LVTC Happenings!

A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.

The Holiday Season is Here!

The Holiday Season has kicked off with Thanksgiving … If you didn't get a chance to tune in last week, be sure to watch the Las Vegas Triathlon Club Member Spotlight with Terri Buryanov ( Many of you know she was hit by an SUV and sustained serious, life-threatening injuries. Thankfully, she is on the road to recovery and her story is inspiring … especially in the spirit of Thanksgiving.

You can also add our Las Vegas Triathlon Club 2024 events to your calendar. Remember, these events are free with your club membership – and 2024 membership will open in March 2024.

We offer three Sprint Distance triathlons and one Aquathon:

  • April 14th, 2024 - Sunday
  • June 1st, 2024 - Saturday
  • July 7th, 2024 (Aquabike) - Sunday
  • August 10th, 2024 - Saturday

And if you are looking for some Holiday gifts, don’t forget to check out our LVTC gear page:

The theme for this newsletter issue is: Courage. You’ll enjoy reading the different features by past-President Shawna Glasser, Operations Board Member Bob Gamble, Coach Hilary Mauch, and President John Mercer.

Las Vegas Triathlon Club Event Dates:













The Las Vegas Triathlon Club Legacy Scholarship

On 12/10/20, five Las Vegas athletes were killed when an impaired driver ran into a group of cyclists. The athletes were Tom Trauger, Erin Ray, Aksoy Ahmet, Michael Murray, and Gerrard Nieva. These five athletes are endearingly referred to as TEAMG (Tom, Erin, Aksoy, Michael, and Gerrard).

Following their deaths, there has been an upswell of community support for the families and survivors directly affected. There has also been a renewed call for action to create a safer environment for our athletes to train here in the Greater Las Vegas Valley.

The purpose of the Las Vegas Triathlon Club Legacy Scholarship is to honor the legacy of TEAMG as well as any local triathletes who have been killed or injured as result of distracted driving. The Legacy Scholarship is designed to encourage involvement in triathlon by new athletes, youth athletes, and/or continuing athletes in special need.

More information about the scholarship can be found at this page:

The list of our Scholarship Awardees can be found at this page:



This scholarship continues thanks to a generous donation by Alsco Uniforms as well as an anonymous donor. 

Socials/Training Events/Education

Here are the tentative dates for our 2024 events (we are submitting permit requests for these dates):

  • 4/14/24: Sunday - Triathlon
  • Registration opens March 1st
  • 6/1/24: Saturday - Triathlon
  • Registration opens May 1st
  • 7/7/24: Sunday - Aquabike
  • Registration opens June 1st
  • 8/10/24: Saturday - Triathlon
  • Registration opens July 1st

Pencil these dates into your calendar! More information will be posted as we get closer to the date.

Events are for members only! Membership is annual and runs next season from March 2024 to March 2025.

Continue to check our Facebook Group for any additional get-togethers that may be happening, and for locals who are training in town or down at Lake Mead. Post your workouts!

Thanks everyone!

The New Triathlete

The Courage of a New Triathlete

Courage can’t exist without fear. As a matter of fact, courage is defined as action in the face of fear. Having no fear means one of two things: either there is nothing to be afraid of or you are ignorant of the potential consequences of your upcoming actions.

Do you know what the biggest cause of fear is? It is uncertainty in the outcome of an action. It’s when you don’t know what to expect, you don’t know what will happen because of your actions, and you are doing something for the first time. People face dangerous situations all the time without fear because they know what to expect, they know what’s coming, and they know they can handle it. But this doesn’t apply when you are doing something for the first time – when you simply don’t know what to expect.

So here you are -- a new triathlete. Practically everything you do is new, and the outcome is uncertain. You lock your feet securely onto your pedals for the first time, unsure of whether you’ll be able to unclip. You take your hands off your bike’s base bar and ‘go aero’ for the first time, unsure of how stable you will be. You ride a deep-section front wheel in the wind for the first time, not knowing how your bike will handle. You swim far from shore, unable to see the bottom or stand up if you get into trouble. This all involves uncertainty. And this is scary stuff.

Because this is all genuinely fearful, you need significant courage to do it. Acknowledge your fear, take baby steps and proceed with caution, but most of all, give yourself credit for mustering up the very real courage Triathlon requires – and proves that you have. Each time you toe the line at the start of a triathlon, and each time you cross the finish line, think back on all the individual times in your triathlon journey you needed courage to get there, and give yourself a reward, even if it’s only a mental pat on your own back. That reward is not only hard-earned, it’s also very well-deserved.

~ Bob Gamble

Coach's Corner:

Stepping through the door: Embracing Courage, Achieving Celebration

As triathletes, every new race season marks a threshold—a door beckoning us to step through. Whether seasoned veterans or eager newcomers, this moment nudges us to contemplate: do we commit to that race? It’s a juncture demanding introspection, a moment to weigh our aspirations against our resolve.


For beginners, this juncture is where the journey commences. It’s the opportune moment to embark on training, bracing oneself to cross the finish line with the unwavering support of training partners, coaches, family, and friends. For seasoned athletes, it’s the crux where we recalibrate, setting lofty goals that define each racing season.


