LVTC Happenings!

A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.

Making a Difference This Season

Last month, a group of Las Vegas Triathlon Club members and friends volunteered at the Rock n Roll Las Vegas event. We were in charge of providing hot chocolate as athletes crossed the finish line. Sounds simple, right? Ha! Things got a bit hectic but our group had a lot of fun. It was fun to read post-race comments about the athletes appreciating the hot chocolate! Such a simple task … but it ends up that we were part of the positive finish-line experience.

The theme of our newsletter this month is ‘Make a difference.’ Volunteering at the Rock n Roll event was a neat way to make a difference in the athletes experience. On top of that, by volunteering, our group was awarded $1300 for the club by the Ironman Foundation (Rock n Roll and Ironman are owned by the same company).

That donation will have an even greater impact by helping support the club. Our club is a 501c(3) organization that is 100% run by volunteers. Our yearly operating costs run about $10,000. Our sources of revenue include memberships, paid sponsors, philanthropic gifts, and awards such as the Ironman Foundation Award.

In this issue of our newsletter, you’ll read some more perspectives about how to ‘Make a difference.’

We have such a fantastic endurance community – our members are very active in many ways in Making a Difference! 

Club Hashtags

Use these hashtags in your social media posts to help share the Las Vegas Triathlon Club themes and highlight our endurance community culture:

#fearless – This represents the beauty of taking on challenges of multisport and enjoying the rewards!

#thatsthevegasway – We made this theme as a way to point out the things that members do (e.g., loaning bikes, helping others, ...) that promote our club culture.

#enjoythejourney – This theme was selected to emphasize the importance of enjoying training and the overall process of preparing for an event/race.

#lvtrifamily – This theme was to emphasize the importance of our endurance community and to recognize that, even though triathlon is an individual sport, we never do this alone!

#thrive – This was our 2023 theme that was selected to emphasize that triathlon should bring value to all aspects of our lives.

2024 Membership

It is time to renew your Las Vegas Triathlon Club membership!

Club memberships run from March 1st, 2024 to February 28th, 2025. All club events are free with membership!

Our multi-sports events are typically between 50 and 75 athletes. We are not ‘… just another triathlon.’ Instead, we have a great ‘grassroots’ feel to our events during which members can get to know members.

All levels of athletes are welcome at our events. We have athletes completing their first event and have even had professional triathletes in our events!

But we offer more than just our four multi-sport events. We have clinics, podcasts, get togethers, and help members connect with each other through social media channels.

We have the following membership categories:

  • Single membership: $65

  • Family membership: $85 (Up to 4 immediate family members. Family members must reside in the same residence or shared residence.)

  • Student membership: $40 (Full time students only.)

Las Vegas Triathlon Club Events

Our events are open to all levels of athletes – we have people who are doing their first ever triathlon and we have national/internationally competitive athletes participating. And our events are all free with your Las Vegas Triathlon Club membership! Our 2024 membership is currently open for registration!

March Membership Madness events (the remainder of these are members only):



Polar Plunge, 1pm

Led by Matt Olson



Practice Triathlon in Boulder City

Led by Robert Picardo



Practice Triathlon at Boulder Beach

Led by Bob Gamble

You can check out and subscribe to our new calendar feature (a work in progress!):

Las Vegas Triathlon Club Calendar

For our Club events, we offer three Sprint Distance triathlons and one Aquathon.

Las Vegas Triathlon Club 2024 Event Dates (members only):













The Las Vegas Triathlon Club Legacy Scholarship

On 12/10/20, five Las Vegas athletes were killed when an impaired driver ran into a group of cyclists. The athletes were Tom Trauger, Erin Ray, Aksoy Ahmet, Michael Murray, and Gerrard Nieva. These five athletes are endearingly referred to as TEAMG (Tom, Erin, Aksoy, Michael, and Gerrard).

Following their deaths, there has been an upswell of community support for the families and survivors directly affected. There has also been a renewed call for action to create a safer environment for our athletes to train here in the Greater Las Vegas Valley.

The purpose of the Las Vegas Triathlon Club Legacy Scholarship is to honor the legacy of TEAMG as well as any local triathletes who have been killed or injured as result of distracted driving. The Legacy Scholarship is designed to encourage involvement in triathlon by new athletes, youth athletes, and/or continuing athletes in special need.

