Friday, April 12, 2024

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Officers' Column

“All In For Life”

Are you satisfied ? Do you give it your best shot with everything you do ? Do you often second-guess yourself ? Try going ALL IN! Your daily routine commands your attention in so many different ways. Your kids, your spouse or significant other, your pets, your friends, work and church. Everything asks for a piece of you on the regular. Some may require more than others… kids for example. Trying to be fair and equitable doesn’t always mean everything is exactly the same. Some just require more care, guidance and supervision, regardless of their ages. Work may require more from you on a Monday than on Friday…

What does this have to do with ALL IN? Well, going All In FOR LIFE allows you to give your all… in everything you do. Give your focus to the person you’re speaking with -- 100% attention without allowing the distractions to prevent you from hearing what they have to say. Go the extra mile to listen a little better and a little more, give the extra effort to work a little harder. Go above and beyond the ask. Study a little harder. Ask for help even though you think you could probably get by without it. Help someone even though you think they will be OK on their own. Stop to hold the door for someone. Practice random acts of kindness as often as you are able. Most of these things might take mere seconds or perhaps add only a few minutes to your routine. But, at the end of the day, after doing these things., maybe you’ll answer the questions that we started with a little differently. Give everything your best.

The important thing to note is balance. I’m not saying to work an 80-hour week. It’s a task by task effort. If your child or grandchild or even a parent, sibling or friend asks to play or hang out or just to play a little longer, make the extra effort. Harness that extra patience and make the most of it. Be Present and ALL IN. You never know if you’ll get the chance again. I’m simply saying just make the effort so if you’re asked “Did your give it your all?” You can say “YES! Yes, I did and I feel great about it.” Others influenced by you will feel better too. It’s infectious, but in a GREAT WAY! My expectation is that you will feel better, you will be more motivated and your impacts of going All IN will have countless and amazing effects on others. You only have one life. Live it, enjoy it and make a positive impact on others with every chance you get. 

Give liberally and be ungrudging when you do so, for on this account the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. (Deuteronomy 15:10)

Michael A. Chapman

Elder for Facilities

Worship at WFPC

Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

Our Scripture for our 10:00 service comes from Psalm 23 and Matthew 14:22-27. Marguerite Sirrine will share her sermon, "Spirited."

You can watch our 10:00 service livestreamed our YouTube channel.

A print-at-home version of the 10:00 bulletin can be found here.

Elder on Call: Mike Chapman

Deacon of the Day: Traci Marchand

"Spiritual and Religious" Sermon Series

For the Sundays Rev. Sirrine is preaching from Eastertide to Pentecost, she will present a sermon series exploring the "I'm spiritual, not religious" approach to the spiritual life. Are church-going people religious, not spiritual? Are people who don't go to church more spiritual than those who do? What is even meant by being spiritual or religious, and is spiritual always better? Join us for worship April 14 - May 19 for a spirited exploration of these questions and more!

Earth Sunday on April 21

Brunch Church

Join us for Earth Sunday Brunch Church on April 21! To kick off this special morning, all are welcome to gather in the CLC at 9:30 a.m. to share in an earth-conscious meal of vegan pancakes, spiced fruit, overnight oats, sweet potato bake, vegetable fritters, and other delicious dishes prepared by the Fellowship & Events volunteers. We will then give thanks through creative and interactive worship for the gift of God’s amazing creation through prayer, scripture, and song. There will even be a special craft activity for children. Feel free to dress in blue, green, or brown to celebrate the beauty of the earth’s water, plants, and soil!  

EV Expo

We're searching for electric vehicles (EVs) for an Earth Sunday Expo! As we celebrate Earth Day Sunday and taking care of God's creation in some creative ways, we'd love to share how EVs can help improve fuel economy, lower fuel costs, and reduce emissions, as compared to traditional gas-powered vehicles. If you own an EV and would like to show and talk about it, we would love to include you. Vehicles would need to arrive at the WFPC lower CLC lot at 9:15 am and park in designated spaces. The Expo will begin immediately following the 10 am worship service.

Please contact Mindy Hidenfelter at by April 15 if you are interested in signing up to display your EV (e-bikes, e-mowers, etc. also welcome) at WFPC on Earth Sunday.

Premise Keepers Gathering April 20

The next Premise Keepers gathering will take place on Saturday, April 20. We will work on several indoor and outdoor projects throughout the church property. Join us at 8:00 a.m. in the CLC for breakfast and fellowship before we get started. No experience is necessary, and all are welcome. Please contact Mindy Hidenfelter and Mike Chapman at with any questions.

Shared Fellowship Dinner - April 25 and More

Put your trivia cap on, bring a dish or two to share, and join us for our Shared Fellowship Dinner on April 25th. We will eat at 6:00 p.m., and our Trivia Contest will begin around 6:20 p.m. If you have special dietary needs please feel free to bring your own meal — we want you to attend.

