MARCH  2016

Heroes are ordinary people who give their lives to causes bigger than themselves. To show our gratitude, Optimist International has created the "Honoring Our Heroes" program to run from March 1 to June 30. During the next four months, Optimist Clubs that add a Member from one of these three "Optimist Hero" categories - educators, public safety officers, and active duty military personnel or veterans - may add a second Member from one of these categories without paying International dues for the first year.  To learn more about the "Honoring Our Heroes" program, click here .
Do You Want to Be a Stronger and More Optimistic Leader?

Where can you find exceptional leadership training and a chance to network with other Optimists all in one place?  The answer is simple - an Optimism Summit & Regional Conference!  A variety of interesting and engaging leadership topics will be presented by Certified International Trainers at each location, including:
  • The Value Proposition: What's in it for me?
  • Sowing the Seeds of Optimism
  • Maximizing Your Star Power
  • Health Maintenance for Clubs
  • And more!
Click here to register for an Optimism Summit & Regional Conference near you!
Register for Convention Online

Online registration for the 98th Annual Optimist International Convention in Quebec City is now open! Rediscover Optimism with fellow Optimists from around the world June 30-July 2. 

For all convention information, including online registration, click here.
Live from the Board Room

The International Board's next meeting - Friday, April 1 - will be streaming live hereThe meeting will take place at the Optimist International headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri.
Optimist International Oratorical World Championships Contest

The new Optimist International Oratorical World Championships Contest will be June 23-24 at Saint Louis University Center of Global Citizenship in St. Louis, Missouri. The event is designed to empower youth to become effective communicators and confident global citizens. The deadline to submit your District winner is May 15.
Are you looking for a simple way to give the gift of higher education and help youth reach their full potential? Donate to the Optimist International Oratorical World Championships Contest here. Share the link on your social media accounts to encourage non-Optimists to donate.

Optimist International's Board of Directors has set a goal of 100,000 Members by the organization's 100th year in 2019. Your Club is urged to do its part in setting its own goal of increasing its membership between now and our 100 Year Anniversary. Help assure that your Club will be "Bring Out the Best" well into the future.
Upcoming Events:
February through May, 2016 

April 1, 2016 (St. Louis, MO) 

June 23-24, 2016 (St. Louis, MO)

June 30-July 2, 2016 (Quebec City, QC) 
July 3-5, 2016 (Quebec City, QC)

July 20-Aug 4, 2016 (Palm Beach Gardens, FL)
Top Clubs by Membership
Each Member effectively impacts the lives of 35 children a year.  How many is your Club reaching?

5. BFT-WARSAW, IN (186)
6. BOYERTOWN, PA (180)
7. HIGHLAND, IL (163)
10. WAUSAU, WI (144)

*Membership numbers as of Tuesday, March 1, 2016


U nited States & Caribbean:

If you have any comments, concerns or suggestions for the International Board of Directors, please send to
JOOI Growth
Since October 1, 2015, 22 JOOI Clubs and 343 Members have joined the organization. 

Con gratulations to JOOI and the Optimist Clubs sponsoring the new  Clubs and Members! 

For more information about JOOI or if you have questions about starting a JOOI Club, click here.
International Candidate Qualifications Committee 
Announces Its Nominees

The Optimist International Candidate Qualifications Committee has announced that it has nominated the following individuals for International office in 2016-17. Please note that the deadline for self-nominations for President-Elect, At Large Board Director-Elect, and Vice President-Elect is April 1.  Qualified candidates who are properly nominated on or before April 1 will also be added to the slate of officers to be placed into nomination for online voting.
President-Elect Nominee:
Nick Prillaman

Vice Presidents-Elect Nominees:
Region 1 Northeast & Great Lakes -  Robert McFadyen
Region 2 Southeast - Hal Sewell
Region 3 Mid-Atlantic - Lou Anna Hardee
Region 4 Middle America - Kathy Underwood
Region 5  Great Plains - Roger Lesofski
Region 6  Southwest - TBD
Region 7  West Coast - James Pekney
Region 8 St. Lawrence -  Robert Doyle
Board Director at Large Nominees (listed in alphabetical order):
Nicole Paquette
Mark Weinsoff

Continue to check for updates, including the Region 6 Southwest nominee. 
What are Your Plans for Optimists in Action Month?

