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The First Laser Scanner with CIP Safety™ over EtherNet/IP™
microScan3 Core new generation of safety laser scanner
The safe network integration of the  microScan3 with CIP Safety™ over EtherNet/IP™ is quick and easy. This enables safe communication in addition to centralized configuration and diagnostics. The microScan3 uses standardized M12 plug connectors and the device is easy to replace, saving time and helping to keep costs low.

  • Compatibility with current EtherNet/IP™ controls
  • Convenient configuration via an access point in the network
  • Fast cabling thanks to standardized M12 connectivity
  • Safety-compliant integration into existing systems reduces costs

Data Commander MES Gateway Appliance
Golden Mousetrap Award for "Design Hardware & software"
Design News Honors Winning Products and Companies at the 2018 Golden Mousetrap Awards. Data Commander is this year's winner for Design Hardware & Software.

The  Data Commander  ™ is an MES gateway appliance replacing PCs and OPC middleware on the factory floor for connecting factory automation with database servers. It is designed as industrial hardened firmware using point-and-click setup to deliver manufacturing intelligence in minutes versus days.

A high-speed, two-way gateway connection protects data integrity and isolates OT from IT networks. Auto-enumerated Inserts, Updates, Selects, and Stored Procedure calls communicate directly to the database, and native drivers provide easy access to all PLC memory areas.   Learn more...
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Mitsubishi GXWorks2 Programming
April 3-5, 2018
Norwood, MA

AIA Vision Show
April 10-12, 2018
Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA

What's Brewing with Cognex
April 18, 2018
Free Will Brewing, Perkasie, PA

Mitsubishi Robot Training
April 24-26, 2018
Norwood, MA