More information about the scholarship can be found at this page.

The list of our Scholarship Awardees can be found at these pages:

2023 Winners

2022 Winners

This scholarship continues thanks to a generous donation by Alsco Uniforms as well as an anonymous donor. 

The UNLV Tri Club is Here!

We're so excited to be in our second semester as an official club. We have grown to a roster of 20+ students with varying backgrounds and abilities. We are working to break down barriers for students & bring more athletes to triathlon!

If you'd like to donate to the club, whether it be equipment or monetary, please contact Ashlyn Thomas ( or utilize the club's GoFundMe.

Thank you to Tedd Girouard and John Mercer for acting as our advisors!

~Paige Liberski

Socials/Training Events/Education

Check out and subscribe to our new calendar feature (we are still working on this!):

Las Vegas Triathlon Club Calendar

We are very excited about our upcoming March Madness events to welcome the 2024 season! The remainder of the March Madness events are for members only:

  • 3/30/24 (Saturday): Polar Plunge, 1 pm (Matt Olson)

  • 4/6/24 (Saturday): Practice tri at Boulder City (Robert Picardo)

  • 4/7/24 (Sunday): Practice tri at Boulder Beach (Bob Gamble)

Here are the tentative dates for our 2024 Club events (we are submitting permit requests for these dates):

  • 4/14/24: Sunday - Triathlon
  • Registration opens March 1st

  • 6/1/24: Saturday - Triathlon
  • Registration opens May 1st

  • 7/7/24: Sunday - Aquabike
  • Registration opens June 1st

  • 8/10/24: Saturday - Triathlon
  • Registration opens July 1st

Pencil these dates into your calendar! More information will be posted as we get closer to the date.

Club events are for members only! Membership is annual and runs next season from March 2024 through February 2025.

Continue to check our Facebook Group for any additional get-togethers that may be happening, and for locals who are training in town or down at Lake Mead. Post your workouts!

Thanks everyone!

Past President

Making a Difference

My whole life is about making a difference. I want my headstone to read, “She gave more than she took.” All the little things we do, add up.


Things you can do to make a difference:


Volunteer- Be it a single event or on a regular basis. Find something you are passionate about. You will learn a lot and you will inspire others. We roll up our sleeves to help out, as a club, at the Rock’N’Roll Marathon every year. The club gets a nice donation to help with costs, we make a difference with the running community, and this year we got hot chocolate body scrubs! Fun fact about hot chocolate, it is like beach sand. It invades every crevice you have!


Meals- Triathlons have the burden of injuries. When a triathlete gets injured, they temporarily lose their identity and their friendships. It is a huge mental struggle to watch everyone else out playing while someone is stuck inside. Be kind, deliver a meal, stay to chit-chat or play a short board game. Time is a precious commodity, but an hour of your time can mean the world to someone else.


Mentor/coach- Many of us have talents we could share with other people. Have workshops or some other way to showcase those. I had the most patient and loving dog. I trained her as a therapy dog and we volunteered as a reading team at the Henderson Libraries. Children read to us and gained confidence. I was a Girl Scout Leader, a Boy Scout Leader, a soccer running coach. Children, especially, will roll their eyes but absorb what you tell them. I’ve had kids come back later and remind me of what I said or a skill I taught them and thank me for making a difference in their lives.


Walks- Some charities have events to raise money. Sign up. You get exercise and they get money toward their operating costs. Volunteer to walk or run dogs for an animal shelter. You both will get exercise and you’ll feel great about it. 


Skills- Volunteer your skills for a non-profit. Non-profits usually can’t afford the full skill level they need to operate. By you volunteering for a position that you can excel at, you make a difference in making the organization better. 


Vote-The biggest way you can make a difference is by educating yourself and voting. Vote for the things that matter to you.


Monthly Donation- If you have extra, give a little extra. There are a lot of worthwhile causes. Consider giving either a monthly or yearly donation to your favorite. 


Companies that gives back- If you own or work for a company, try to instill giving back to your community. Studies show that Millennials and younger workers are more attracted to employers who put a priority on giving back. 


Recycling- This is so easy. Bring your own bags for groceries. Have mugs at work instead of styrofoam. Refillable water bottles…. Every choice makes a difference.


