March 13, 2024

For anyone who loves Israel, the last 159 days have felt dark. Yet, amidst the darkness, the flame of "klal Yisrael", one united people, has been rekindled for many in the US when they hear the heartwarming stories and images of our incredible 4-legged friends in Israel. 

Sustaining our Mission

At this time, we are continuing our unique mission to partner specially trained guide dogs, PTSD service dogs, and emotional support dogs with Israelis in need. Even despite the War, in 2023, we partnered 87 clients with dogs.

Looking to the Future

We know that in the near future there will be an increased need for our life-changing dogs.

For us, the future starts now!

We'd like to introduce you to Frosty, a lovely Golden Retriever who was born in the US at Guide Dog of America and raised by the Kaufman Family of Brooklyn, NY. In September, 2022 she made aliyah to Israel.

A few weeks ago, Frosty had her first litter of 11 healthy, snuggly, and curious puppies. They are learning in our puppy kindergarten now, but soon, each puppy will be a hero for an Israeli in need providing independence, confidence, and support.

Paws for Healing

In 2023, we provided 6 emotional support dogs to families impacted by the War. Here is one family's story. Please note at the request of the family, we have removed any identifying information.

The "S" family of five lives on a kibbutz in the Gaza envelope region. On October 7th, their home and community were brutally attacked. The father and one of the children were shot by terrorists. Luckily the wounded father and child were later evacuated to a hospital, where they received multiple operations and began physical and emotional rehab.


The family moved in with grandparents for a few months while physically healing. They recently decided to return home to their kibbutz.

At this stage in their journey, the Israel Guide Dog Center paired them with "B", a dog to help cope with the trauma they had all endured. Since "B" has come into their lives, she has brought joy and smiles to this family again. "B" sleeps with one son in his bed, providing a deep sense of security.

Despite the darkness of war, because of you, the Israel Guide Dog Center continues to be a light for so many whose lives have been transformed by our dogs.

Stay Connected

We are grateful for the outpouring of good wishes and financial support. Every gift enables us to continue helping 2-legged and 4-legged Israelis in need.

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As the days and weeks of this war continue, our gratitude has not diminish! We are grateful for your kind friendship, generous support, and continued thoughts & prayers.

Gail Androphy

US Executive Director

Israel Guide Dog Center