The next and last spring Shared Fellowship Dinner will be May 23 when we will rejoice with and be entertained by our Hand Bells.

Calling All Graduating Seniors (high school and college)

We want to celebrate you! Send Janet a picture along with information about your next steps...where are you graduating from? Are you going to college (if so, where)? What is your major? Do you have a job lined up? Grad school? Gap year? We want to know what you are looking forward to! Send Janet your picture and information by May 5th to We also want to celebrate you at our “Graduate Recognition” on Sunday, May 19, during our worship service at 10:00 a.m. Wear your cap and gown, bring your families, and let’s celebrate your achievements! When you email Janet your information, let her know if you will be able to come to the service, so we will know how many graduates to expect. We look forward to seeing you on May 19!! 

Join Us in Congratulating Armin Harrell!

Armin will be awarded New Hope Presbytery's Older Adult Award in a ceremony on May 19 at First Presbyterian Church in Rocky Mount, NC. The WFPC Session nominated Armin for years of dedication to so many areas of ministry: food insecurity, Stephen Ministry, helping the church office, and so many "behind the scenes" accomplishments that make WFPC mission and ministry work well. Please join the Session in congratulating Armin, and all friends and family are invited to the recognition ceremony on May 19. It is a truly inspiring service to hear the accomplishments of such dedicated disciples. Thank you Armin, well done good and faithful servant.

Playground "Fun"draiser

Please consider making a donation to benefit the Playground Fund. All gifts will go toward replacing the 22-year-old play structure as Phase 1 of the Playground Refurbishment Project. The main playground serves the families of Wake Forest Presbyterian Church as well as our community. No gift is too small, and all contributions are tax deductible. Donations can be made by visiting: Please check progress each week as the preschool children color in a “Goal Slide” posted to the preschool bulletin board on the Children's Ministry Hall. Please reach out to the preschool office with any questions (919-488-1820).

Dementia Caregiver Class

Both the in-person and the Zoom classes will be held on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. The in-person class will be held in Room B017 of the CLC from 10:00 a.m. until noon. The Zoom class will be held from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. The topic for April is Improving Communication with the Person Living with Dementia. This class addresses practical things you can do to create better communication with your loved one who lives with dementia which, in return, reduces stress for both of you.

Classes are open to anyone who is interested in learning more about care for individuals with any type of dementia. Those who wish to attend the Zoom class and are not already on our mailing list may contact Pat Snyder via email ( to receive a link for the class. 

Snack Time!

The fellowship team is looking for some fine volunteers to provide and serve snack and beverage on Sunday morning for May through August. Cookies, muffins, anything homemade — all are enjoyed by our members while they fellowship with each other after the service. To sign up for a Sunday, click here:


By Popular Demand

So many folks have requested a presentation on the Sirrines' trip to Hawaii in January, we will host one in the sanctuary following worship on April 28. Let's put the new projection system through its paces with videos and photos of manta rays, whales, volcanoes, and some of the deep and sobering history of the Hawaiian islands. Grab a snack in the narthex and then join us for some sharing and some Q&A. 

Mission and Outreach


This is the final weekend to sign up to come and join in the fun!! 

Please join us for the 2nd annual Si Seiler Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, April 22! We are a few people short of having 8 teams. Come and round out the team! The sign up sheets to play in the tournament will be located on an easel in the narthex. If you would like to sponsor a team or make a donation, you can pick up a form in the sanctuary building. All funds raised will be used in the M&O discretionary fund to advance WFPC’s outreach programs.  

Questions? Contact Denny Ide (, 919-971-5909) or Kevin Sharpe (, 919-210-7036). Please come out to support this event — it will be a “fun”-raiser as we have a great time raising money for a good cause! Thank you in advance for your support!


The Northern Community Food Security Team met for the first time on the WFPC campus on Tuesday. We made new connections with local leaders who are working with programs that focus on decreasing food insecurity in our community. We highlighted all of the WFPC ministries that have been working toward this end for several years. After the meeting, team members toured the garden and helped plant tomato seeds in starter containers.

Tomato Planting Saturday, 4/13, 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. Many hands are needed to plant, stake, and mulch seedlings. Please register on SignUpGenius so we can let you know of any weather-related schedule changes.


