Franciscan Friars
Province of the Immaculate Conception
Provincial Update - June 2020
Month of the Sacred Heart
Dear Brothers,
une, as you know, is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is part of the ancient patrimony of the church, dating back to its earliest times. We know that the early Church Fathers wrote extensively about the Sacred Heart. St. Justin wrote, “We Christians are the true Israel which springs from Christ, for we are carved out of His heart as from a rock.” (Dialogue with Trypho). Often, we see the Church referred to the fountain of living water that flows from the Heart of Jesus. Although many might associate the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the apparitions to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in 1673, it is obvious that devotion to the Heart of Jesus is an ancient devotion of the Church. In 1899, Pope Leo XIII consecrated the world to the Sacred Heart.
During these months of trial and tribulation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we can turn to the Sacred Heart as a source of strength for us. During times of suffering and having to surrender so much that is important to us, we turn to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for healing and consolation.
We realize the effects of the pandemic on our own way of life and our fraternities. Our churches have been, by and large, closed, and many of us have been confined to our friaries. Ministry to the people of God has suffered, and the wages of the virus have affected us on many levels. We desire the sacraments, the celebration of Mass, the reception of the Eucharist, and the personal interaction which is so important to us, not only as Catholics, but also as human beings.
We think of all those who have died, including some of our own brothers, who could not be afforded a proper send-off, even with a funeral Mass. We remember our brothers confined to nursing homes or hospitals, who, due to the pandemic, cannot receive visitors. We wonder if we will ever be able to touch one another, to shake hands, to hug a family member or brother, or to engage in even the simplest human interaction.
We know that things are gradually re-opening, all with the fear that there may be a resurgence of the virus. All we can do at this point is again, be careful, make slow progress, and pray for all those who are in pain. All of this, of course, doesn’t even take into account the financial situation of so many people and families, as well as our schools, churches, retreat centers, our missions, and our province itself. We know the repercussions will be felt for many years.
So, during this month of the Sacred Heart, let us unite ourselves with the passion, suffering, and death of Jesus, so that we may also be partakers of the Resurrection and new life.
I would like to also take this occasion to congratulate Friar Victor Treminio, OFM, who on June 27 with be ordained a deacon at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, Rome, by our brother and friend Archbishop Jose Rodriguez Carballo, OFM, our former Minister General and currently Secretary of the Congregation for Religious Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Consecrated Life, who has so graciously agreed to ordain Friar Victor. We wish Victor many blessings and prayers.
With blessings and peace,
Fr. Robert Campagna, OFM
Provincial Minister
From the Postulancy Program- Caledon, Ontario
Dearest Brothers,
The Lord give you peace.
As the Covid situation seems to be lingering in intensity, so too is our resolve to remain vigilant in our spiritual walk of faith. All things considered, this has been a time of both tragedy, but also of enormous and manifold blessings for many of us.
Here’s the current situation as regards the postulants and a bit of a summation at the end of their program here:
Hawkins Choi, due to his medical necessities will no longer be able to continue his formation with us abroad. As such, we have helped him transition to Holy Spirit Province in Montreal, Canada. We are extremely grateful for the love and care with which our brother Hawkins has been received by their Provincial, Pierre Charland OFM and their Director of Formation, Daniel Gurnick OFM, and other friars of that province in general who accommodated us so warmly when we visited in March of 2019. We will miss our brother Hawkins who had an admirable couple of years of postulancy with us and are very happy that he has the opportunity to continue his Franciscan journey, even if it is not within our province.
Jimmy Marchante has gone to New York to continue working on his U.S. citizenship and thereby alleviate the annual rigmarole of having to get a special permit allowing a permanent resident to travel outside the country for more than a stipulated amount of time. I would like to say, we all feel Jimmy’s absence very much. He was a gift to this fraternity and we are so happy he will be joining the guys in Rome as soon as that is possible and his documents are in order.
That leaves Dagoberto Hernandez and Matthew Mancino. All the postulants were originally slated to depart for Rome on April 21
. Covid happened and so the earliest possible date was changed to June 3
. On that day we found out their flight was cancelled and so now they are scheduled to fly out on July 1
. In the meanwhile, we have had to adjust to the new dynamic of just being the three of us. We’ve kept the same fraternal prayer times and we’re lending a hand at the centre given the absence of the regular staff that take care of the grounds here.
Everything considered, the two of them remain very optimistic and high-spirited, and continue their journey onward.