With spring right around the corner, your Club should be thinking
ahead to Optimists in Action Month.  We want to hear what you have planned so that we can share your Club's ideas with other Optimists!  Post information about your Club's May Optimist in Action event, project or program on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #OptimistsInAction .  Or, email the information to .  We will share the most interesting and unique Optimists in Action events in future publications!  Learn more at
Make Valuable Changes Organization-wide business_writing_letter.jpg

Please take time to evaluate the Optimist International  bylaws  to ensure they continue to effectively serve the organization. This process allows you and your Club to help shape and improve all of Optimist International. To recommend a revision, your Club must submit a proposed amendment citing the article(s) and section(s) and exact proposed wording change to the articles and sections cited, along with a written rationale in 200 words or less for the change.  The Club must submit the proposal on Club letterhead signed by the Club President. The proposal may be emailed and/or faxed to the International Office, but the original Club letter must be received by the International Office in order for the proposal to be considered.  All submitted changes will be brought before the International Convention delegates for vote and possible endorsement. All proposed change submissions to the bylaws must be received at the International Office by 5:00 p.m. (CST) Friday, April 1. Please mail them to: Dana Thomas, Executive Assistant, Optimist International, 4494 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108.
Make Your Club Heard
The Convention resolutions process can be used for any aspect of the organization not covered in the bylaws. Clubs must submit resolutions by 5:00 p.m. (CST) Sunday, May 1 to the Resolutions Committee.  The committee will choose the strongest resolutions and report them to Convention delegates for debate and vote. Resolutions endorsed by Convention delegates are non-binding and are sent to the International Board of Directors for further consideration and study. Please type resolutions on Club stationery and include your Club name, Club number and Club President's signature. All resolutions should be written in standard resolution format: "Whereas... , Whereas... , Whereas... , Be it resolved that the Board of Directors of Optimist International is asked to consider...." Resolutions should be mailed to: Resolutions Committee, Optimist International, 4494 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108.
Quebec City Tours

The Quebec City area is full of unforgettable and fun things to do in a safe and beautiful setting. The following are a few of the tours that will be offered before or after the convention:
  • Discover Quebec, A Historical City
  • Whale Watching Excursion in Charlevoix
  • Island of Orleans Tour
  • St. Lawrence Cruise
Continue to check for tour schedule and full descriptions. 

Who is your Optimist Hero?

As part of the new Honoring Our Heroes incentive, we are asking Optimists to nominate their Optimist Hero on social media.  Honor a teacher, law enforcement officer, public safety officer, veteran or active duty military personnel as your Optimist Hero. Post a photo or video or tell us about your hero on social media.  Make sure to include the hashtag #OptimistHero in your posts.  Show your appreciation for these amazing individuals! 
Put Your Optimism on Display in the Reel Optimism Video Contest

Here's an important opportunity that you don't want to miss!  Would you like to win a $1000 grant for your adult Club, junior (JOOI) Club or other community group/nonprofit?  Can your Club create a video that illustrates the topic sentence "How My Best Brings Out the Best in Others?"  Optimists are known for Bringing Out the Best in Youth, so put your Optimism on display and have fun in the  Reel Optimism Video Contest ! Video submissions are due no later than April 15.  
Faces of Optimism

Would you or a fellow Optimist like to be featured on the Optimist International homepage and social media channels as our Faces of Optimism featured Member?  If so, email your name, Club name, year you joined your Club, favorite line from the Optimist Creed and a headshot photo to  Or, post your headshot photo on social media with the hashtag #FacesOfOptimism.  

We will select several lucky Members for future monthly Faces of Optimism posts!
Past Junior Golf Participants Competing at PGA TOUR Event Optimist Golf logo

The Honda Classic took place last week at PGA National Resort and Spa, host of the Optimist International Junior Golf Championships .  The Optimist International Junior Golf Championships were well represented with 19 past participants competing at the PGA TOUR Event. Congratulations to all past participants!
Club Grant Deadline
OIF Logo
The deadline to submit applications for the 2016 Club Grant Program is March 11.  Any Adult Club served by the Optimist International Foundation may apply for a $500 grant to be used for a new project of the Club.  

Applications and more information are available here. Don't miss out on this opportunity to receive $500 for your Club's new project!

© 2015 Optimist International