LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.

Fall is FINALLY Here!

Fall is here and every weekend is packed with triathlons! Whether the event is local, national, or international, our local athletes are racing this fall! Here is a short list of some of the races local athletes have been at this fall (in no particular order):

  • Kokopelli
  • Ironman Chattanooga
  • IM Wisconsin
  • Malibu
  • 70.3 Santa Cruz
  • 70.3 Cozumel
  • 70.3 Washington
  • 70.3 Boulder
  • Challenge Almere-Amsterdam

We’ve seen a number of our athletes do their first triathlon! It is so inspiring to see new athletes take up the sport. We have also seen some fantastic race performances from winning races/age groups, on the podium for age groups, placing overall, and just simply crushing personal goals. 

… and there are so many more races our athletes will be taking on … 

  • Las Vegas Triathlon
  • Pumpkinman
  • 70.3 Tempe
  • IM Cozumel
  • IM Arizona
  • 70.3 Indian Wells
  • IM World Championships Kona

It is so much fun watching everyone race and enjoying the payoff of all the training! 

Not only are athletes #enjoythejourney … they are ready to thrive!

Socials/Training Events/Education

Check our Facebook Group for locals who are training in town or down at Lake Mead. Post your workouts!

Membership Drive

Support your local Triathlon Club
Membership Includes:
  • Club logoed gear for purchase
  • 3 Sprint Triathlons & 1 Aquabike
  • Triathlon Programs: Events and Skill Clinics
  • Opportunities to train, get together and socialize
  • Discounts for members only on BBSC races
  • Additional discounts on products and services

Single Membership is $65.00
Family Membership is $85.00
College Membership is $40.00
Purchase Membership

Coaches Corner

To TRI essentially is to THRIVE, but the progress doesn’t stop at a race finish line-

‘To thrive’ is a pretty trendy concept. It’s thrown around in cringy motivational memes and vaguely suggested to somehow embrace as a part of a fulfilling life. As a coach who deals in objective and REAL measures, such cheesy ambiguity in ugly font in every other instagram post, is downright annoying. 

Luckily for me and any other triathlete, knowing what it means ‘to thrive’ is so close to us and unmistakable. Crossing the finish line of any meaningful race, for example, is our purest embodiment of thriving. Moving ourselves forward in any capacity, by way of being fast or beating fear or any human athlete spectrum combo, means we are thriving. 

In any case, it’s reinventing ourselves. 

And such transformation proves glorious and so addictive! Take racing alone- short course/5k, to moving up in distance, to some absurd IM or Ultra. Thriving within that progress can feel as important as oxygen. Or love. Utterly needed as life blood. 

But. What if that precious source was ripped away? 

Injury. Work. Family. Major life changes. Something derails the status ‘thriving quo’. Does the thriving end? Does progress stop? Is an instagram meme making far from any real sense on a piece of tech take the place of real life, real impact making progress- real thriving? 

Let’s hope not. 

Let’s hope instead that the definition of thriving is simply reframed. Instead of speed and finish lines alone defining life thriving moments, perhaps it’s something even more refined. Like the thriving that comes from new conscientious form/body awareness while mindfully working through an injury. Or the thriving inevitably following the more balanced human who has freshly prioritized family/life/work/training. Maybe thriving is a simple as the hidden gift provided to one not able to ride their bike as much, in the form of learning more about the machine itself. Mastering their steed and surprising themselves in their new abilities. 

Change, even the uncomfortable kind, is opportunity for reinvention. Reinvention is thriving. Thriving…is a triathlete. 

~Coach Nancy

Safety Corner

Ahhhh….. The offseason. 

If you think that the upcoming offseason means that you get to relax and enjoy some time off, you’re not wrong. But if you’re looking to smash 2023, then you’ll want to ensure that you utilize this time wisely. Elite triathlon coach and author Matt Dixon wrote in his book “Fast Track Athlete” that the start of the next triathlon season starts at the heels of the previous season. 

Knowing this, here is some advice that he has towards keeping the offseason successful: 

  • Do preparatory work to gently build fitness and muscular resilience as well as to strengthen the tendons and ligaments.
  • Focus on refining habits, technique, and form.
  • Adapt to any changes needed now, whether it be new equipment, upgraded equipment, or bike fits. 
  • Keep stress level low. Operate at a low workout load. Relax!
  • Try new activities and be flexible in your training. 
  • Mix in some light intensity work from time to time. 
  • Include weight training
  • Increase key sessions as you approach the end of the offseason.  

Matt also lists out some goals for offseason success:

  1.  Emerge with good baseline, but not prime, fitness levels.
  2.  Build a resilient musculoskeletal system.
  3.  Establish positive habits to carry through the season.
  4.  Be emotionally fresh and eager to add hours and training load.
  5.  Commit to integrated strength training.

If 2023 is your time to thrive, then use the next few weeks to map out your Offseason plan. 

~Amanda Wolpink

Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!

Prez Corner:


Why tri? 

Triathlon is a unique sport that most people take up their first triathlon as an adult. There are so many reasons why people take up triathlon … sometimes it is a challenge or wanting to improve health or maybe just to do something fun with friends. Sometimes there is a competitive goal to taking up the sport and wanting to excel in age group or overall placement in races. 

Whatever the reason was originally, it is good to realize that the reason for staying with the sport can evolve. Maybe that first race was just a unique challenge … but then you enjoyed the race and wanted to do another one … or maybe a different distance … or try to go faster at the same race. 

We often talk about triathlon as a lifestyle …  something we integrate into our regular routines. This can be done in a positive way and our club theme this year has been ‘Enjoy The Journey’. Enjoy the training sessions, enjoy the friendships you develop along the way, enjoy supporting each other … Enjoy the sport! 

Part of enjoying the sport is thriving in the sport. That can mean a lot of different things … but as we enter the fall where there are a lot of races happening, it is good to step back and realize this is the time to thrive! Go for those race goals, celebrate with each other’s accomplishments, let your fitness shine on race day! That may mean you are going for a personal best, working to finish your first triathlon, or to simply to enjoy the race experience. 

As you approach your next race, know that when you toe the start line, you are there to thrive! 

~John Mercer

Past President


A mantra is a word, short phrase, or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation. Many of us use it for workouts or races. Here are some of my favorites:


I can do hard things

My race, my pace

Strong, focused, relaxed

As it gets harder, I get stronger

I choose the outcome

Finish strong


If it doesn’t challenge me, it doesn’t change me

Just one more mile

I’m stronger than I think

The faster I run, the faster I’m done

You are a badass

Create the best possible conditions for success, then let go of the outcome

I deserve to win

The hay is in the barn (The training and foundation are there.)

You got this.

Race like you are in first place. Train like you are in second. 

Sometimes we all need silly things to think about that make us smile:

One of my friends says, “This is stupid” so sometimes I will say that just to laugh and think of her.

I think about songs with fun lyrics like Britney Spear’s “Work B$#@%”

Dedication to someone else: 

Nothing makes you work harder than when you are dedicating it to someone special. Writing their name on your hand/arm can give special meaning to your purpose.


I have a tendency to slouch when I start to get tired. One of my coaches told me, “Tits out” to remind me to put my chest out so my head and neck are forced back into correct alignment.


I get to do this. (Many people can not do this sport, so if you feel grateful that you have the opportunity to do this sport you obstacles seem less significant.)

Lastly, my husband would like to add his favorite mantra by Spock from Star Trek, “Pain is a thing of the mind. The mind can be controlled. There is no pain.”

~Shawna Glasser

LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.

The Evidence-Based Triathlete

Las Vegas Triathlon Action

Las Vegas Triathlon Club
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