Once again, much gratitude goes out to all of you who have helped me to implement this program for the postulants here during the past two years, and all of you who have taken the time to be with them and encourage them. In particular I would like to thank the Minister Provincial, Robert Campagna OFM, for his steadfast support and the Vicar, Pat Boyle for all his patience, and for the two friars who have worked with me at various times throughout, Peter Furgiuele OFM and Joseph Powell OFM who both contributed their time and dedication to teaching the postulants Italian, and accompanying them in these initial months and years. Also, to Orlando Ruiz OFM who is now housing and guiding our postulant Jimmy Marchante, and for all of his patience and help in general.
May the good Lord Jesus continue to guide and illumine the hearts of our postulants as they progress through initial formation and especially in their next stage abroad.
Blessings and peace to you all,
Pierre Farrugia OFM
N.B. Dagoberto and Matthew were finally able to get a flight to Rome. Congratulations, brothers as you prepare for the next step in your Franciscan formation.
Caledon Postulants Matthew and Dagoberto attempting to board their plane for Rome. Unfortunately, that flight was cancelled but they have now arrived in Rome.
Caledon Postulants Helping
Ontario Conservancy Project
n true Franciscan form, the postulants in Caledon took to nature to help out with the Atlantic Salmon Hatchery Project at our St. Francis Centre in Caledon, Ontario. The project has been in operation for the past eight years and its objective is to help bring back the natural Atlantic salmon population to Ontario and the Great Lakes. This year the postulants took part in releasing the one hundred fry from their crib held within the indoor hatchery, assist with the daily feeding, and then captured, counted, and released these fry to designated areas along the Humber River that passes through our Caledon property. The success rate this year was over 90%, a standard that remains one of the highest within the Ontario Streams Project.
Ontario Streams has always been proud to work with St. Francis Centre on such projects. This year the effects of COVID-19 did not allow for any students to participate with the hatchery program. However, due to the generosity of the postulants, their time and willingness to help keep this vital program going, success was inevitable. Great work... After the project was completed, all were able to celebrate with an outdoor BBQ and some games. Everyone enjoyed the great food courtesy of chefs Jimmy and Dago.
Images below of postulants working on Atlantic Salmon Project
From the Postulancy Program
Brooklyn NY
Celebrating the Feast of St. Anthony
After being quarantined because of a Covid-19 scare at the parish, but still observing very strict precautions, Friar Orlando Ruizo, OFM, Pastor of Our Lady of Peace Church in Brooklyn, and Friar Octavio Salinas, OFM, Associate Pastor and Assistant Director, have tried to make the best of the difficult situation for the postulants Kevin Gabriel Gonzalez Vega, Marco Antonio Gomez Garcia, and Nelson Aldair Orantes Calderon. They have been joined by Jimmy Marchante who came down from Caledon, Ontario. The Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the plans to have them head to Rome to begin preparing for the novitiate at San Damiano in Assisi. The closing of New York State Government Offices has made it difficult to get the proper visas to travel, as well as the erratic schedule of air flights going to Europe. So, our Brooklyn brothers wait, and pray.
Our Lady of Peace continues to offer online streaming Masses, and they are very exciting to see. Besides the great homilies and liturgical celebrations, the Masses are concluded with the singing of favorite Spanish hymns led by the friars, postulants, and the Franciscan Sisters on staff. Special Masses were held for the Feast of St. Anthony, Feast of Corpus Christi, as well as the special local feasts celebrated by the various countries represented in the multi-ethnic parish community of Our Lady of Peace.
Marco Antonio, one of the postulants, has received permission from the General Definitory to profess vows without repeating the novitiate, since he had made novitiate in the Our Lady of Guadalupe Province in Central America, and had been in temporary vows for a few years. June 29, the Feast of St. Peter and Paul, has been set as the day his vows will be received. Congratulations Marco Antonio.
The fraternity has been celebrating “Days of Life”, honoring each of the community members with a special remembrance. These have been anniversaries, birthdays, and, of course, special feasts. Some of the photos of these days are pictured below. The postulants are in our prayers- we pray for the day when they can join their classmates and continue their Franciscan formation and preparation for the novitiate in the late summer.
From the Convento San Francesco
Post-Novitiate Program
Feast of St. Anthony (With Archbishop Jose Carballo, OFM and Friar Alvin)
Dear Brothers,
May the Lord give you peace!
