Third Sunday in Lent - March 3, 2024

Law and Gospel

One of the things we do during Lent at Epiphany is begin our Sunday worship by reciting the Ten Commandments together.

I don't know how this strikes you, but for me it seems to alternate between boring and terrifying. It's boring (or maybe even a bit dated, like Charlton Heston's Moses, above) because it's the same thing Sunday after Sunday. I mean, how many times do we need to say "Incline our hearts to keep this law?" It's terrifying because it brings me face-to-face with the fact that I do not keep the Law and my heart is not inclined to do so.

That is the point. Saying the Ten Commandments during Lent reminds us that God has given us a law. Second, it reminds us that it is a good law and we should keep it. Finally, it reminds us that we do not keep the Law.

This is where we begin our worship on Sunday during Lent, but not where we end it. We travel from the Ten Commandments, through the Scripture readings, to Jesus' cross and resurrection as we celebrate the Eucharist together. To put it another way, we travel from Law to Gospel.

That is on purpose. This is a journey we all need to go on to be followers of Jesus. It tells us again and again (we seem to forget) why we need a Messiah. Then brings us the Good News that we have one.

God bless,

P.S. We are down to the last couple of days before our congregational weekend this year. If you are planning on coming to "With All Your Mind: Dementia and Christian Hope," please sign up using the link below.

Reaffirm Your Faith, Be Received into the Anglican Church March 17

When Bishop Chris visits Epiphany on March 17 he will be formally receiving those who desire to join the Anglican Church.  Being received is a requirement for leadership at Epiphany.  Please talk to Fr. Peter to learn more by Sunday, March 10.  Bishop Chris will also be glad to pray for and ask God’s blessing on any that would like to reaffirm their faith in Jesus.  Please talk to Fr. Peter to learn more about this as well.

Last Chance: Dementia and Christian 

Hope This Weekend

Click here to Sign Up

Epiphany will be hosting a congregational weekend focused on the theological and clinical realities of dementia March 2-3. We have more than 60 signed-up and have room for about 10 more people. If you are planning on coming. Please sign up now so we can plan appropriately. Our speakers are Dr. Karen Scandrett, a geriatrician at UPMC, and associate professor of geriatrics at the University of Pittsburgh, and the Rev. Dr. Joel Scandrett, associate professor of historical theology at Trinity School for Ministry. Together, we will explore the medical and spiritual realities of dementia. There will be time for questions.  Please sign-up here.  If you would like to sign up but need assistance, please contact Mtr. Pamela (

If God is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us... In a Time of Cultural Conflict?

Fr. Peter preaches on Paul's statement in Romans 8 that "If God is for us, who can be against us" and reflects on what that means in the middle of the many cultural friction points we face as followers of Jesus.

You are Invited: Faith Fisler is Turning 90!

Epiphany’s Faith Fisler will be celebrating her 90th Birthday between 2-4pm on March 10.  All are invited to stop by her party at The Auld Shebeen (3971 Chain bridge Rd. Fairfax).  Please call Connie Trexler (703-901-7135) with any questions. 

Livestream is now on YouTube

We have successfully transitioned to YouTube for our Sunday livestream.

If you view live streamed events by going to the church’s website and clicking on the “Livestream” link on the top, then continue to do that. If you currently receive email notifications of events that are about to start and click on the link in the email to go to the event, then you will have to register again by sending an email with your name and email address to Set the Subject to “Register me for live stream events”. If you go directly to our livestream page, you will need to go to If you have any questions about this change, please send an email to  

Coates Food Bag Assembly Sunday

Join us this coming Sunday after the 10:15 service to pack weekend food bag for Coates Elementary School. All are welcome to help and pick up a list of suggested donations. Any questions? Contact Sally Eckard ( or Bea Long ( 

Set Your Clocks Ahead March 10

Don't forget to set all your clocks one hour ahead the night of Saturday, March 9, so that you are at church on time on Sunday, March 10.

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

Mar. 1 - Mar. 10

Friday, March 1

8:30 Men's Ministry in Library or via Zoom

9:00am Morning Prayer

10:00am Journaling at Melanie Miller's home

Saturday, March 2

9:30am Church Retreat "With All Your Mind."

Sunday, March 3

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

11:30am Coates Food Bag Assembly

Monday, March 4

9:00am Morning Prayer

9:30am Ladies Morning Bible Study

Tuesday, March 5

9:00am Morning Prayer

Wednesday, March 6

9:00am Morning Prayer

6:00pm Crossover Rehearsal

Thursday, March 7

9:00am Morning Prayer

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Friday, March 8

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, March 9

9:00am Band of Brothers

Sunday, March 10


8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

11:30am Confirmation

1:15 & 2:00pm Worship at Chantilly Heights

2:00pm 90th Birthday Open House for Faith

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601


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