July 29, 2022 Newsletter
This is the 60th issue of our electronic news update.
Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT)
Respiratory Herpes Virus of Poultry
Several BC poultry farms have been infected with infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT). ILT is an acute herpes viral respiratory tract infection of chickens that may result in severe production losses. Signs include:
  • pink, watery eyes and swollen orbital sinuses
  • coughing, sneezing, extended neck, laboured breathing, wheezing and head shaking.
Clinical signs typically appear 6 to 12 days after infection and can be mild to severe.
If you suspect that you may have ILT in your flock, please contact your poultry vetinariarian immediately and follow BCCMB ILT Protocols for suspected or confirmed cases of ILT.
Broiler Quota Ads
Looking to purchase 11,000 birds of broiler quota. (Fraser Valley)
Contact Joel at:

Looking to purchase 10,000 birds of broiler quota. Please contact Richele at:
604 -897-1858

For Sale: 5 acre broiler farm in Chillwack with 25,000 quota. $6,750,000. Contact Walt Braun
waltbraun@me.com Tel: 604-316-5345.
Period A-180 (December 18, 2022 – February 11, 2023)
CFC Sets Allocation Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Deadline to submit quota transfer papers: Friday September 2, 2022
Deadline to submit allocation paperwork: Monday September 12 , 2022 at NOON
Avian Influenza Update
All growers within the Primary Control Zone (PCZ) must and submit their final Flock Health Questionnaire (FHQ) on July 31 and continue to participate in Dead Bird Surveillance.
You can find current information on avian influenza control zones on the CFIA website here.

The BC Poultry Association recomends that all growers remain in ehanced (red) biosecurity status until the last PCZ in BC is revoked.
BC Chicken Facts and General Orders Update

We have completed the Spring edition of the BC Chicken Facts which is now available on our website in the reports and orders section.
Read more here.

We have updated our General Orders Schedule 7 – Lease of Quota without Premises.
 The changes allow a maximum amout of domestic allocation to be leased in of 100% and a maximum to be leased out of 50% per period.
Read more here.