It's exam season! Currently here at the Convento San Francesco we are in the midst of our exams which last just about a month. Come the end of June we will be closing out the semester which for some of us is the first and for others the last (at least for now). Both Br. Victor and Yasser are nearing the finish of their degrees in theology and are preparing to each defend their appropriate thesis. Of course it wouldn't be the new “normal” if we didn't briefly reflect about this important time in our initial formation lived through the lens of Covid-19. To say the least, as you all know brothers in your own way, it has been an adjustment and a time to seek out the silver lining per se of each situation. With the exams there is no exception. All of us are doing our exams virtually and each is handling this in his own way; it takes flexibility and a good bit of self-discipline. I would say these are some “key virtues” that go a long way, not only with doing the online schooling/exams, but living with Covid in general. So far so good...even though some brothers have expressed difficulties in this “new normal” in a sense of speaking with the exams, overall we are progressing and passing, by hard work and the grace of God. The form of the exams vary - some still being oral in an online classroom be it public or private, others being a written work, responding to questions during a very specific time period, and yet still others being just written work or essays to complete by a certain date and submit electronically.
With the finish of exams approaching we are also preparing for our summer assignments. Before we are off and traveling however we have a special event to look forward to the 27th of June which is the diaconate ordination of Br Victor Treminio. It is an exciting moment not only for our community, who has journeyed together this year, but for the entire province. Br Daniel Luna will remain in Rome following his completion of studies with the Italian language and the rest of the simply professed students will proceed to their summer assignments be that in Canada or the States. On top of that our fraternity is patiently waiting to receive with open arms (at a distance and figuratively speaking) the postulants who are preparing themselves for the Novitiate at San Damiano this fall - travel safely brothers and we are looking forward to meeting you! Our student master Friar Jimmy Zammit also has received news of a change of course and once the semester is finished and the students proceed to the next chapter in their formation Jimmy will be moving to St Jane Frances Parish in Toronto as associate pastor. I speak on behalf of all the students here at Convento S Francesco: It was truly a blessing to have Jimmy with us this year, accompanying us and guiding us in the initial steps as simply professed. We will miss him and we wish him all the best in his new assignment.
Also this month on Saturday June 13th we celebrated, yes of course the feast of one of the great saints of our Order, St. Anthony but even more - the name day of our guardian Friar Antonio Riccio. Daniela our cook of course made a grand feast of a meal which we can’t speak highly enough of. Leave it to the friars to talk about food first! We did celebrate a solemn mass of course in the morning in which Antonio was the primary celebrant and preached. Our community prayed a simple triduum leading up to the feast as well. We were privileged with the presence of both our province’s very own Friar Alvin Te and Archbishop Fra Josè Carballo, who is also slated to ordain Br Victor on the 27th of this month at St Paul Outside the Walls. It was a great time of fraternity with one another as we all enjoyed ourselves. Buon Onomastico Padre Antonio!
Last but not least we ask for your continued fraternal support and your prayers which are always much welcomed and appreciated especially during these trying times of adjustment and flexibility where we are truly being tested but in a good way - to bring out the best in us. Brothers we wish you all peace and good and may the Lord bless and keep you! Have a wonderful summer while staying cool, safe and smart! We look forward to meeting many of you on our summer assignments in the province.
Friar Daniel Cavalieri OFM
Photos below: Feast of St. Anthony and Feastday of Fr. Antonio
Friar Victor Treminio to be ordained deacon
Friar Victor Treminio, OFM, stationed at the Convento San Francesco, Rome, who was Solemnly Professed last year at our Provincial Chapter, will be ordained to the transitional diaconate on Saturday, June 27, 2020 at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome by Archbishop Jose Rodriguez Carballo, OFM, General Secretary of the Congregation of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. Congratulations, Victor. Blessings and peace to you.
Above: Ave Maria University Chapel
National Catholic Register features
Friar Rick Martignetti, OFM in article on "Five College Priest-Chaplains on Catholics and Campus life"
Insights from Ave Maria University, Magdalen College,
Thomas More College, UC Santa Barbara and USC.
I asked five priest-chaplains with many years of experience working with students on both Catholic and secular college campuses to share about their experiences.
Franciscan Father Rick Martignetti
Director of Campus Ministry, Ave Maria University, Florida
Father Martignetti reports that Ave Maria has a strong spiritual formation program for students, including opportunities to attend Mass or go to confession, receive spiritual direction, go on retreats, participate in perpetual adoration and group devotions such as the Rosary and attend vocations programs. He said, “The word you hear a lot with our students is ‘discernment’ — what is God calling me to do? I ask them what they think their gifts are and encourage them to be faithful to prayer.”
