Friday, June 7, 2024

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Officers' Column

Officially summer does not start until June 20, but growing up I always felt that summer started the week we celebrated Memorial Day. I’ve always looked forward to summer events like vacations, the beach, and the mountains, (and no school). As I grew older and became more involved in churchwork I discovered that churches curtailed some activities because of family summer vacations, beach trips, etc.

As we “take a break” from church activities like Sunday School and other related events, let us be thankful that GOD never “takes a break” from us. And we must never “take a break” from GOD.

And let us continue to worship GOD and seek HIS guidance and direction as we enjoy the summer season.

Jacky Wilson, elder for Congregational Life

Worship at WFPC

10:00 in the Sanctuary

Our Scripture for this Sunday comes from Genesis 9:18-28 and Ephesians 6:1-9. Marguerite will continue her sermon series on the Matthew 25 Intiative with her sermon, "Glory and Honor."

Our service is livestreamed on our YouTube channel:

Print an at-home bulletin here

Elder on Call: Carol Winans-Geiser

Deacon of the Day: Robin Hendricks

Worship Team June 9

The Worship Ministry team will meet on Sunday, June 9, immediately after worship and the congregational meeting in room A128 in the main building. If you are interested in helping plan worship at WFPC or if you have feedback or would like to discuss our summer sermon series on our denomination’s Matthew 25 initiative, we welcome you to attend.

Congregational Meeting June 9

WFPC Session has called a Congregational Meeting following worship on June 9 for the purpose of electing Marty Wakefield as Generosity Elder to fulfill the remainder of John Akerman’s 2024 term. Session has accepted, with regret, John’s resignation due to health concerns.

Resources for Sermon Series (Some New Books Listed!)

If you want to learn more about the roots of structural racism through the lens of North Carolina authors who wrote as formerly enslaved Americans, Rev. Marguerite recommends Wilmington native David Walker's landmark work, David Walker's Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World, and very expressly to those of the United States of America; and a recently discovered manuscript by Edenton native John Swason Jacobs who escaped and published abroad: A True Story of Slavery: The United States Governed by 600,000 Despots. The book Rev. Marguerite referenced in her June 2 sermon is What Kind of Christianity: A History of Slavery and Anti-Black Racism in the Presbyterian Church by William Yoo. These authors will likely challenge your ideas of the PCUSA and the USA — so read only if you like a challenge!

Rev. Marguerite will tie in one sermon per month to a book that links to the series theme of Matthew 25 ( If you want to get a jump start on reading the books, these are the titles (two novels, one non-fiction):

June 16 — The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb

July 21 — Lila by Marilynne Robinson

August 4 — Another Way: Living and Leading Change on Purpose by Stephen Lewis, Matthew Wesley Williams, Dori Grinenko Baker.

All these titles are available for less than $20 each from the usual online book retailers. Discussion of the sermon and book will be held in the sanctuary after each service featuring a book. All are welcome. — Your Worship Team 

The Officer Nominating Team (ONT) Wants to Hear from You!

The ONT of WFPC has begun the process of seeking those who are called to serve WFPC as Deacons and Elders for this time in the life of our church, for a two-year term beginning in January 2025. The ONT is seeking names from the congregation for those with the passion, skills, and experience for building up the community and helping to lead our ministries. All recommendations are appreciated and will be considered, but recommending a name to the Nominating Team does not mean they will be selected to serve at this particular time in the life of the church. Deadline for nominations will be June 30th. Names can be submitted online clicking here and entering your nominations.

Premise Keepers June 15

The next Premise Keepers gathering will take place on Saturday, June 15. We will work on mostly outdoor projects around the church property. Join us at 8:00 a.m. in the CLC for breakfast and fellowship before we get started. No experience is necessary, and all are welcome. Please note: Premise Keepers will be taking a break during the month of July. Please contact Mindy Hidenfelter and Mike Chapman at with any questions.

VBS Donations

Want to help out with VBS but perhaps can't volunteer that week? Check out the two giving options below!

This is our Amazon wish list for VBS this year  

OR, donate money to help cover t-shirts for all our participants and volunteers!

Mission and Outreach


Do you love roses and enjoy spending time outdoors? We are looking for volunteers to help us sustain and beautify our stunning remembrance space at WFPC. The rose garden needs regular maintenance to encourage the growth of healthy roses for years to come. Pruning old blooms is one of the key factors in promoting new buds, strengthening the plants, and preventing disease.

If you have any questions, please contact Joy Blanton at or 919.812.2915; or Traci Marchand via text or call at 919.271.2714 Thank you!

