Franciscan Friars
Province of the Immaculate Conception
Provincial Update June 2022
You are a priest forever!
Friars Victor Treminio and Joshua Critchley Ordained to the Priesthood
On Wednesday, June 22, at 4:00 PM, our brothers Victor and Joshua were ordained priests by Most Reverend Archbishop Jose Rodriguez Carballo, O.F.M., D.D., former Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor and currently Secretary for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life at Mount Alvernia Friary Chapel, Wappingers Falls, New York. Besides the gathered chapter delegates, the chapel was filled with many visiting friars, priests, and guests of the ordinandi, as well as their parents, families, and friends.
The Archbishop was assisted on the altar by Fr. Richard Martignetti, Fr. Antonio Riccio (Provincial Secretary for Formation and Studies), Fr. William Spencer, and Fr. Patrick Boyle and Fr. Bruce Czapla were Masters of Ceremonies. The liturgy was prepared in a special way by Fr. Patrick, as well as the beautiful liturgy booklets. Family members took on various liturgical roles. Dinner was served in the retreat center dining rooms immediately following the Ordination mass. Fathers Victor and Joshua have scheduled their official "First Masses" in their home parishes.
The Provincial Chapter of 2022 may be remembered for many years to come, not for some outstanding and unpredictable election, nor for any monumental or ground-breaking legislation. Rather, it will probably be most remembered for the ravages of the Covid-19 infection which affected several of the chapter delegates. It all began late Sunday night, arrival day, when the Chapter Secretary and Secretary of the Province Joe Lorenzo felt fatigued. During the night symptoms began to intensify, so he utilized a Covid test he had brought from home. Sure enough he tested positive. Early in the morning, Joe notified the provincial and visitator general, and decided to go back to Padua Friary. He met with the assistant secretaries, Michael Ledoux and Alvin Te, and went over the five boxes of chapter materials he had brought to the chapter. An additional concern was the chapter liturgies, especially the priesthood ordination scheduled for Wednesday, since Joe is also the province organist and music director. Shortly after he departed, the Provincial Minister tested positive. Then it happened, One by one several other friars felt ill, all culminating with the positive test of the Visitator, Bill Spencer. This happened right after the early conclusion of the chapter on Thursday afternoon, June 23. While some friars stayed through Friday, many departed immediately. Due to quarantining protocol, several had to remain behind at the retreat center and depend on the hospitality of the local community. Several friars have also tested positive after returning home.
But as we say, ‘the show must go on’, so the chapter began as planned on Monday afternoon, June 20.
Here are some agenda items of the chapter.
1:30 PM. Plenary Session 1
Enthronement of the Sacred Scripture (President of the Chapter)
Reading of the Rule
Roll Call. (Secretary of the Chapter)
Resignation of the Current Provincial Minister and handing over of the Seal of the Province.
Adoption of Rules of Procedure (Secretary of the Chapter)
Approval of Agenda
Appointment of Ad Hoc Committees
Presentation and Election of Plenary Session Moderators
Solemn Mass of the Holy Spirit
Tuesday, June 21
9:00 AM Mass of Remembrance of our Deceased Friars
10:00 AM Plenary Session 2
Video Presentation on Child Protection and Sexual Misconduct, James Geoly
2:00 PM Plenary Session 3
Report of the Provincial Minister and Discussion
Letter to the Chapter from the Minister General
Election of Provincial Minister and Confirmation
5:30 PM Evening Prayer
Wednesday, June 22
9:00 AM Morning Prayer
9:30 AM Plenary Session 4
Report of the Visitator General and Discussion
Chapter Reports
Central American Foundation, Canadian Foundation
Secular Franciscans, Formation, Vocations.
2:00 PM Plenary Session 5
Reports Continue
Straw Ballots for Vicar and Definitors
4:00 PM Ordination to the Priesthood - Friars Victor Treminio and Joshua Critchley, OFM
Thursday, June 23
9:00 AM Mass in Honor of the Jubilarians of the Province
10:00 AM Plenary Session 6
Province Financial Report- Roger Griesmeyer and Associates
2:00 PM Plenary Session 7
Health Care Committee Report
Missions and evangelization, JPIC
Legislation Proposals from Committee
Election of Vicar and Provincial Definitors and Confirmation
Chapter Concluding Ritual and Dismissal.
For the first time in history, the chapter was held in the former library, which proved to be very comfortable and conducive to the meetings. Although the chapter attendance was smaller than usual, due to the complexities of travel and health concerns, the friars of the province were kept abreast of the activities by the communications office through daily news bulletins. In the end, the friars and staff of Mount Alvernia Retreat Center as well as those involved in chapter planning and preparation did a wonderful job keeping the brothers healthy and happy. All obstacles were overcome, and we had a beautiful and successful provincial chapter. It was a wonderful opportunity for the brothers to come together, for, as we proclaim, "ecce quam bonum et quam iucundum habitare fratres in unum."