One of the benefits of having a spiritual director, he continued, is that when a student is “trying to hear the voice of God, two can hear better than one.”
His students have a great interest in religion, he said, and he hopes his Franciscan community will soon send more of his Franciscan confreres to assist him in his work. And, while he’s in constant demand for spiritual direction and other campus ministry activities, he doesn’t mind the heavy workload. He said, “I absolutely love it here. I couldn’t be happier. The people are great.”
July Birthdays
Take time to wish our friars a Happy Birthday!
John Bucchino - July 2nd - (75)
Carl Green- July 2nd - (43)
Albert Gauci - July 7th - (73)
John Bavaro - July 8th - (84)
Joseph LaGressa - July 10th - (72)
Francis Walter- July 13th- (70)
Michael Corcione - July 23rd - (59)
Jose Alvin Te - July 25th - (46)
Primo Piscitello - July 27th - (86)
Claude Scrima - July 28th - (86)
Padua Friary, NYC
Tranquil Days and Quiet Nights--NOT!
Life at Padua has been anything but peaceful during the recent protests in regard to “Black Lives Matter” and the killing of George Floyd. After several months of confinement and quarantine due to the Covid-19 virus, things have perked up in Manhattan, partially because of the lifting of some of the restrictions imposed by the State of New York. Most of the activity has centered on the many protests centering around Washington Square Park, four blocks north of our friary, as well as looting of stores and some violence. Thankfully, the looting has subsided due to police crackdowns, but there were quite a few nights when we were in fear for our safety. Our neighborhood, Soho (South of Houston Street) consists of many expensive boutiques and stores. Soho’s exclusive shopping grid runs from Broadway to Sixth Avenue, and from West Houston Street south to Canal Street, and Padua Friary is right in this grid. Many of the well-known stores and boutiques, such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Nike Soho, and Apple Soho were looted by gangs of young people- most of them teens. Although this looting took place during the protests, it was obvious that the protestors were not involved as such, but thieves who took advantage of the thin resources of the police and used the protests to blend in with the larger protest groups. These were very well-organized, with cars and motor bikes patrolling the neighborhood for the right opportunity. The front windows of the stores would be broken, and hordes of thieves and looters would take everything they could grab. Often these items were brought to the cars that were waiting for them. Several times stores on our own street were attacked, including the upscale furnishing store directly across Thompson Street from the friary, Safavieh Home. The thieves also broke the glass door to the elevator entrance of Padua Friary, but were not able to get in.
An interesting side note to all of this- when looters broke into Apple’s Soho store, they helped themselves mostly to easy-to-carry items, such as IPhones, IPads, laptops, and other smaller devices (rather than the larger desktop computers). They probably thought they had a great treasure. However, immediately, Apple Computer made all of these devices unusable, by sending a code which disabled them completely. Apple Corporation stated that they were now “beautiful looking paperweights.”
The local excitement hasn’t deterred the friars from seeking to enjoy life amid their confinement. The Soho friars gathered to celebrate the Feast of St. Anthony in the penthouse of Padua Friary, including our two beautiful newly spruced up verandas overlooking Thompson Street. We were joined by the provincial and vicar provincial, as well as Chuck Trebino from St. Anthony’s, and were treated to pizza, calzones, rice balls, and other delights from Arturo’s Restaurant across the street. It was certainly a strange St. Anthony’s Day, since the virus had cancelled the annual St. Anthony Feast Day celebrations and procession. Hopefully, next year we will be back to normal. Also, we were treated to haircuts! All of the brothers were getting very shaggy (even those of us with little hair). Since barbershops were closed for the pandemic, some of us were starting to look like hippies- fittingly here in "the Village." Fortunately, a local barber came to our rescue and saved the day. We are now waiting for "Phase 2" to go into effect, where some more shops (including barbershops) will be able to open, as well as outdoor dining at local restaurants.
With this all, we continue our daily intercession at morning Mass: "For tranquil days and quiet nights."
One of the two verandas in the 'penthouse" of Padua Friary
Black Lives Matter March turn up on Thompson Street
Marchers coming up West Houston Street in front of Padua
Looting and destruction in Soho
Friar Christopher Gaffrey, OFM,
from St. Anthony Friary, Catskill to Associate Pastor, St. Thomas Aquinas, Derry NH
Friar Jimmy Zammit, OFM
, from Convento San Francesco, Rome, to Associate Pastor, St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Toronto
Friar Peter Furgiuele, OFM
, from Associate Pastor, St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Toronto, to Retreat Team, St. Francis Centre, Caledon, Ontario.
