April 2, 2024
Don't Miss Your Last Chance to Register for the Youth Career Expo
Join us at the Youth Career Expo to connect with local high school students and shape the future workforce! Educate today, hire tomorrow by showcasing your business's opportunities for internships, jobs, and career pathways. Promote your brand, engage with young talent, and increase awareness of your industry. Don't miss out on this chance to make a meaningful impact and be part of the career conversation.
Help fuel your graduate's future - encourage them to apply for the $1,000 Chamber Scholarship!
This scholarship will be awarded to an individual who will be attending Chippewa Valley Technical College or the University of Wisconsin-Stout in the fall. To qualify, the student or their parent/guardian/grandparent must work at a Chamber member investor business, check the current list here.
Chamberversaries & New Investor!
Creating A Leadership Mindset
The "Creating a Leadership Mindset" event left attendees equipped with tools to balance leadership responsibilities while prioritizing personal well-being. A huge thank you to all who experienced this empowering journey and to our Presenting Sponsor WESTconsin Credit Union and Venue Sponsor Andersen Windows + Doors.
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Menomonie Area Chamber & Visitor Center
1125 N Broadway St, Ste 3, Menomonie, WI
(715) 235-9087