January 14, 2021

A reminder to please pack a system of masks with bags for propres et sales-- clean and dirty-- that teachers may keep track of what needs to be washed throughout the week. Two labeled Ziploc bags will do! With cold weather and lots of outside time, mask changes are becoming more and more necessary throughout the school day to stay comfortable and safe. Merci!

Decisions are being made about next year's school calendar, and we'd love your input! Please complete the following survey. Current families, be sure to submit your re-enrollment paperwork for next year before the priority re-enrollment deadline of February 12th!

In lieu of our traditional December School Winter Performance, some classrooms have been very hard at work putting together virtually enjoyed alternatives to the usual singing and dancing. We hope you've enjoyed some of these masterpieces so far! Our final week of presentations: Petite Section!

As always, please reach out to Emily in the office with any questions: office@frenchschool.me
NO SCHOOL: Monday, January 18th, 2021
There will be no school Monday, Jan. 18th in honor of the legacy and life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Classes are preparing lessons and activities regarding this important historical figure to American life, whose words and actions ring now as true and relevant as ever. Next week when we return, older classes will be discussing his legacy as well as talking about the historical inauguration taking place midweek. We thank all parents who have recently shared teaching resources on supporting children through confusing and controversial moments in history. We are continuously impressed by the children, their resilience, curiosity, frankness, and pure kindness of spirit.

We encourage you to continue to take the time in having conversations around racial justice, maybe even listen to the famous "I Have a Dream" Speech at home this long weekend, and talk about how we can continue to do more for others in the footsteps of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Still time to Sign-Up: 21-Day Anti-Racism Challenge
News from our Freeport community at large:

Beginning January 17, the Tri-Town Equity and Inclusion Coalition (Durham, Freeport, Pownal) is launching a 21-Day Anti-Racism Challenge. Sign up with friends, family, and members of your community - be it a book group, a faith group, or a running group. Each day, for three weeks, you will read, watch or listen to a 10-20-minute video, article, or podcast. The Challenge aims to expand awareness of and conversation about systemic racism and to mobilize advocacy for racial and social justice. Want to do this as a family? Check out our list of kids challenges!

Join for the kick-off event in the parking lot of the Freeport Community Center on January 17 at 4 p.m.

For more information or if you have questions please contact Kate Olson, parent at EFDM.
Friday February 5th: the next Ice Arena Friday!
We are so excited to announce that the Troubh Ice Arena is available for us to enjoy another Friday out of the classroom!

If you are interested in attending Friday February 5th, form 12:00-2:20pm, here's the link for signing up! We'd love to prioritize those who did not get the chance to attend our last skating event, so if you were on our waiting list in December and would be interested for this new date, please sign up ASAP! If you did get the chance to enjoy the event last time, we ask you to wait until next week's newsletter to submit your sign-up. Merci!

Group size is limited to 46 people, minimum size for event to run is 25. Ice and rentals for anyone from our current EFDM community will be available for $25 per family!

On the day of the event, you can opt to pick-up your student(s) from school around 11:30am and head to the rink. A wonderful way to begin a winter weekend!

COVID protocols at the arena are as paramount as at school: masks at all times (even in the parking lot), designated distancing throughout the building, a screening survey, and proper hand hygiene will be expected from all attendees. The arena thoroughly cleans their rentals and spaces between each and every use. When else will you get the chance this winter to have the ice limited to a small group of only those already within your "bubble"? We hope to see you on the ice!
February Vacation Camp: February 15th-19th
Open to only those presently enrolled at EFDM, we are hosting a small February vacation camp for those who require childcare during this week off from school.

This camp will be limited to current students, and to the families who truly have a need for the childcare. As staffing will be limited, it is imperative that we prioritize those who have no alternative plans for their children, and keep numbers small.

If you were one of the few who answered our recent survey that childcare during this week would be an absolute necessity, please follow the link below to enroll.

This camp is an effort to maintain our closed small community group and limit those seeking alternate means of childcare/exposure. The camp will consist of purely childcare, no school work or followed curriculum. More details can be found via the link above!

8:30am-3:30pm Monday through Friday February 15th-19th, enroll by the half or full day, with no extended day option.
Continued Travel/Gathering Policy
We would like all families to be reminded of our Community Pledge.

The current protocols in place from the holiday break will remain for anyone traveling/gathering outside of their household, something strongly recommended against.

  • Families and staff who avoid travel and stay within pods using safety measures such as distancing/masking may continue to attend school without quarantine or testing.

  • Families and staff who choose to travel and/or mix with those outside their household (visiting or hosting) must do one of the following to return to school:

  1. Get a PCR test on the 5th day following your return from travel or your last day of mixing and return with the negative result
  2. Quarantine 10 days following your return from travel or your last day of mixing. (This has been revised from the original 14 day quarantine recommendation to be in accordance with the most recent CDC and Maine CDC guidelines)

Although current state policy deems a few select states as being exempt, our school policy will now be that any family who travels to meet with or hosts anyone from outside their immediate household/pod will be required to perform a 5-day quarantine post travel/exposure, followed by a negative PCR test in order to return to school. Given the degree of community spread of coronavirus in Maine, we can no longer use travel outside the state as the determining factor.

