Clean Water Services logo in black and blue
Image of a wave shape in blue

Don't Fear Our Flare!

Have you ever noticed a flame in the distance near Rood Bridge Park or Cook Park? Local fire departments sometimes get concerned calls about those flames, but they are there for a very good reason and are part of normal operations. These callers are likely seeing this flare, which burns excess methane produced by microorganisms during the wastewater treatment process. Most of the gas actually helps power our facilities. The remaining methane is burned off in order to keep powerful greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere. So, the next time you see one of our flames, don't be alarmed– and definitely don't call 911.


Leave Your Leaves, or Leave 'em With Us!

Got leaves? Drop them off with us! We all have a role to play in keeping fall leaves from clogging up our neighborhood storm drains and streets. Bring your leaves to one or more of these convenient events, or save yourself the trip and leave your leaves in your yard. Natural compost benefits your lawn and garden, provides winter habitat for beneficial species, and protects against clogged drains and flooding.

If you plan on dropping off leaves at one of our leaf disposal events, here's what you should know:

  • Leaves, pine needles, and grass clippings are accepted
  • Bring debris loose or in a paper bag (no plastic)
  • Please limit debris to 50 pounds per bag
  • Program is for residents, not commercial operations
  • We will also be collecting monetary and food donations for local food banks

CWS Demonstrates Skill and Expertise at Operations Challenge

Huge congrats to our two teams of employees who competed in this year’s Operations Challenge. Nicknamed the "Wastewater Olympics", the Operations Challenge demonstrates what goes on behind the scenes at water resource recovery facilities and highlights the skills of wastewater collection and treatment professionals in the areas of collection systems, laboratory, process control, maintenance, and safety. Team Poopa Troopa and Team River Rangers practiced for weeks before competing at the regional event in Tacoma last month, and at the national stage in Chicago earlier this month.

Team Poopa Troopa won first in their division at the national competition!

We are always excited to share the accomplishments of our employees. If this sounds like a work force you'd like to be a part of, check out our careers page.

Image of a wave shape in blue
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