cawp heading for NEWL
July 16, 2013
A newsletter to keep you informed about all things women and politics

O say can you see...any women?

We celebrated our nation's independence two weeks ago, but we aren't too excited to see that the pictures of today's legislative settings don't look much different from meetings of the Founding Fathers in Philadelphia 237 years ago.


You Go, Girls!
For our new Teach a Girl to Lead initiative, CAWP has presidentbook begun collecting examples of books that contribute to new, inclusive visions of leadership. (Feel free to send us copies of any books you know that belong in this collection.) The first book to arrive in our mailbox? Girls A to Z, written by Eve Bunting and illustrated by Suzanne Bloom (Boyds Mills Press, an imprint of Highlights). The alphabet book charmingly portrays a diverse range of girls in traditional and non-traditional roles, ending with this great advice:



Be anything you want to be.

Do what you want to do.

Dream any dream you want to dream.

The world is here for you.


We couldn't have said it better ourselves, and we commend the book to all alphabet learners!

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Buono v. the Boys: CAWP Director Debbie Walsh comments on the old boys' club in NJ politics in this year's gubernatorial race.



Breaking the Gridlock? National Journal profiles the women of the United States Senate and touts their ability to get things done.


Sad day in L.A.: The newly sworn-in Los Angeles City Council has no women members. (Yes, you read that right.)  


Style over Substance: New research shows that news coverage of female politicians focuses more on character traits and less on their policy arguments than it does for their male counterparts.


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