If opting to travel, it is recommended you schedule travel-related testing as soon as possible to ensure a safe and timely return to school. If you have any questions regarding how your family plans match up with these protocols, please do not hesitate to ask us - preferably BEFORE you travel/gather.

These protocols were developed and revised by Dr. Gaetane Michaud, MD, Pulmonary Critical Care, USF Tampa, and parent at the French American School of Tampa Bay and by Dr. James Gallea, MD, Emergency Medicine Specialist and parent at l'Ecole Française du Maine.
Calendrier Scolaire?

Please complete this linked survey to provide input into the decision making regarding the 2021-2022 school calendar!
Petite Section Performances
We may have saved the cutest winter performances for last... and with Petite Section, it was hard to choose just one song! We hope you enjoyed our classroom projects and performances this winter season. Thanks to all the students and especially the teachers who did so much to provide these fun videos and stories, allowing us to take a peek into their classrooms, MERCI!
Updates from the Classrooms
Even our plus jeune friends are loving the luge this year! Frozen snow has made for an extra special shoot down into the forest!
We hope families of Marie's class enjoyed their taste of our homemade Galette des Rois! We are so happy we were able to continue this tradition, with crown making and everyone pitching in to safely create and pack up some to-go bites of this delicious treat.
GS/CP always bring their utmost creativity to Dasha's art class! Check out artsonia for the latest masterpieces.
CP et CE1 are having fun discussing how animals prepare for winter.
CE2, CM1, and CM2 students have been enjoying some interesting geography classes lately!
COVID Testing Information
The School thanks School Parent and Physician, Lisa Lucas, DO, for this informative feature article on testing during this rise in COVID 19. Thanks to all for reading and following her advice closely in the best interest of our entire community.

If your family is traveling for the holidays or hosting guests outside of your immediate pod, you will need to choose between a 10-day quarantine or SARS CoV2 PCR testing before your child can return to school.
This PCR test will need to be at least 5 days after possible exposure. Please plan accordingly as testing accommodations can be difficult to arrange and will be in high demand after the holidays.
We are experiencing a surge in Maine. As we move forward and there is more community
spread, we are all at higher risk of coming in contact with a COVID19 + (SARS CoV2 +) person in Maine. Of note, COVID+ persons are likely contagious 48-72 hours before they begin to show symptoms. Please consider our community with decisions regarding testing and school attendance even if you are not traveling out of the state. Here are a few helpful tools when navigating testing and care.

Who needs to quarantine?
● People who have been in close contact with anyone with COVID 19

● What counts as a "close contact"?
○ You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more
○ You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19
○ You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them)
○ You shared eating or drinking utensils
○ They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you

● When can I break my quarantine?
○ 10 days since onset of symptoms ​and
○ 24 hours without a fever ​and
○ other symptoms of COVID improving
● OR, if asymptomatic, you can be tested on Day 5 after exposure and stop quarantine after Day 7 if negative.
● If you've had COVID19, there is no need to test or quarantine again within 3 months.

When do I need to test?
● When you have a close contact with a COVID19 (+) person
 ● When you travel and expose yourself to people outside your immediate pod
● When you are having symptoms

Why PCR and not rapid antigen tests? Simply put, not all tests are created equal.
PCR, polymerase chain reaction, is considered the gold standard method. It works by detecting the SARS CoV2 virus’s genetic material (DNA). PCR amplifies the DNA material for improved detection and takes a minimum of 6 hours though results can take up to 7 days.
Antigen tests are faster, usually producing results in 15 minutes similar to a strep or pregnancy test. These tests are detecting antigen, specific proteins on the SARS CoV2 virus, and therefore, best suited in symptomatic patients. Antigen tests are highly specific in that if it is positive, we can rely on that result. There is a higher chance of false negatives. Antibody tests are not appropriate for initial diagnosis.

Where can I get a test in Maine?
● Your physician’s office - If sent directly, turnaround time is 1-2 days
● If your physician is not offering testing, please refer to the Maine CDC for testing sites. https://www.maine.gov/covid19/restartingmaine/keepmainehealthy/testing
● “Swab and send” - This means this site offers testing without a physician’s order. They will be sent to the state (HETL) lab with a 3-7 day turnaround (varies).

When do I get tested after possible exposure?
● PCR testing should be at least 5 days after exposure.
Ideal time to test between day 5 and 7.

When is an antigen test appropriate?
● When you are symptomatic and you need answers quickly to start isolating and
contacting others
● Not appropriate screening test after possible exposure
Thank you to all the families for your continued vigilance. We are all sacrificing to keep our children safe and protect their ability to learn and grow amidst this chaos.

Mom to Sophie, Henry and Oliver
Supplies Wishlist
The cleaning never stops at EFDM... if you are out and about and see any of the following supplies, our teachers would surely appreciate the donation!

  • disinfectant cleaning wipes
  • disinfectant cleaner spray
  • paper towels
  • adult and child size disposable masks
  • small/sandwich size ziploc bags
Window in the past ... just for fun
May 17, 2006, Chiharu Naruse, Suzuki and classical pianist teaches music at l'Ecole Française du Maine. Chiharu is a faculty teaching classical piano at Bates College and the Portland Conservatory of Music.