Please join us and volunteer through this SignUpGenius link:


A huge thanks to those who participated in so many ways for our WFPC Blood Drive on June 2. We collected 23 units of blood, which will be used in local hospitals for more than 65 medical procedures! While the number of donors is less than we’ve seen previously, the donation process continues to improve, and we look forward to growing donor numbers substantially for the September Blood Drive.

Donors received gift cards (access your TBC account to make a gift card selection) and a contribution will be made to WFPC Outreach from The Blood Connection based on the number of pints donated. We continue to work with The Blood Connection and a new way to conduct the drive. Apheresis machines were available and total donation time was generally 30 minutes.

This effort was supported by many volunteers who made phone calls, baked great treats, purchased drinks and snacks, and were there on Sunday to support donors. Thank you!

If you have any feedback or ideas to improve our future blood drives, please respond to the survey you may have received in an email from The Blood Connection, or send a quick message to Gary Skinner at The next Blood Drive is scheduled on Sunday, September 29, 2024. 


Join us in the garden to plant, water, and mulch on our regularly scheduled work days! If you sign up via SignUpGenius, we will notify you of any changes in plans due to weather, etc.

Regular Garden Workdays: Tuesdays & Saturdays, 8 -11 am. Please register on


For More Information, contact Pam Schulze at (919)-522-3146 or



Backpack Buddies: We will be having a packing event on Saturday June 8th. We will be packing bags for the summer so we will need a lot of help! Please come out and join us in the red mod at 9:30. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!

Want to know more about Mission and Outreach at WFPC?  

Please contact Kathy Tharrington at or Carol Winans-Geiser at

Children's Ministries


VBS is closer than you think, so register for your children to participate, and for volunteer opportunities NOW. Our theme this year is Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs. A quick overview: participants will explore what all living things need to live —shelter, food, water, air, and community — and how they can have compassion for the living earth! Psalm 104 is the grounding scripture for the week, and each night other scripture will be woven into the nightly theme. It will be an AWESOME week together, and we can’t wait to see all of you!! June 23-26, 6-8 p.m. Family Dinner and Celebration on June 27! Must be 4 years old by June 23.

Youth Ministries


This summer we will have two Sundays where we will commission the youth and adults that are participating in faith formation retreats. Join us to help pray for our Massanetta team on June 16th at worship, and join us to pray for the Montreat team on July 14th at worship. Closer to the trip dates, we will share names of those participating in each trip so that you can pray specifically for those individuals.  

Prayer List

Please keep the following members of our church family in your prayers:

Jody Alston

Don McCorkle

Dan Root

WFPC Calendar Highlights

Friday, June 7

6:15 am SonRisers

Saturday, June 8

8:00 am Iron Sharpens Irons

8:00 am Garden Workday

9:30 am Backpack Buddy Packing

Sunday, June 9

10:00 am Worship Service

11:00 am Worship Team Meeting

11:30 am Pickleball and Ping Pong

Monday, June 10

7:00 pm Boy Scouts

Tuesday, June 11

5:30 pm Glory Tones

6:30 pm Praise Team

Wednesday, June 12

10:00 am WOW Nurture Freezer

5:45 pm Grace Notes

6:30 pm Iron Sharpens Iron

7:00 pm Chancel Choir

WFPC Finance and Attendance

Offerings/Tithes vs Expenses -- May 2024

May Month '24

May YTD '24

LY May YDT '23













** Offering includes several members giving total year 2024 pledge in January & February $43,000

***YTD 2024 Expenses are lower than in 2023 because personnel expenses do not include Associate Pastor and Financial Administrator salaries

****May expenses include a $10,000 HVAC replacement cost (unbudgeted)

June 2, 2024 Attendance: 215

WFPC Deacons

Class of 2024

Karla Frye, Welcome

Bonnie Habicht, Fellowship

Mike Honkomp, Fellowship

Traci Marchand, Compassion

Class of 2025

Joy Blanton, Compassion

Eric Earle, Welcome

Class of 2026

Elizabeth Esguerra, Fellowship

Robin Hendricks, Branch

Eunice Shankland, Fellowship

WFPC Session

Class of 2024

Joni Amerson, Worship

Harold Panel, Personnel

Kathy Tharrington, Outreach

Keith Thomas, Finance

Class of 2025

Mike Chapman, Facilities

Kathy Drake, Worship

Melinda Keen, Finance

Lisa Solomon, Generosity

Karen Sperati, Personnel

Jacky Wilson, Congregational Life

Carol Winans-Geiser, Outreach

Class of 2026

Andy Dunlap, Congregational Life

Mindy Hidenfelter, Facilities

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