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  The Leadership Compass                                Spring 2017

In This Issue:
In The News

WorkChoice Solutions Rolls Out Art of Generational Selling Workshop

After nearly 4-months of development, David O'Brien delivered three Art of Generational Selling workshops to an enthusiastic audience of insurance industry sales professionals in Colonial Williamsburg last month. 
The highly interactive workshop is designed to provide sales professionals with not only a deeper understanding of generational factors and context but also a solid framework for building a high impact sales strategy that facilitates a deeper connect across all four generational groups. Read the full workshop outline .
WorkChoice Solutions Marks 17th Anniversary

As many of you know, April this year marks the 17th anniversary of WorkChoice Solutions as a trusted provider of leadership and organizational effectiveness services. Over this time, I have been fortunate to count many of you as both clients and dear friends. I look forward to many more years of doing what I love and offer my heartfelt thanks to those of you who have helped me to reach this important milestone .

David O'Brien to Present Building a Culture of Accountability Workshop

As part of David's ongoing partnership with the CT Community Nonprofit Alliance, he will be presenting his very popular Building a Culture of Accountability workshop at the CT Community Nonprofit Alliance office in Hartford on May 11, 2017. The program provides a systematic way to overcome common barriers to accountability by focusing on a 4-phase accountability continuum which includes; Role Clarity, Purpose, Ownership and Behavior. When linked, this continuum allows employees at all levels to make significant progress with moving tasks forward to achieve a higher level of job impact and job satisfaction. The workshop is open to the public but registration is required. Learn more or register for the conference .

David O'Brien to Present Deliberate Leadership in a Distracted World Keynote at Eastec SME - Conference

David will deliver his high impact, Deliberate Leadership in a Distracted World keynote address  as part of the afternoon kick-off of the 18th annual SME - EASTEC C onference on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, MA. This year's conference theme is Human Ingenuity, Manufacturing Brilliance.  Free admission and registration is available to all Leadership Compass subscribers by clicking here.

What My Clients
Have To Say 

Dear Friends ,
Welcome springtime! In this issue, you will find a range of ideas and resources that reflect my thinking on the current state of leadership. Please be sure to check-out the featured article Building Leadership Clarity as well as the featured workshop, The Art of Generational Selling .

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David O'Brien
Featured Article:
Building Leadership Clarity

The starting point of all achievement is desire . This powerful reminder from legendary human development author Napoleon Hill is the perfect continuum from my last two leadership articles. It also represents a common theme among the many requests I've received recently to help leaders to lead with a higher level of clarity and purpose. In my January 2017 One Question That Matters  article, I presented an expanded view of accountability that challenged each of us to see beyond the boundaries of outdated conventional thinking. In my October 2016  Congruence Matters article , I presented one of my most important learning discoveries of the previous 20 years. Specifically, that not only does leadership have little to do with job title but also that our capacity to demonstrate true leadership goes well beyond the parameters of the workplace.  

While personal leadership was a central theme in both of my recent articles, the truth is that without a strong desire to improve as leaders, none of us can expect to recognize our full leadership capacity. It is within this context that I present the following 9 Strategies for Accessing Your Full Leadership Capacity...

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Featured Workshop :
The Art of Generational Selling

In today's crowded marketplace with an ever increasing range of buying options, the average consumer spends as much time considering from whom they will buy as they do deciding what they will buy. A key factor that differentiates today's consumers, and may be separating many sales professionals from their customers is generational or age group. While selling to as many as four generations of consumers has its challenges, it also represents an unparalleled opportunity for sales professionals to leverage generational insights to increase sales success. Often, our failure to connect with customers and to really understand where they are coming from lies in our inability to understand their generational background and perspective.

This highly interactive workshop is designed to provide sales professionals with not only a deeper understanding of generational factors and context but also a solid framework for building a high impact sales strategy that facilitates a deeper connect across all generational groups.

Read the Full Course Description of this workshop  here.
Quick Links To Learning

Link # One: "Great Leadership Starts with Self-Leadership"
                  - Lars Sudmann - TED Talk

What would leadership in Utopia look like? Leadership lecturer and former corporate executive Lars Sudmann argues that it's likely that they learned to overcome the "leadership formula of doom" and then developed themselves as a leader. In this funny and invigorating talk Lars walks us through the personal journeys of great leaders and shares 3 strategies on self-leadership to develop yourself into a "Utopia leader". Watch the 12 minute video.

Link # Two: "Why We Need Introverted Leaders"
                    -  Angela Hucles - TEDX Talk

Athletes train to be their best by tapping into their "inner-introvert" and finding moments to lead. Angela Hucles, two-time Olympic gold medalist and President of the Women's Sports Foundation, reveals why the special qualities introverts contribute to teams is invaluable for success. Watch the 5 minute video.

Link # Three: WorkChoice Solutions Learning Resources

In continuing our commitment to leadership learning, we have added new content to the Learning Resources link on the WorkChoice Solutions web site. Within the link, you will find a wide range of complimentary leadership assessments, media interviews, and a variety of leadership articles. Connect to Learning Resources.

Leadership Thought To Consider

Thought To Consider
"When I speak to a manager I get the impression that they are important. When I speak to a leader I get the impression that I am important" -- Unknown

Leadership Suggestion: 

Consider what this quote means in your world of work and in your role as a leader. Also try to uncover the leadership opportunity that it presents.

Three Questions Worth Considering:

  1. Do you need a high impact / high content speaker for your next off-site event or conference?
  2. Is there a high potential employee on your team that struggles with public speaking?
  3. Could other people in your organization improve their public speaking effectiveness?

If you answered yes to any of these questions,
please click here to learn more about Speaker Solutions.

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