWSHIP following

24 Palm Sunday! Children wave palms in worship

24 Eggstravaganza (11:00) lunch, prayer stations, games, egg hunts for ALL ages! 

31    Easter! 7:00 Sunrise Service, 10:00 Service (no Sunday School)


Youth Ministries

Middle School Youth

Our middle school youth will be working in the Labyrinth and Giving garden on Sunday, March 3rd during youth group.  Bring some work gloves and join us from 4:30 - 6:00.  Drop off and pick up will be in the parking lot to the right of the sanctuary (do not go to the youth room on Sunday).  See you there! 

No High School Youth Group or Band This Sunday

Due to the high school retreat this weekend, we will not have high school youth group or youth band on Sunday, March 3rd.  

Questions about youth ministries? - Contact Janet Briley

Prayer List

Please keep the following members of our church family in your prayers:

Jody Alston

Don McCorkle

Evelyn Patton

Don and Sally Shupe

Please join us in offering love and sympathy to Melodee Fraser and family on the passing of her father, Jerry Kemp, on February 19. Mr. Kemp's obituary can be found here.

WFPC Calendar Highlights

Friday, March 1

6:30 am Son Risers

Saturday, March 2

8:00 am Iron Sharpens Iron

Sunday, March 3

9:00 am Sunday School

10:00 am Worship Service

11:30 am Pickleball and Ping Pong (sign up here)

3:00 pm Club 4/5 (off campus)

4:30 pm Middle School Youth

5:00 pm Lenten Study

Monday, March 4

6:30 pm Facilities Team Meeting

7:00 pm Cub Scouts

7:00 pm Boy Scouts

Tuesday, March 5

Elections in CLC

5:30 pm Glory Tones

6:30 pm Praise Team

Wednesday, March 6

10:00 am Daughters of the King

5:00 pm Alleluia Choir

5:45 pm Grace Notes

6:00 pm Movies & Mission

6:00 pm Children's Open Gym

7:00 pm Chancel Choir

Thursday, March 7

7:00 pm Outreach Team Meeting

WFPC Finance and Attendance

Offerings/Tithes vs Expenses -- January 2024

Jan Month '24

Jan YTD '24

LY Jan YDT '23













** Offering includes several members giving total year 2024 pledge in January - $36,600

February 25, 2024 Attendance: 206

WFPC Deacons

Class of 2024

Karla Frye, Welcome

Bonnie Habicht, Fellowship

Mike Honkomp, Fellowship

Traci Marchand, Compassion

Class of 2025

Joy Blanton, Compassion

Eric Earle, Welcome

Class of 2026

Elizabeth Esguerra, Fellowship

Robin Hendricks, Branch

Eunice Shankland, Fellowship

WFPC Session

Class of 2024

John Akerman, Generosity

Joni Amerson, Worship

Harold Panel, Personnel

Kathy Tharrington, Outreach

Keith Thomas, Finance

Class of 2025

Mike Chapman, Facilities

Kathy Drake, Worship

Melinda Keen, Finance

Lisa Solomon, Generosity

Karen Sperati, Personnel

Jacky Wilson, Congregational Life

Carol Winans-Geiser, Outreach

Class of 2026

Andy Dunlap, Congregational Life

Mindy Hidenfelter, Facilities

Stay in touch with what's happening in New Hope Presbytery by reading their e-news!