November 5, 2020

We had such a wonderful time celebrating with you all during the frigid Halloween parade last week! Thank you for following all protocols, wearing a mask, and adding to the joy of the season. It was heartwarming to hear so many parents mingle and enjoy the brief chance to get to know one another while walking an arms distance away, and a big merci to our hosts the Bernard family and Brewer's Marine for their tricks and treats!! We heard so many stories of creative ways you all celebrated Halloween safely this year, and are grateful to all who continue to keep our community pledge in mind while planning for upcoming holiday traditions.

We have parent representative election results, all school photos, our Annual Appeal Campaign and Sign-up Slots for Parent Teacher Conferences available in this newsletter.

An extra reminder, it's cold!!! Please be sure to pack hats, mittens, scarfs, and a warm winter jacket daily for all students. For younger students, it is time to send in a change of extra clothes that reflects the weather: we'll switch out the back-up shorts and t-shirts for long pants and sweaters!

Thank you for reading on, and as always, please reach out to Emily in the office with any questions:!
Annual Appeal 2020 is Underway
Our Annual Appeal for 2020 is now underway. We recently sent out a Special Edition Newsletter asking for your support.

Each year we ask our friends to consider contributing L'Ecole Française du Maine in their charitable giving. Your contribution can support the Mission of the School in many ways, like direct program support, building and facility improvements, or to provide financial aid to students in need of assistance.
Parent Representative Election Results!
Thank you to all for voting this past Tuesday in our election for parent representatives to the school council!

We are so excited to welcome Sayad Moudachirou, Meagan McKusick, and Cedric Bernard as this year's Parent Representatives to the School Council (Conseil d'école)! Thank you for taking the time to vote and for including topics of discussion and interest that you would like the School Council to address this year.

Be on the lookout for more updates regarding the first meeting of the Council; agendas and minutes from the meetings to come will be available for all to review on our "community board" window at the parking lot entrance.
All School Photos Available for Review/Purchase
Photos from our original picture day AND re-take day are now available on Danielle Peterson's website for your review and purchase!

Please click the button below to peruse the photos and place your orders.
Updates from the Classrooms
Be sure to check out updates on Artsonia for all students, almost every day there is more beautiful artwork uploaded and shared!
Marie's MS/GS class enjoyed making apple sauce from scratch last week! The children each had a chance to use the peeler, and sliced their applies into tiny pieces to then add to the cooking pot. They loved tasting afterwards too! Bravo!
Elodie's CP/CE1 students are partway through their apple cider vinegar making experiment. Tasting the fermented apples was certainly an experience!
We loved having the jack-o-lanterns lining the walkway into school this year, merci les grands!
Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Ups
Progress Reports are being prepared for sending home early next week, and Parent Teacher Conferences will take place Friday afternoon November 13th.

On the Early Release Day, Nov. 13: Dismissal will be at 11:30am (no need to pack a lunch)! To allow for lunch at home and travel time, we have arranged for conferences to begin at 1:00pm and extend through the afternoon into the early evening. Due to class sizes, we've made the slots 10 minutes with 5 minutes in between each session, so that there may be an option to extend to up to 15 minutes as needed and allows a chance to deal with technical issues if they arise. (English class sessions will be 5 minutes, with option for all to extend to 10).

To the right you will find links to each classroom's sign-up page. Here you will be able to choose the time-slot that works best for your family. Be sure to sign-up ASAP to get your chosen slot!

Conferences this fall will take place over Zoom. Zoom ID's and passwords for each classroom will be shared directly to parents via an email to each class.

At the time of your conference, please use the password to log into your teacher's specific Zoom ID. Your teacher/host will accept you from the waiting room at the start time you have selected.
Calendar Updates & Reminders : November
Calendar Updates from November:

Nov. 10th: Thanksgiving Community Meal at 12:00 pm: POSTPONED
Nov. 11th: Veterans Day - NO SCHOOL
Nov. 13th: Early Dismissal, 11:30 am: Parent-Teacher Conferences (details to follow)
Nov. 23rd-24th: Suzuki Concerts: POSTPONED
Nov. 25th-27th: Thanksgiving Holiday: NO SCHOOL
UPDATED Daily Self-Check
Thank you for continuing to perform the daily check before coming to school. Below is the most recently updated screening survey recommended by the Maine DHHS.

Communication with the school is paramount; if you have any uncertainties regarding the checklist questions or anything that cannot be answered negatively, you must call or email the school office as soon as possible.
Important Flu Shot Information during COVID-19
It seems as though it's never been easier to get access to a flu shot.Most pharmacies have a shot available, or you can schedule a visit with your healthcare provider. Find more information about the latest flu statistics on the Maine flu website.

Keeping yourself and those around you safe from the flu includes what we are already doing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please continue to practice social distancing, wear a mask, and stay on top of hand hygiene!
Café et conversation
This fall, we are replacing our "Café et Conversation" with "Conversations sous la Tente"! These meetings provide an extra opportunity for our school community to gather and share experiences. We hope you will mark your calendars and join us under the tent as long as the warm weather holds. 8:30 am to 9:00 am
November 10, 2020: PreK-K with Marie 
November 18, 2020: K-1 with Victorien
November 24, 2020: Grades 3-4-5 with Simon
December 2, 2020: Preschool with Dasha 
December 9, 2020: Grades 1-2 with Elodie
December 16, 2020: English Language Arts with Amy
Donation Supply Wishlist
Thanks to all for providing a great supply of special cleaning products to kick off our school year! We have paper towels and hand sanitizer to enter the winter season but could use more of the following wishlist products if you happen to come across any while doing your weekly shopping:

  • Hand soap (larger refill bottles welcome!)
  • Adult size disposable masks
  • Disinfectant wipes, any brand!

Merci beaucoup for keeping these items in mind and for your generous donations!

Window to the past .... just for fun
2011 Halloween nor'easter called "Snowtober" produced early snowfall across Maine. Several snowmen with pumpkin heads decorated the playground of L'Ecole Française du Maine!
99 South Freeport Road P.O. BOX 737
South Freeport, Maine 04078
(207) 865-3308