Our monthly summary of how you can make the most of your Whole Grains Council membership.

WGC March 2017 Member Newsletter
Dear Oldways Whole Grains Council members,

This week we were delighted to see that the International Food Information Council is recommending the Whole Grain Stamp as, " the best indication," of a product's whole grain content. Our own survey research has shown that 79% of consumers say that the Stamp makes them more likely to buy a product, and that more than half of all consumers say they are less likely to trust whole grain packaging claims of a product without the Stamp.

No wonder more than 11,000 products in 55 countries around the world are approved for the Whole Grain Stamp. Are you using the Stamp on all your qualifying products, in all possible countries? Contact Caroline today to learn more about expanding your Stamp use.

50%+ Stamp Now Available Internationally!

Our new 50%+ Stamp -- available for US products since January -- can now be used on qualifying products outside the US. To find out if your registered products are among the hundreds of international products eligible for a Stamp upgrade, simply log into your Whole Grains Council member account and either track or download your products (see Caroline's Tip below). All existing products that now qualify for the 50%+ Stamp have been automatically approved in our database for the new Stamp so that you can start updating the graphics on your packaging right away.

In support of our international launch of the 50%+ Stamp, all the new Spanish and Portuguese Stamp graphics are now available for download on our website. We've also revised our International Stamp Usage Guides (in English, Spanish and Portuguese) so that they are completely up-to-date. If it's been a while since you submitted a new product for Stamp use, now is the perfect time to re-read the Stamp Usage Guide for a quick refresher!

If you have any questions about the new Stamp, or if you would like help identifying your qualifying products and getting the new graphics onto your packaging, please contact Caroline Sluyter at 617-896-4832 or caroline@oldwayspt.org.

Last Call for Whole Grain Sampling Day -- Wednesday, March 29  
Next week's Whole Grain Sampling Day is right around the corner -- the perfect chance for you to showcase your delicious whole grain products. It's not too late to boost your sales by offering a special coupon or doing a social media giveaway. We've got a record-breaking number of participants this year and we want you to be a part of the momentum!

If you're planning a Whole Grain Sampling Day event that's not listed on our site, get in touch with Kelly (kelly@oldwayspt.org) as soon as possible so that she can add you to our interactive map. To join the celebration on social media, be sure to use
#SampleWholeGrains, and feel free to incorporate some of our ready-made graphics or social media messaging ideas into your promotions. Tag us at @OldwaysPT so that we can re-Tweet you!
Caroline's Tip: Download and Update Your Product Spreadsheet

Our website has a new feature that makes it even easier to keep track of your Stamped products! When you log in to your account on our For Members page and click on "My Account," you will see there is a new option to "Download my products." This link will provide you a full spreadsheet of all your approved products and will allow you to track all the details of your registration forms. 

Whenever you have products that have been discontinued, or that need changes to their brand or product name, simply download your product spreadsheet, highlight and make note of any changes, and email the revised spreadsheet to Caroline ( caroline@oldwayspt.org). Of course, if the product formula, nutrition facts, or ingredients information has changed, just submit a new Product Registration Form and indicate that it's replacing an older, previously approved product. 
Raw Milk Cheese Appreciation Day: April 22, 2017

The Whole Grains Council is just one of many programs run by Oldways, our Boston-based food and nutrition non-profit. Next month, on April 22, our Oldways Cheese Coalition will be celebrating Raw Milk Cheese Appreciation Day, an opportunity for consumers all over the world to taste new cheeses, visit a farm, and engage with a cheesemonger or producer. 

If you're interested in learning about celebrations happening near you, check out our event listings in the US and worldwide. If you see something nearby, offer to provide whole grain crackers or bread to give your products additional visibility. 
Caroline Sluyter
Stamp Program Manager

Kelly Toups, MLA, RD, LDN
Program Director

Cynthia Harriman
Director of Food and Nutrition Strategies

... and from all of the Oldways and Whole Grains Council staff
Oldways is a nonprofit food and nutrition education organization inspiring good health through cultural food traditions and lifestyles. The Oldways Whole Grains Council is only one of our many successful programs. Check out our website to learn more