Simply Professed Friars Summer Assignments:
Friar Joshua Critchley, OFM,
to Mt. Alverna Friary, Youngstown, Ohio
Friar Daniel Cavalieri, OFM,
to Padua Friary, New York City
Friar Carl Green, OFM,
to St. Anthony Friary, Catskill, NY
Friar Jack Sidoti, OFM,
to St. Francis Centre, Caledon, Ontario
Jimmy Marchante
is now at Our Lady of Peace, Brooklyn NY
Hawkins Choi
has departed from the postulancy program in Caledon. He will be joining the Holy Spirit Province, Canada.
Marco Antonio Gomez Garcia,
a postulant in Brooklyn, NY, has, after a petition presented by the Province to the General Definitorium, received permission to be re-admitted to the order without having to repeat the novitiate, according to CIC Can. 690.1 and GGSS Art. 267. Marco was previously a temporarily professed friar in the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Central America. He will be professing his vows on June 29 in Brooklyn.
Dagoberto Hernandez Lopez and Matthew Mancino
are now at the Convento San Francesco in Rome in preparation for their entrance into the novitiate.
The other postulants will be transferred to Convento San Francesco, Rome, to begin preparations to enter the novitiate in San Damiano, Assisi. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many problems with travel between the USA and Europe. Many flights have been cancelled and it has been difficult getting our postulants over to Rome.
When our Province had to relinquish its ministry at St. Peter the Apostle Church in the Lower Hill section of downtown Pittsburgh due to the church’s closing and demolition for urban development, the Province was promised by Bishop John Wright (Later Cardinal) two new ministries: Serra Catholic High School in McKeesport, and St. Pamphilus Church in the Beechview section of Pittsburgh. The presence of our friars at St. Pamphilus lasted for 58 years, when, on Sunday, October 14, 2018, with the implementation of the “On Mission for the Church Alive” program of the Diocese, the parish renewal campaign, Friars Alexis Anania, OFM, the last pastor of St. Pamphilus, and John-Michael Pinto, OFM, left the parish for new assignments. St. Pamphilus became part of the new Beechview-Brookline Parish Grouping, consisting of five parishes which had been merged to form the Parish of St. Teresa of Kolkata. The new parish was staffed by priests of the Diocese of Pittsburgh.
After a while, it was obvious that the amount of property consisting of five churches, rectories, social halls, and several schools, had to be reduced. At the beginning of this year, it was announced that the former St. Pamphilus Church would no longer be used, and that a local Maronite Catholic Church, Our Lady of Victory Church, was interested in purchasing the building, including the rectory and property. This sale is still being negotiated.
On Sunday, June 14, the Feast of Corpus Christi, a final Mass was celebrated in the church. Present from the province were Friar Alexis Anania, OFM and Friar Josh Critchley, OFM who came down from Mt. Alverna Retreat Center in Youngstown, Ohio. We are sure it was a very emotional day for Friar Alexis, the final Franciscan pastor of St. Pamphilus, who spent many years there as pastor. With this we express our gratitude to all the friars who served at St. Pamphilus, and bid a fond but sad farewell to the many parishioners and friends who supported this ministry and dedicated themselves to the life of the parish.
Editor’s Note: There is a saying that you always fall in love with your first parish. I spent the first 13 years of my priestly ministry at St. Pamphilus, 1976 to 1989, as part of the team ministry which we had established there. I was 26 when I arrived, and have many happy memories of the wonderful people- many of whom I still count as friends. It was a vibrant and active parish, with many young families, and much of our activity centered on our youth programs and faith formation. Fr. Joe Lorenzo, OFM
From 24 May 2020 to 24 May 2021, the Franciscan Family will join in a global campaign to celebrate and implement the Laudato Si’ encyclical of Pope Francis.
The idea came up during the International Council for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, held in 2019 in Jerusalem. The Franciscan brothers decided to organise a global campaign together with all people who admire St Francis of Assisi, “is the example par excellence of care for the vulnerable and of an integral ecology lived out joyfully and authentically” (LS.10). Thus was born the Laudato Si’ Revolution, which has about 45 participating institutions.
Laudato Si’ Revolution
is a global campaign whose objective is to encourage and promote integral ecological conversion, that is, an environmental, economic and social ecology. The human and social dimensions are at the heart of our campaign, as we want the values of social and environmental justice, care and respect for creation and intergenerational solidarity to be part of our daily lives.