One suggestion that came forth: Having tee shirts made that read:
"I Survived the Chapter of 2022!"
Provincial Minister and Vicar Re-Elected. Definitorium elected at Chapter.
On the afternoon of Tuesday, June 21, after the roll call and under the supervision of the Visitator General William Spencer, the ballots for Provincial Minister were tabulated by the tellers appointed by the chapter. There were 72 ballots cast from the province at large, Fr. Robert Campagna received 63 votes, Fr. Richard Martignetti received 7 votes, and Fr. Orlando Ruiz received 2 votes. Fr. Bill confirmed the election and Fr. Robert took the oath of office as Provincial Minister remotely due to his quarantine.
On the afternoon of Thursday, June 23, after the roll call, the Chapter Delegates proceeded with the election of the Vicar Provincial. There were 38 ballots cast. Fr. Patrick Boyle received 26 votes, Fr. Richard Martignetti received 9 votes, Fr. John Bucchino received 2 votes, Fr. Joseph Lorenzo received 1 vote. Fr. Patrick Boyle was declared Vicar Provincial. Fr. Bill confirmed the election and Fr. Patrick took the oath of office.
We then had the election of Provincial Definitors. There were 38 ballots cast, and the following were elected: Fr. Orlando Ruiz with 25 votes, Fr. Richard Martignetti with 23 votes, Fr. Joseph Lorenzo, with 19 votes, Fr. Antonio Riccio and Br. Vincent Ciaravino both with 16 votes. Fr. Bill confirmed the election and the new Definitors took the oath of office. Fr. Joe Lorenzo will take the oath at a later date due to his absence. Both elections took place according to provincial legislation, with a one-ballot simple majority sufficing for election.
Congratulations to the Provincial Administration:
Fr. Robert Campagna, O.F.M., Provincial Minister
Fr. Patrick Boyle, O.F.M., Provincial Vicar
Fr. Orlando Ruiz, O.F.M., Provincial Definitor
Fr. Richard Martignetti, O.F.M., Provincial Definitor
Fr. Joseph Lorenzo, O.F.M., Provincial Definitor
Fr. Antonio Riccio, O.F.M., Provincial Definitor
Br. Vincent Ciaravino, O.F.M., Provincial Definitor
Peace and all good! During this month our fraternity has been engaged in various activities. On the one hand, we have finished this scholastic year with a sense of academical satisfaction and gratitude for all that we have been able to learn in Philosophy and Theology as they are helping us to understand and experience the mysteries of God and life’s greatest questions. Also, we saw the arrival of a new brother: Kevin Leonel, coming from the Postulancy program in Brooklyn to deepen and learn the Italian language, to continue his next step which is the Novitiate in San Damiano, Assisi. Welcome brother!
In addition, as part of our activities, we shared beautiful moments like the birthday of our brother Luis Hernandez, with a delicious barbecue, and we celebrated Father Pierre's birthday with a unique cake full of Nutella! We also shared in fraternity with the sisters of Piccole Ancelle di Cristo Re, the feast of St. Anthony at the same time we celebrated our guardian's onomastico; Antonio.
Last but not least, we would like to express the joy of visiting our families with renewed energy going to our summer assignment.
Greetings to all our brothers from the eternal city may the Lord bless you and keep you as we are united in prayer.
Brother Aldair and Brother Daniel R. Luna
Take time to wish our brothers a Happy Birthday!
John Bucchino - July 2nd - (77)
Albert Gauci - July 7th - (75)
Joseph LaGressa - July 10th - (74)
Francis Walter- July 13th- (72)
Michael Corcione - July 23rd - (61)
Jose Alvin Te - July 25th - (48)
Primo Piscitello - July 27th - (88)
Claude Scrima - July 28th - (88)
Bishop Roberto Camilleri, O.F.M. Elected President of the
Episcopal Conference of Honduras
The Episcopal Conference of Honduras (CEH) elected a new president on Wednesday, June 8. The choice fell on Bishop Roberto Camilleri, O.F.M., a native of Malta and Bishop of the Diocese of Comayagua. "We ask for prayers from all the people of God so that the presidency of Bishop Roberto may be the voice of God," said CEH spokesman Juan Ángel López.
Bishop Camilleri was born in 1951. He was ordained a priest on June 29, 1975 by Pope Saint Paul VI in Rome. In his home country he was novice master of the Franciscan Friars Minor between 1975 and 1979. He has been working in Honduras since 1980 when he was made a parish priest. In July 2001 he was made auxiliary bishop of Tegucigalpa, a stage that has passed in the shadow of Cardinal Madariaga, who is nearing retirement. He became Bishop of Comayagua in 2004.
