DSI NEWS                                           March 29, 2024

2024 DSI Annual Pedagogy Conference

21st Century Teaching Effectiveness: Exploring the Spectrum

June 25-26, 2024 * Virtual Conference


Last Call for Abstracts and Short Papers - Deadline Monday, April 1

The 1st Annual Pedagogy Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) is themed and titled 21st Century Teaching Effectiveness: Exploring the Spectrum to capture the essence of evolving methods, tools, and delivery modes unique to the decision sciences disciplines.


We are excited to offer you two renowned keynote speakers from industry to share their insights on current and future looking states of practice. Thoughtful panels exploring topics on trends in higher education and innovation, global educator experiences, and being an outstanding educator. Featured sessions for Data, Analytics and Statistics Instruction (DASI), and cutting-edge innovation labs.


We look forward to sharing thought-provoking conversations, making new connections, exploring exciting innovations, and, in general, opening up to the future of decision sciences education. Please submit your pedagogical related work to be part of this event and reunite virtually as a DSI community. There are tracks for case studies, teaching activities and games, conceptual and pedagogical research, ethical and responsible use of AI and other tools in teaching and learning, teaching AI and other tech tools, curricular and program issues, diversity, equity & inclusion and student belonging, and other pedagogy related topics.  


Submissions of abstracts and short papers close: April 1st, 2024 (extended due to holiday)


DSI is using a new conference management system, Oxford Abstracts, for this event. Please visit our conference website for submission instructions and more information. Ready to submit now? Click here. Or visit the conference website for additional details and to download the short paper template.


Please share this invitation with friends and colleagues. We look forward to seeing you!



Your 2024 DSI Pedagogy Conference Team

Sarah Sengupta, Conference Chair, St. Cloud State University, sarah.sengupta@stcloudstate.edu

Matthew Drake, Research Chair, Duquesne University, drake987@duq.edu

Peggy Daniels Lee, Program Co-Chair, Indiana University, pedalee@iupui.edu

Andrea Patrucco, Program Co-Chair, Florida International University, apatrucc@fiu.edu

Marco Formentini, Invited Presenters & Innovation Labs Chair, University of Trento, marco.formentini@unitn.it

Rebecca Duray, Senior Advisor, University of Colorado - Colorado Springs, rduray@uccs.edu

Yi-Su Chen, Senior Advisor, University of Michigan-Dearborn, yisuchen@umich.edu


Questions? Contact the Home Office at info@decisionsciences.org.

 Decision Sciences Institute Website
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