For More Information, contact Pam Schulze at (919)-522-3146 or



The week of April 29 has been designated as the week this Spring to conduct mission work within our community or nearby. There are two opportunities if you are interested in seeing what this ministry is all about and getting to know some of the team members. A couple of our guys have been assisting another church and others in the Franklinton community to provide safe, secure housing for a family in need. There has been a mobile home donated to this family, but it needs a lot of work; if you are handy in construction or have other skills you would like to offer, please let us know as soon as possible. (No experience required as there will be jobs for everyone!) Some of the projects are interior and exterior painting, replace flooring, replace a light fixture, repair sheetrock, build deck/stairs, and install sheeting beneath the home after insulation is installed. Randy Parrish is the leader on this project, so if you have any questions, please reach out to him at

The second project is on the campus of WFPC. In October, our group installed gates on the

fences around the Memorial Rose Garden, and it is time to paint those gates, plus other

small projects of the same nature. If you can help on either of these projects – for one

day, two days, or all five days – please email Judy Finch (Ide) at


Our next packing event is scheduled for Saturday, April 13 at 9:30 in the Red Mod. We are currently supplying 260 bags a month to three local schools, so all hands are needed! Contact Heather Wheeler at with any questions related to volunteering. See you there!

Want to know more about Mission and Outreach at WFPC?  

Please contact Kathy Tharrington at or Carol Winans-Geiser at

Children's Ministries

Hint hint.... VBS registration opens SOON!!!! 

Registration for both participants and volunteers will open mid-April, so stay tuned for LOTS of info on our upcoming excellent week together! 

VBS Dates

June 23-26, 6-8 p.m.

Family dinner and celebration, June 27

A Look Ahead

April 25 Potluck dinner and trivia night!

May 3 Classic Car show and movie night on the lawn! (more info to come)

Youth Ministries

Youth Activities on Sunday!

Youth group and youth band will meet as usual on Sunday, April 14.  We look forward to seeing you there!!

Middle School youth group - 4:30 - 6:00 (start in the youth room, end in the CLC gym)

High School youth group - 6:00 - 7:30 (start in the youth room, end in the CLC gym)

Youth band - 7:30 - 8:30 (CLC gym)

Youth calendar at a glance:

April 14 - youth group and youth band

April 20 - ALS walk

April 21 - Confirmation retreat - 11:00 - 2:00

April 21 - youth group and youth band

April 28 - youth group and youth band (Senior celebrations at high school youth group!)

Questions about youth ministries? - Contact Janet Briley

Prayer List

Please join us in offering love and sympathy to:

John Akerman and family on the passing of his mother, Orfa Akerman, on April 5. The obituary can be found here.

David Briley and family on the passing of his mother, Marcie Briley, on April 10. The service will be held at 2:00 on Saturday, April 13, at Highland Methodist Church in Raleigh with visitation following. The obituary will be found here when available.

Please keep the following members of our church family in your prayers:

Jody Alston

Don McCorkle

Evelyn Patton

Dan Root

Don and Sally Shupe

WFPC Calendar Highlights

Friday, April 12

6:15 am SonRisers

Saturday, April 13

8:00 am Iron Sharpens Iron

8:00 am Giving Garden Tomato Planting

9:30 am Backpack Buddy Packing

Sunday, April 14

10:00 am Worship Service

11:00 am Tell Me More

11:30 am Pickleball and Ping Pong

4:30 pm Middle School Youth Group

6:00 pm High School Youth Group

7:00 pm Youth Band

Monday, April 15

7:00 pm Cub Scouts

7:00 pm Boy Scouts

7:00 pm Session Meeting

Tuesday, April 16

5:30 pm Glory Tones

6:30 pm Praise Team

7:00 pm Stephen Ministry

Wednesday, April 17

10:00 am Dementia Caregivers

10:00 am Daughters of the King

5:00 pm Alleluia Choir

5:45 pm Grace Notes

6:30 pm Iron Sharpens Iron Wednesdays

7:00 pm Chancel Choir

WFPC Finance and Attendance

Offerings/Tithes vs Expenses -- March 2024

Mar Month '24

Mar YTD '24

LY Mar YDT '23













** Offering includes several members giving total year 2024 pledge in January & February $43,000

April 7, 2024 Attendance: 202

WFPC Deacons

Class of 2024

Karla Frye, Welcome

Bonnie Habicht, Fellowship

Mike Honkomp, Fellowship

Traci Marchand, Compassion

Class of 2025

Joy Blanton, Compassion

Eric Earle, Welcome

Class of 2026

Elizabeth Esguerra, Fellowship

Robin Hendricks, Branch

Eunice Shankland, Fellowship

WFPC Session

Class of 2024

John Akerman, Generosity

Joni Amerson, Worship

Harold Panel, Personnel

Kathy Tharrington, Outreach

Keith Thomas, Finance

Class of 2025

Mike Chapman, Facilities

Kathy Drake, Worship

Melinda Keen, Finance

Lisa Solomon, Generosity

Karen Sperati, Personnel

Jacky Wilson, Congregational Life

Carol Winans-Geiser, Outreach

Class of 2026

Andy Dunlap, Congregational Life

Mindy Hidenfelter, Facilities

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