Stepping through that door demands courage—an audacious stride into the unknown. Will our training hold? Will the race bear the fruits of our ambitions? The answers remain veiled as we take that first step, propelled by the determination to stride toward achievement.


The decision to pursue our racing dreams demands courage—an intangible fuel that propels us forward. It’s the unwavering belief in ourselves, a commitment to surmount hurdles, and the resilience to embrace the challenges that lie ahead. It’s the courage that transforms uncertainty into opportunity, fear into focus, and doubt into determination.


Yet, the very act of taking that initial step is cause for celebration. It signifies our commitment, our willingness to push beyond comfort zones, and the boldness to embrace the unknown. Celebrate the decision to sign up, revel in the aspirations to exceed expectations, and acknowledge the bravery in setting forth on this exhilarating journey.


As we delve into our training regimens, each milestone achieved becomes a testament to our courage. Every lap swum, mile ridden, and stride taken reinforces our determination. Each hurdle surmounted, whether physical or mental, solidifies our resolve. It’s crucial to cherish these smaller victories along the way, recognizing that each step forward is a triumph in itself.


Courage initiates the journey; celebration marks its milestones. Embrace this symbiotic relationship. Cherish the courage that fuels your pursuit, and revel in each step towards triumph. As triathletes, we epitomize the fusion of courage and celebration—an indomitable spirit leading us to conquer our races and revel in the joys of accomplishment.

~Hilary Mauch

Have you met these Coaches?

Triathlon race season is here. Do you have a coach? Are you looking for one? Well, the Las Vegas Triathlon Club is going to try to help make some connections.

Earlier this year, we sent out a google form to try to capture our local coaching expertise. We had a number of coaches (all are members of Las Vegas Triathlon Club) respond and we have featured them on this webpage:

We are going to continue to highlight coaches on our web page – if you would like to be part of that, please fill out the form:

Prez Corner:

Courage Leads to Success

Envision yourself on the start line of your next triathlon. Thoughts creep in … did I do enough swim training … did I train enough on the bike for the climbs … did I put in enough run volume … did I train enough … what happens if my [injury] flares up … can I do this?!

Sometimes, the biggest hurdle to having a successful race is the thoughts we have. There are times that we actually subtly sabotage ourselves. We start to put negative thoughts in a mental narrative that makes us cautious, makes us hold back, and can actually really ruin a beautiful experience!

Have you crossed the finish line and thought ‘Well if I only didn’t have this [insert injury]’ or ‘If only I was able to train just a bit more …’ or ‘If I only [insert whatever negative thought] …’ or ‘… I should have pushed the pace more …’ These thoughts can lead to a feeling of disappointment.

Have the courage to stand on the start line, say to yourself things like ‘This is what I do’ … ‘This is what I trained for’ … ‘I know what to do today’. Then, have the courage to go after the race as best as you can that day – regardless of any obstacle you faced during training or on race day. Have the courage to give the best effort during the race so when you cross that finish line, you don’t think ‘… if only I [trained harder, didn’t have this injury, ate better, …]’

That is easier said then done … but if you can have the courage to ‘race your race’ … you will cross that finish line and be able to feel the success of the day.

Personally, when I think back on races I’ve done, my most successful days are the ones where I was able to have the courage-mindset. And those races were not necessarily the fastest days. In some cases, the most successful days I had were finishing times that were far off podium … far off personal best times. Instead, those were days when I had the courage to not make excuses, not try to explain away results, not to say ‘if only …’. Simply put, having the courage to try the best I could on race day led to the most successful days.

Have the courage to be successful!






~John Mercer

Past President

The Courage to Celebrate

Courage comes in many forms. The overt gestures of voicing your decision and standing your ground. The soft and steady choices and stances by inaction. 


My husband and I were discussing this topic and he encouraged me to applaud the people who are the ones with the most courage in triathlon. Perhaps the unsung heroes of triathlon, the families of the triathletes. There are a lot of reasons for concern. Triathletes pushing their bodies both physically and mentally to the brink of exhaustion. The countless injuries and deaths that happen with road biking. The simple dangers of running alone during the wee hours of the night. The challenges of raising children with a partner who needs more “me” time than most. Let’s not forget the Sherpaing. Toting all their crap to a race, dealing with their nerves and insecurities, getting woken up at unGodly hours in the morning to sit and wait for hours to see them for 30 seconds. Yeah, I’d say that’s pretty courageous.

How do we celebrate these courageous people? One of my favorite mentors always says, “Celebrate the wins”. She really encourages even celebrating the small wins, the daily victories. As I type this, I am “celebrating” a victory. I’m in a hotel room on a staycation. My husband and I replaced all the carpet in our house and replaced the real grass out back to artificial turf. We also successfully survived another band season donating countless hours volunteering to move props and band instruments onto football fields. Chase them across state borders as they chase their dreams for top scores. My husband and I have been massaged, went to paint pictures, been rock climbing, ate at restaurants we’ve never tried, and this morning we are getting chained to each other in an escape room. Sometimes it takes courage just to celebrate. To think the win is worthy. To think of ourselves as worthy of the celebration. We are. Do it.

~Shawna Glasser

LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.

·       Terri Buryanov

·       Kolby Gamble

The Evidence-Based Triathlete

·       Wild AI

·       Sport Background

·       Shoe Anatomy

Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!

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