Bishop Camilleri replaces Bishop Ángel Garachana, bishop of the second most important city in Honduras: San Pedro Sula, in northern Honduras. Bishop Garachana was concluding his second term as head of the CEH and, in fact, is waiting for the Pope to accept his resignation as bishop as he has reached the age limit.
ESC Vocation
Directors meet in
Scottsdale for
annual Retreat and
The first face-to-face meeting in two years.
A five day retreat and fraternal gathering of the English-Speaking Conference of Vocation Directors was held from May 2-6 at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. After holding their meetings virtually for more than 24 months, the conference was the first time since the start of the pandemic that the ESC vocation directors assembled in person. Three previous attempts at holding their annual meeting had been postponed due to COVID concerns. Our own Orlando Ruiz was in attendance and was unanimously elected Vice President of the ESC Vocations Conference.
The gathering at “The Casa” – as the Retreat Center is affectionately known from its origins as Casa de Paz y Bien when it was established by the Order of Friars Minor in 1951 – was twofold in purpose: to encourage, support and reinvigorate the friars in their global vocation work, and to brainstorm contemporary vocation strategies that bring about renewal and motivation to the witness of Friars Minor around the world. Among the participants were Tom Nairn, OFM (Sacred Heart Province), Greg Plata, OFM (Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary Province), Erasmo Romero, OFM (Our Lady of Guadalupe Province), Sebastian Sandoval, OFM (St. Barbara Province), Thom Smith, OFM (Sacred Heart Province), Basil Valente, OFM (Holy Name Province) Carlos Ona, OFM, and Joachim Yoon, OFM, both from Holy Spirit Province in Alberta and Montreal, Canada, and Orlando Ruiz, OFM, of Immaculate Conception Province. Although the majority of ESC vocation directors attended, the European members – including Lithuania, Ireland, England and Malta – were unable to participate due to COVID restrictions in their respective countries.
The group engaged in robust dialogue during a series of sessions on timely and topical issues, among them ESC membership, the role of the vocation leadership team, in-person vs. virtual meetings, recruitment strategies, and the challenges and blessings of vocation ministry during the pandemic. They also discussed the priorities and implications of recent reports issued by the National Religious Vocation Conference and the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate as they pertain to vocation ministry during COVID and beyond.
During the business portion of the meeting, Orlando was unanimously elected to serve as vice president of the ESC vocation directors, succeeding Dan Gurnick, OFM, of Holy Spirit Province. The group, which expressed gratitude for Dan’s service and guidance, also ratified the other members of the leadership team who will continue in their roles, including Basil (president), Sebastian (secretary and treasurer), and Tom Nairn (provincial liaison).
In breakout-group discussions, a common theme was the effect of the pandemic on vocation recruitment and ministry, with the friars agreeing on the importance of in-person vocation director and candidate meetings, in addition to candidates participating in come-and-see visits to friaries.
One of the most intriguing elements to emerge from their presentations was the importance of recruiting and promoting vocations to mid-aged and older candidates as vigorously as ESC vocation ministers support younger candidates. Orlando invited the group to hold next year's meeting in Toronto.
For our friars in skilled nursing facilities
Friar Regis Gallo, OFM
Friar Albin Fusco, OFM
Friar Lawrence Stumpo, OFM
Friar Phillip Adamo, OFM
For the friars who have recently died
Friar Raymond Camilleri, O.F.M. (Brother of Bishop Roberto Camilleri, OFM)
Friar Ronald Pecci, OFM (Holy Name Province)
Friar Peter Fiore, OFM (Holy Name Province)
For the friars who are sick
For our infirm family and friends:
Dennis Russell (Brother-in-Law of Fr. Robert Campagna)
Melissa McDonald (Niece of Fr. Robert Campagna)
Pray for all those infected and affected by the caronavirus.
For all our friends and family who are ill.
For our recently deceased family and friends:
Mary Greco (Sister of Fr. Claude Scrima, OFM)
Please pray for all friars, families, friends, and benefactors,
living and deceased.
For medical personnel and first responders.
For those in our nursing homes and hospitals.
Please print out a copy of this newsletter to share with those in your community who do not have email. We hope that every friar in our province will have access to the Newsletter and that a printed copy will be posted on your friary bulletin board.
Thank you
Province of the Immaculate Conception, New York NY
125 Thompson Street New York NY 10012
Please send any articles, news items, or photos to
Friar Joseph F Lorenzo, O.F.M.
Provincial Secretary/Communications Director
125 Thompson Street New York NY 10012
Cell: 917.337.9833
Office: 212.674.4388 Xt. 113