LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.

Heat + Humidity + Wind = Perseverance

We had a fourth and final LVTC event August 21st, 2022 – and it was a hot, humid, and windy day. The water temperature was warm – so it was a ‘no wetsuit swim’. As athletes headed out on the bike, they had a big tail wind – made the ride out to the turn-around fast and fun! But, then it was 6.5 miles right back into a strong head wind. With temperatures rising, it was a tough bike back to transition.

You could see the athletes coming in had worked hard on the bike – lots of them grabbed some water before they headed out on the run. Humid conditions are tough to get hydration right – so this is good practice since we hardly have any humidity here in the desert.

This was our largest event of the season – everyone seems ready for all the fall portion of our triathlon season!

Congratulations to everyone who participated!

Top three females:

  1. Jayme Ray
  2. Vanessa Cook
  3. Heather Black

Top three males:

  1. Luigi Grullon
  2. Matt Olson
  3. Christopher Perkins

Points Series

Each year, we keep track of how our members do in each event and have awards for the top ‘points winners’ for our different divisions:

This points series was a nail biter! We headed into the fourth event with many ties for the top spot, and ended up walking away with most of the ties broken. The one exception was the three-way tie for the Women’s Open Division.

Congratulations to everyone who completed an event in the Las Vegas Tri Club points series and a special shout out to the few triathletes who completed ALL of the events in the series!! Thank you for making us a part of your season.

In the Open Women's Field:

1st Place: Julie Marschner

1st Place: Jayme Ray

1st Place: Candace Mccutcheon

In the Open Men's Field:

1st Place: Paul Hayes

2nd Place: Matt Olson

3rd Place: Christopher Perkins

Winners of the Masters Division:

1st Place Female: Dawn Sullivan

1st Place Male: Will Iam Wiley

Winners of the Rookie Division:

1st Place Female: Ashley Nguyen

1st Place Male: Tom Schnitker

Winner of Clydesdale Division:

1st Place: Chris Leslie

Club Members who Completed every Triathlon (and an Aquabike) in the Series:

Julie MarschnerHeather BlackAshley NguyenPaul Hayes

Nevada Senior Games Triathlon - Bonnie Parrish-Kell, NVSG triathlon coordinator

We’re just weeks away from the Nevada Senior Games Triathlon on Sat. Oct. 1 – yep, that’s the same day as BBSC’s Las Vegas Triathlon. The sprint distance is our official event for triathletes age 50 or better!

Race for NVSG 5-year age group awards, BBSC’s awards, and to qualify for the 2023 National Senior Games in Pittsburgh!

Deadline to sign up as a Nevada Senior Games athlete is Tuesday, Sept. 20 (you’ll get a 20% discount code for your LV Triathlon registration, too!).

Register first at Be sure to check out the updated triathlete guide – chock full of all the details you need to know.

Got questions? Message me through Facebook, email, or call 702-373-5293.

Hope to see you there!!

Bonnie Parrish-Kell, NVSG triathlon coordinator

Socials/Training Events/Education

Check our Facebook Group for locals who are training in town or down at Lake Mead. Post your workouts!

Membership Drive

Support your local Triathlon Club
Membership Includes:
  • Club logoed gear for purchase
  • 3 Sprint Triathlons & 1 Aquabike
  • Triathlon Programs: Events and Skill Clinics
  • Opportunities to train, get together and socialize
  • Discounts for members only on BBSC races
  • Additional discounts on products and services

Single Membership is $65.00
Family Membership is $85.00
College Membership is $40.00
Purchase Membership

Coaches Corner

The best thing about being a triathlete is that our unique people are utter goal crushers. It’s just how we are wired. We are conquistadors of box checking. Ceaseless Vikings of personal growth. Juggernauts on fire toward any literal or metaphorical finish line. In other words, our need to systematically and tactfully get through any ‘next challenge’, is just insatiable. 

The possible worst thing about being a triathlete is…also that. 

So, it’s no surprise that our (wonderful) paradoxical personalities can often run across some slippery slopes on the course of remaining happy in multisport. When always looking at ‘the next’ of whatever, it’s not so easy to enjoy ‘the now’ of whatever glorious era one finds themselves in their racing. More specifically, it’s likely not easy to celebrate the crushing of all those goals when sights are only ever on the next goal. Too long a period on that kind of tri train, and the original purpose behind behind it all soon fades like quads in a kick set. 

The fun fades. 

FUN needs to remain on top of any veritable podium. And celebrating the big, small, and overlooked can help just that. From beginners to elites, we could all use a ‘tri brain reframe’ on this matter. Here are some general reasons to beat your chest that can be applied to any within our breed:

  • It’s not ‘just a sprint’. Or ‘just’ anything. It’s a HUGE deal. No matter your long course goals or what training pals are doing, this is the budding newborn foundation of it all. One to be nurtured and celebrated. 
  • The group ride or workout sucking just a tiny bit less actually reflects huge gains in fitness.  Look at the data and the discipline thus far, not the comparison to another athlete.  The results are worth shouting an expletive positively about yourself. 
  • First run after an injury?  How slow?  But wait…you were RUNNING again, right?!! 
  • First race after an injury?  How slow?  But wait…you’re recovered and still not injured after RACING ONCE AGAIN, right?!!
  • Completed a 70.3 as a stepping stone for 140.6 and now anxious about the 140.6?  Stop wasting time being anxious. And start celebrating not just conquering that 70.3, but how your successful training for that race WILL carry over to the full race. 
  • ***Insert your own reason to celebrate. And pass on this practice to all! 

