The latest coastal news, events and more from the Barataria and Terrebonne Basins...

Master Plan Moves to House; Express Your Support
The state's revised 50-year comprehensive master plan to protect and restore Louisiana's endangered coast moved to the House after a vote by the Senate last week.    

CPRA's Annual and Master Plans will be in House committees this week, starting Monday, May 22 at 1:30 pm with the House Transportation committee.  On Tuesday, May 23 at 10 am, the plans will be before the House Natural Resources committee. It is still to be dete rmined when the resolutions will be on the house floor.

Click here to view the committees LIVE "in progress" via the Louisiana Legislature's website during the committee meeting times listed above.

Louisiana's Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast inc ludes 1 24 projects that build or maintain more than 800 square miles of land and reduce expected damage by $8.3 billion annually by year 50, which equates to more than $150 billion over the next 50 years, and are expected to pay for themselves three times over the course of implementing the plan . The diversity of projects in the plan reflects the need to construct projects that build land and reduce risk in the near term, while also investing in projects like sediment diversions and structural protection projects that provide long-term benefits.

Want to express your support?  Click here for a link to tell your legislators to vote yes on the Master Plan. 
ROR Annual Meeting THIS Friday

Justin Ehrenwerth, the new President and CEO of the Water Institute of the Gulf and the former executive director of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council will be the keynote speaker at the regional coastal advocacy group Restore or Retreat's annual meeting on
Friday, May 26 at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux.
Ehrenwerth took the helm as President and CEO of The Water Institute of the Gulf in early 2017 , and will address where the Institute is and where it wants to be in regards to working with NGOs, industry, and universities now into the future.
Founded in 2011, the Institute is a not-for-profit, independent research institute dedicated to advancing the understanding of coastal, deltaic, river and water resource systems, both within the Gulf Coast and around the world. The Institute works to foster the practical application of innovative science and engineering, providing cutting-edge solutions to complex environmental problems for the betterment of society. 
"I'm very excited for the opportunity to talk with many current partners who will be attending the Restore or Retreat annual meeting as well as the chance to meet new potential collaborators," said Ehrenwerth.  "The issues facing coastal Louisiana, and coastal communities around the world, are daunting. We can only meet those challenges by bringing together the extensive scientific and local knowledge we have here in Louisiana and finding new ways of working together toward a common goal."
The meeting is open to the public, and will be held at Nicholls State University's Bollinger Student Union in the Cotillion Ballroom in Thibodaux.  Registration and lunch begins at 11:30am, and the program will begin at noon. 
Reservations are $30 in advance, and both tickets and table sponsorships are available by calling at 985-448-4485 or click here to register online
Coastal News

Delta Dispatches Podcast- Also airs live Thursday from 5pm to 6pm on WGSO 990AM

For the latest news and events, check out @RestoreRetreat on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Coastal Calendar

May 26:  Restore or Retreat Annual Meeting, Thibodaux

June 5-9: Wetlands Explorer Camp, South LA Wetlands Discovery Center

June 12-16: Working Coast Camp, South LA Wetlands Discovery Center

June 21: CPRA Monthly Board Meeting, House Committee Room 5, Baton Rouge

July 9 - 14: WETSHOP at LDWF Marine Research Lab, Grand Isle, LA 
Restore or Retreat, Inc | 985.448.4485 |