Studies show that in the United States, more than 600 million pounds of Halloween candy are purchased every year. Most curbside recycling programs don't include candy wrappers, and the thought of all that waste going into landfills is enough to give anyone a cavity. With our annual Trick-or-Treat right around the corner, we decided to order a Trick or Trash box from Rubicon. This handy little box can be used to collect candy wrappers on the big night, then sent back for processing and recycling. Plus, it's adorable! Boxes are free for independent businesses, community organizations, and schools, and round-trip shipping is included. Grab yours today and help keep our downtown tidy for spooky season! 

And speaking of downtown Trick-or-Treat, we are on the lookout for sponsors for our annual family-friendly event happening on Thursday, October 27 from 4-6pm. Send a message to if you would like to learn more!