President proposes changes at Health and Labor Departments

President Donald Trump released a government reform plan titled "Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century: Reform Plan and Reorganization Recommendations" that would rename the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to the Department of Health and Public Welfare. 

The plan would also combine the U.S.  Departments of Labor and Education and calls for moving USDA housing programs to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  In addition, a new Council on Public Assistance, including all agencies that administer public benefits, would be given statutory authority to set cross-program policies, including uniform work requirements for benefits. 

Read the full McKnight article by clicking here.
Medicare Long-Term Care Services and Supports Act of 2018

U.S. Congressman Frank Pallone Jr. (D-NJ) proposed legislation that would create a federal program within Medicare to support those with substantial long-term care costs.   Pallone had discussed the idea in early May at a New Jersey roundtable with aging services providers and advocates for those with disabilities.  

Doug Struyk,  President & CEO of Christian Health Care Center, participated in the roundtable on behalf of LeadingAge New Jersey.   P allone's proposed bill, the Medicare Long-Term Care Services and Supports Act of 2018 includes:
  • A standard cash benefit within Medicare for anyone who is eligible for Medicare and those aged fewer than 65 years who meet certain disability thresholds. The benefit would begin after a two-year waiting period that functions as a deductible. The discussion draft of the proposal also solicits comments on a potential cash deductible alternative for certain beneficiaries.
  • A self-directed benefit that could be used toward all long-term services and supports, including personal care services, home health aide services, transportation, assistance provided by a family caregiver, nursing home care and adult day programs.
  • Incentives for people to seek care at home but also available for nursing homes.
  • Relief for family caregivers in the form of respite care coverage.
Read the full McKnight article by clicking  here.

Click here for a copy of LeadingAge's comments.
Have housing-related questions?

LeadingAge New Jersey's (LANJ) strategic partnership with The Compass Group, LLC ("Compass") is a valuable resource available exclusively to our members.  Compass specializes in affordable housing, policy, finance, and asset management, serving clients nationwide.  

Dao Degnan, LANJ's primary housing consultant, joined Compass in the fall of 2017 after serving HUD as a Chief of Asset Management.  LANJ members have many options to raise  and address project specific concerns or challenges that have an impact on the LANJ community as a whole.  

Take advantage of our partnership and resources.  For further assistance, contact Dao directly at
Events & Updates
New Jersey Alliance for Culture Change -  Connect Forum
November 1, 2018

The New Jersey Alliance for Culture Change (NJACC) is soliciting applications for Best Practice Presentations to be presented at the NJACC Connect Forum on November 1, 2018 held at Rutgers University - Douglass Student Center in New Brunswick.  

   For more information, click  here.
The Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act

On April 24, 2018, Governor Phil Murphy signed the "Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act" that makes changes to combat pay discrimination.  The law will go into effect on July 1, 2018.  Attached is a brief fact sheet that is intended for general information purposes only.  

If you have any questions, please consult with your respective knowledgeable human resources and legal departments. 

Click  here  for the Diane B. Allen Factsheet.

Click  here  for the Diane B. Allen Act.
The AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use
A National Program for Antibiotic Stewardship

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) created the AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use to develop and implement a bundle of interventions designed to improve antibiotic stewardship and antibiotic prescribing practices across acute care, long-term care, and ambulatory care facilities across the United States. 

Starting in July, long-term care facilities can register for the program - facilities that join will support efforts to accomplish the following:
  • Develop and enhance antibiotic stewardship efforts
  • Reduce unnecessary antibiotic use
  • Reduce Clostridium difficile infection rates
  • Enhance teamwork and communication around antibiotic prescribing
  • Improve resident and family satisfaction
  • Improve compliance with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' antibiotic stewardship requirements
Click here to learn more.  
Policy & Advocacy
We are your voice, advocating for you collectively and individually.  Our goal is to ensure that our members' best interests are advanced at all levels of government.  The list below are among the important legislative matters tracked by LeadingAge New Jersey.
S-2679/A-2442 (Singer/Benson) - Establishes reciprocity requirements for out-of-State certified nurse aides and personal care assistants to practice in New Jersey. 

Senator Robert Singer (LD-30), a member of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee and Assemblyman Daniel Benson (LD-14), a member of the Assembly Health and Senior Services Committee introduced legislation that establishes reciprocity requirements for out-of-State certified nurse aides (CNA) and personal care assistants to practice in New Jersey. 

On June 21, 2018, LeadingAge New Jersey (LANJ) urged Chairmen Joseph Vitale (LD-19) and Assemblyman Herb Conaway (LD-7) to support  S-2679/A-2442 that addresses the CNA workforce crisis by creating a seamless, accessible pathway for out-of-State CNAs to practice in New Jersey.

Click  here  for a copy of LANJ's letter. 

S-538 (Oroho) - Concerns long term tax exemptions on certain age-restricted low-income housing.

Senators Steven Oroho (LD-24) and Brian Stack's (LD-33) legislation,  S-538 that concerns long term tax exemptions on certain age-restricted low-income housing, was considered by the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee on Monday, June 25.  LeadingAge New Jersey's President & CEO James McCracken testified before the committee in support of the legislation's efforts.

The bill was released from committee with amendments and referred to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee for further consideration.  

Click  here for a copy of LANJ's testimony.
Click  here for a copy of S-538.

S-1532/A-2747 (Bateman/Houghtaling) - Limits time continuing care retirement communities may retain refundable entrance fee after resident vacates facility; provides for disposition of certain personal property.

On June 25, LeadingAge New Jersey President & CEO James McCracken testified before the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee in support of legislation sponsored by Senator Kip Bateman (LD-16) that  limits time continuing care retirement communities may retain refundable entrance fees after a resident vacates facility and provides for disposition of certain personal property.

The committee amended the bill and omitted a provision that allows for a facility to continue to impose monthly fees for up to 90-days after the date the unit was vacated.   S-1532 was released from committee and now awaits further consideration.  

The Assembly counterpart, A-2747, is scheduled for a full vote before the Assembly Friday, June 29.

Click  here for a copy of S-1532.
|  LeadingAge New Jersey  |  609-452-1161  |