LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.

End of the Season?

It is only the end of October, but our 2022 triathlon season is coming to a close. This fall was packed with so many events that local athletes were competing in – so inspiring to see everyone taking on challenges and thriving!

As we wrap up the 2022 season, know that the plans for the Las Vegas Triathlon Club events for 2023 are already in the works. We will have our typical four events (3 triathlons, 1 aquabike) spread out between April and August (dates to be announced later).

Remember, all events are free for members (and you have to be a member to participate in the events). Memberships run from March to March – we’ll do a ‘membership drive’ early in 2023. 

As we close out 2022, we still have some club events. Be sure to mark November 12th, 2022 on your calendar – that is the date for our Trunk or Treat Gear Exchange (or … a glorified triathlon garage sale!). Bring your gear to sell, exchange, or give away. Or just come to shop for some good deals! More details on the way …!

Socials/Training Events/Education

Check our Facebook Group for locals who are training in town or down at Lake Mead. Post your workouts!

Membership Drive

Support your local Triathlon Club
Membership Includes:
  • Club logoed gear for purchase
  • 3 Sprint Triathlons & 1 Aquabike
  • Triathlon Programs: Events and Skill Clinics
  • Opportunities to train, get together and socialize
  • Discounts for members only on BBSC races
  • Additional discounts on products and services

Single Membership is $65.00
Family Membership is $85.00
College Membership is $40.00
Purchase Membership

Coaches Corner

In and off season lenses for success

‘Off season’. 

‘In between’. 

‘Prepping for next’. 

‘Shaking off the last’.

Whatever’s going to classify this period, one thing is for sure- we have some time off from finish line endorphins. 

And ironically this period of our calendar lacking races could for many a smart athlete, be one of the most active periods. Mentally active, that is. For the small physical event event gap on the smart athlete’s calendar, opens up a huge opportunity for personal assessment. An objective look at past performance, current state, and future goals. And not just for the sake of physical race performance, but for an emotional check-in on the relationship with general competition as well. 

  • This period is the ultimate time to get grounded again. 
  • This period shapes goals more realistically. 
  • This period can keep the body safe and performing optimally. 
  • This period reflects on overall satisfaction or happiness with our sport/s in current standing. 

Here are some concepts plus ways in looking over the past season, for the sake of mentally shaping the next season:

  1. How is the state of family/career/social life? Did race season jeopardize such important life aspects or were they well maintained/balanced? 
  2. Was the workout/race schedule manageable? Were specific goals within each discipline training met as well as recovery time prioritized? Still feel good about chosen races? 
  3. Any injuries from overuse or general weakness? Is strength training or rehab in order? What disciplines are in need of most attention? 
  4. Is it all still FUN? Is the idea of racing still exciting and looked upon both past and future nostalgically? 

Only honest answers need apply. And through these assessments, adjustments, and the commitment to 

honor ourselves and others at all times, we can keep on racin’ ON! 


~Coach Nancy

Volunteer Corner

Thank you Volunteers! 

The foundation of our club are the volunteers. Board members, Ambassadors, and race-day volunteers make the club work – and it is all based on volunteers!

We want to take a moment in this newsletter to thank the volunteers who supported our Tri Club events. As the 2022 Club Triathlon season comes to a close, the Tri Club Board Members would like to acknowledge the time, energy and early morning work that you put in during this year’s events, and sincerely thank you for your hard work and support. Your support was instrumental and invaluable, and our events would not have been possible without you.

You are what make our club the success that it is, and we can’t overstate your value. As a token of our appreciation, we have a gift for each volunteer. The Tri Club had a booth set up at the PumpkinMan Triathlon – and several of you already picked up your gift! We’ll also have the gift for you at the ‘Trunk or Treat Gear Exchange’ too – so stop by!

The club has a special award to honor volunteers: The Glasser Award. This award is given in the name of Shawna Glasser (Past President) to honor outstanding and selfless volunteerism. Given the overwhelming positive support by a large number of volunteers, we decided to collectively award all the volunteers who made our club events possible!

A sincere thank you to each of you!

~Bob Gamble

Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!

Prez Corner:

… and that’s a wrap!

Does the triathlon season ever really end?! Although we do get some cooler temperatures here in the Greater Las Vegas Valley winter, we can train year-round. 

This fall, we saw many of our local athletes wrap up their season with a big race … whether that was Pumpkinman Sprint/Olympic, a 70.3, or an Ironman, training for a ‘key’ race often takes a big commitment. But it is always good to keep triathlon training and racing in perspective. It is supposed to be fun! Our club theme this year has been ‘Enjoy The Journey’ … and it really is important to enjoy all aspects of triathlon.

It is easy to look at the race performances for enjoyment … but the training, the preparation, the learning can all be fun. Yes, many times it is easy to get caught up in the anxiety of training (“I have to get this ride in …”). But, it is really important to keep the training enjoyable … sustainable … part of your regular lifestyle. That way, you can be in the sport for the long term.

Given that, as you wrap up your season, this is a great time to think back at some of the enjoyable moments you had training. Maybe it was meeting someone at the lake for a swim, or meeting a new training partner, or finding a new run route.  Maybe flip back through pictures you took during a training ride or a hike or a group meet up. Remember the enjoyment of being active, building your fitness so that you ultimately can have success at your events in the Fall. 

Training is a big lift … but it should not be burden. And it is so important to also remember that triathlon is an individual sport but we never do this alone. 

~John Mercer

Past President

Close out the Season

As we close out the season, I reflect on a recent Facebook post from a member. She completed her first Ironman. She sometimes slept 2-3 hours a night to work, fit training and general life in. She did a lot of training alone. She went to the race alone. When she finished the race she just felt like it wasn’t the big accomplishment she expected it to be. You watch all of the Ironman branded events with the crowds and the lights, how could that not light you up and make it feeling amazing?

Another friend finished her race, full time job, life full throttle. Her father had recently passed, so she was dealing with some emotions. She, on the other hand, had an amazing race. She felt fulfilled and joy at the end of the race. What was different?

As triathletes, we do an individual sport and we love that. What we don’t realize is that even though we do an individual sport, we thrive on connection. Having family who support our races and our training make a huge impact. Having friends who make the long hours pass quickly are so needed. 

I got my first, and hopefully only, DNF (Did Not Finish) at an ultra 100k. I signed up for the same distance a month later because I had something to prove to myself. My coach wanted to go to cheer me on and provide moral support. I didn’t want him to waste his time if I failed again. I kept trying to push him away and not “bother” him. He refused to be pushed away and showed up anyway. He left to get some lunch and my next few laps were very lonely and I felt empty. I hadn’t understood the impact of his support and presence until that moment.

For your next season, try making some connections. Ride with other tri club members, ask your spouse to come support you at your race or just to give you water refills during your training. You would be amazed how much brighter and better the experience is.

~Shawna Glasser

LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.

The Evidence-Based Triathlete

Las Vegas Triathlon Club
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