The health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us of our fragility and our limits. We have seen with sorrow the death of so many people, no one has been untouched by this international emergency, and so everything is intimately related. Despite the uncertainty, we do not lose hope.
In the words of the Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor (OFM), Michael Perry, “this is not the time to close in on ourselves, Laudato Si’ encourages us to reach out, to step out. He reminds us that we are all connected, that the cry of the poor is our cry, and so is the cry of the earth”.
Today, more than ever, we have the opportunity to think about a new world that is possible. In this context, we believe that the teachings of the Laudato Si’ encyclical can offer a more human and fraternal framework for thinking about an integral and more just development for the whole human race.
That is why Br Michael Perry invites us to join a revolution, “not a revolution in the political sense, but a spiritual revolution. A conversion of mind and heart that brings us closer to the reality of life”.
Along with events to be held around the world, the initiative presents a series of resources for liturgy, reflection and formation.
From the General Curia, Rome
The General Council of the Order has announced that the
General Chapter
, previously scheduled for May 2021 in Manila, will not be held in the Philippines because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Council members are consulting with the presidents of the conferences to decide how and when the next General Chapter will be held. Other news from the most recent meeting of the Council includes the postponement of provincial and custodial chapters; approval of candidates for provincial ministers of seven entities and the new rector of the
of the Pontifical Antonianum University- Br. Augustin Hernandez, OFM. The next “Tempo Forte,” as the meetings of the Council are called, is scheduled for July 6 to 10.
This year marks the 800th anniversary of the death of the Franciscan protomartyrs and the entrance into the Order of Augustinian Canon of Fernando of Lisbon – who took the religious name Antonio and is known to Franciscans as St. Anthony of Padua. Pope Francis took note of this anniversary in a letter to Carlos Alberto Travarelli, OFM Conv, the Minister General of the Order of Friars Conventual.
In his letter
, the pope said, “I hope that this significant anniversary will arouse, especially in the Franciscan religious and the devotees of St. Anthony around the world, the desire to experience the same holy restlessness that prompted St. Anthony to travel the roads of the world bearing witness, through word and deed, to the love of God.”
Friar Leo Sprietsma, OFM
(St. Barbara Province)
Friar Miles Pfalzer, OFM
(St. John Baptist Province)
Friar Charles Finnegan, OFM
(Holy Name Province-Former Provincial)
Friar Humbert Moster, OFM
(St. John Baptist Province)
Friar Donnon Murray, OFM
(Holy Name Province)
Friar Bart Wolf, OFM
(Our Lady of Guadalupe Province)
Recently Deceased Family and Friends
Joseph Troiano
(Brother of Fr. Louis Troiano, OFM)
Fr. Massey Lombardi
(Former Friar, priest of the Archdiocese of Toronto)
Hana Fialova
(Mother of Fr. Vit Fiala, OFM)
Bishop George Murry, S.J.
(Bishop of Youngstown, Ohio)
Let us pray for our infirm friars:
Friar James Goode
Friar Vincent Ciaravino, OFM
Friar Aubert Picardi, OFM
Friar Jim Villa, OFM
Friar John Bavaro, OFM
Friar Isaac Calicchio, OFM
For our Infirm Family and Friends
William Mazzarella (Nephew of Fr. Frederick Mazzarella)
Maria Elena Middleton (Niece of Fr. Louis Troiano- 17 years old)
For all infected and affected by the virus.
For our friars in skilled nursing and rehab facilities:
Friar Isaac Calicchio, OFM
Friar Daniel Morey, OFM
Friar John Bavaro, OFM
Friar Philip Adamo, OFM
Friar Lawrence Stumpo, OFM
Friar Clement Procopio, OFM
Please pray for all friars, families, friends, and benefactors,
living and deceased.
For all those affected in any way by the coronavirus.
For medical personnel and first responders.
For those in our nursing homes and hospitals.
For families separated from their loved ones due to quarantine.
Please print out a copy of this newsletter to share with those in your community who do not have email. We hope that every friar in our province will have access to the Newsletter and that a printed copy will be posted on your friary bulletin board.
Thank you
The Management
Province of the Immaculate Conception, New York NY
125 Thompson Street
New York NY 10012
Please send any articles, news items, or photos to
Friar Joseph F Lorenzo, O.F.M.
Provincial Curia
125 Thompson Street
New York NY 10012
Cell: 917.337.9833
Office: 212.674.4388 Xt. 113