~Coach Nancy

Safety Corner

8 Keys to Triathlon Balance

As the 2022 triathlon season winds down, lessons from our past goals, races, and training lead us to a better 2023. It’s important, however, to keep a healthy balance in our lives. Here are 8 Keys to Triathlon Balance from “The Triathlete’s Guide to Mental Training” by Jim Taylor Ph.D. & Terry Schneider.

  1. Be a human being, not a human doing. Instead of basing how you feel about yourself on your accomplishments, base your opinion on who you are. Be proud of your hard work instead of your outcome.
  2. Redefine success and failure. Allow your definition of success to include the effort that you put into reaching goals. Let failure be your lessons. 
  3. Keep Triathlon in Perspective.It’s easy to become obsessed or overwhelmed with triathlon. Triathlon should be an important part in your life, but should not take over your life.
  4. Maintain balance. Keep a healthy balance between training, family life, and living life outside of triathlon.
  5. Have healthy expectations. Set goals that you have control over.
  6. Strive for Excellence, not perfection. The pursuit of perfection is unhealthy. Setting high standards and working hard are OK as long as you realize that triathlon is unpredictable. 
  7. Feel the love and joy. Instead of focusing on love for results, times, placings, and rankings, focus on your love for self, sport, and others. 
  8. Appreciate the benefits. Triathlon gives us several benefits, including physical, mental, social, and spiritual. Triathlon supports a healthy lifestyle, with good nutrition and exercise. 

~Amanda Wolpink

Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!

Prez Corner:


Why do you tri? For many of us, we signed up for a triathlon because of the challenge – no matter the distance of the race, training for an event that involves three sports is a challenge! Others signed up for a triathlon just to improve fitness and health. What motivates each of us to train and compete/complete races is unique to each of us.

But motivation can wane over a season. That is normal … you are not alone! What is important is to realize that the reason for training/racing can evolve over time. It is ok to start out with the idea to achieve a goal but then to shift that goal along the way. Maybe it becomes more important to work on health vs. trying to run your fastest 5 K.


It is good to fill your triathlon toolbox with a lot of ways to keep motivation during the season. In the last issue of this newsletter, there were several ideas shared on what we can do to stay consistent with our training. 

But something not mentioned was the importance of celebrating accomplishments. It is easy to celebrate at the end of a race … and that is certainly a great time to celebrate! But there are other times that you should pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself. Did you stay consistent with training for the week? Celebrate! Did you swim, bike, and/or run a new distance or route? Celebrate! 

Far too often, we forget to celebrate those ‘micro-achievements’. In our Las Vegas Triathlon Club Member Spotlights, I often like to ask the guest to compare the training they do now vs. when they started – usually, that is a tremendous change! What seemed impossible or challenging when you started has become routine … but did you take the time to celebrate along the way? 

Sometimes, I know athletes are worried about celebrating because they are satisfied … they still have bigger goals to achieve. That’s great! But, getting to those bigger goals will be easier when you celebrate along the way. 

Take a step back and consider what you can celebrate right now. What accomplishment have you had that makes you smile? Celebrate that! Then … keep moving forward to the next accomplishment. 

Make the process of achieving your goals fun … celebrate all the steps you’ve taken along the way.

~John Mercer

Past President

How do you celebrate your goals?

For me, catching up on all the neglected stuff in my life, can be very rewarding and can feel like a celebration. Going on a bike ride with a friend who couldn’t possibly keep up with me at race pace or a ride with my kids. Going to a movie with a friend. Catching up on all the gossip. Working on the yard, catching up with paperwork and filing. It might not sound like a way to celebrate, but for a type A personality, not having a cluttered mind is a huge relief and a victory. 

Next we move onto inspirational stuff. Did I need to get new handlebar tape or a new pair of shorts, or shoes anyway? Getting new stuff in bright colors is always a pick me up. Sometimes I’ve been focused for so long on the big race and it is hard to reset my brain. Little things like a new music list for workouts is a huge motivator. When I finish a big goal, I like to have nothing beyond it. It is good so that I can re-evaluate where my fitness goals are headed, but it’s also bad because I get the post-race blues and find myself sometimes over whelmed with the big question of “what’s next”? I like to research and dream at this point. What things would I like to try from here? Would I like to switch stuff up? Instead of a road triathlon, try a trail triathlon? The key for me is I have to dream here, not sign up for a bunch of events. It’s similar to childbirth. The worst time to decide if you want more children is right after having one. Emotions are still high and it is too soon to see how much it has affected you. Only time can give you some answers. I write stuff down and revisit it in 3 months. Am I still that excited about it? Let’s put it on the calendar!

Lastly, the gift of time off is one of my favorite ways to celebrate. Take time to let your body heal, focus on strength training to give you the foundation you need, and getting all those preventative doctor appointments done. Get a physical, your teeth cleaned, and your vision checked. Happy and healthy is the best way to celebrate.

~Shawna Glasser

LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.

The Evidence-Based Triathlete

Las Vegas Triathlon Club
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