Meet Rhode Island native, and charter boat captain, Jasper Coutu. He has been the owner and operator of F/V C-Angel running Twenty/Aught Charters in Galilee since 2019.
Jasper is one of the younger fishermen and business owners of the fleet in Galilee. He runs charter trips from May to December catching species that include striped bass, bluefish, fluke, black sea bass, tuna, and tautog. Jasper says that his favorite part of his job is spending his days on the water, learning each day, and being able to reflect on how far he has come in an industry that he had no prior background in.
Jasper tries to be as involved in the industry as he can be, and wants to continue watching the fisheries thrive and succeed in Rhode Island. He understands the sustainability of each fishery and wants to do what he can to ensure he will be able to share his passion with others for many years.