Synod Assembly will be May 3rd through the 5th in Corpus Christi. Leaders are busy preparing the agenda and reports, all important for a healthy organization.
Joining together in prayer is also vital to the health of the church. Through prayer, God's voice speaks louder than ours, encouraging us to be carriers of God's love with each other and in the world. Prayer moves us past our absolutes and egocentric tendencies, paving the way for God's vision to emerge.
As a spiritual practice, I have been praying the following prayer by Mirrabi Starr every day for two weeks to prepare for the synod assembly. I invite you to pray with me, watch, and wait for God's Spirit to intercede.
Holy One of all people,
ease the lines we have drawn to separate us,
nation from nation,
tribe against tribe,
(congregation against congregation)
Melt our frozen hearts,
so that we can love again.
Filled with the Holy Spirit
who flows in your wake,
how can we possibly make war against our brothers and sisters?
Safe in your embrace,
how could we hold onto any concept of "other"?
Blessed One,
we join our voice with yours,
that your message of peace and justice
may penetrate the troubled minds of all leaders.
May your love be our guide
as new life springs from our doors, flung open to all the world.