Make a difference in our community. Have the same headstone as me, “He/she gave more than he/she took.”

~Shawna Glasser

The New Triathlete

Make a Difference

In our club, we have a 3-time Age Group Ironman World Champion who offers help and support to others, free of charge.

We have a world-class professional triathlete who encourages others equally and gives freely of his expertise and time.

We have a USAT National Champion who gives free clinics on exercise, training, and racing.

We have members who run a women’s running and triathlon support group, who support and race with children and adults with special needs, and who donate countless hours of volunteer support conducting marathon and triathlon races. 

And we have a President who is not only an elite triathlete, but who is also a Ph.D. who teaches and conducts research on biomechanics and exercise physiology of endurance performance, and who gives selflessly of his time and leadership so we can have a great club.

Do you know the finish times of any of these people? No, you don’t. Have you heard any of them talk about how fast they are? No, you haven’t. Because in the larger scheme of things, speed and performance aren’t as important to them as helping and supporting others.

I’ve been on the podium a few times, even on the top step. I thought that it would be the greatest feeling in the world. But the feeling of being there pales in comparison to the feeling I get when I see someone beam a huge smile as they cross the finish line for the first time, knowing that I helped them get there.

The common denominator here is that helping others realize their goals matters way more than individual performance. In Triathlon, people won’t remember your times or how you placed. What they WILL remember is how you made them feel and how you helped and encouraged them. And this benefits you as much or more than it benefits them.

Do you want to become a successful Triathlete? It's simple: Make a difference in someone else’s triathlon journey and know that you have made a difference in their life.

~Bob Gamble

Prez Corner:

Happiness = (We^2)/I

I often think of things in terms of an equation … and Happiness can be thought of as a ratio of investing in the ‘We’ and investing in myself (i.e., ‘I’). And the ‘We’ portion of the equation is squared … meaning that Happiness grows exponentially when investing in the ‘We’.

Triathlon can easily be all-consuming in pursuit of athletic achievement.

It is easy to get focused on race day performance. Of course, it is great to set a personal record or make the podium. I know when I plan out the year, I am trying to set up my training plan so that I have the best chance on race day to have a great experience. And the ironic thing? My best memories of races are not the finishing times, place, or any podium … my best triathlon memories are of being with family/friends and sharing a race experience.

As you lace up your shoes, as you put on your bike helmet, and as you push off the wall of that next swim set, realize that by doing so, you are making a difference by investing in your fitness and training – and that is fantastic! But also realize triathlon training is more than just trying to get faster.

Triathlon is a lifestyle. Triathlon should bring value to you and others around you. Triathlon should lead to a healthy body, healthy mind, and – importantly - healthy relationships.

Build up the ‘We’ in your triathlon lifestyle and you will find your Happiness increases.

Who is the ‘We’? That can be family, friends, our club, … the ‘We’ could be another person, a small group, or a bigger community. But it is not the ‘I’!

How can you invest in the ‘We’? Even small investments like waving to another cyclist as you pass each other, or giving some encouragement to someone, or helping someone stay on track with training, or saying hello to someone you don’t know at one of our club get togethers can have a big impact on the ‘We’. Small gestures of kindness can go a long way in building a supportive endurance community.

As the 2024 season starts to take off in full steam, take a step back and check if you are making a positive difference in others around you. If you are focused only on the ‘I’ … you end up missing out on how triathlon can add value to yourself and others around you.

~John Mercer

Coach's Corner:

Beyond the Finish Line: The Power of Compassion in Triathlon

As triathletes, we often set our sights on conquering the course, aiming for personal bests and podium finishes. Yet, amidst the adrenaline-fueled pursuit of our own goals, it’s easy to overlook the profound impact we can have on others along the way.

Picture this: Ironman Lake Placid, a pivotal race in my journey, filled with anticipation and high aspirations. Amidst the training ebbs and flows, I felt remarkably prepared, ready to tackle the challenge head-on. It was my seventh Ironman, a milestone marked by both personal determination and familial support, as my brother-in-law joined to spectate for the first time.

The race began with promising vigor, the transition onto the bike course imbued with confidence. Around mile 15, a fellow athlete faced a daunting setback—a flat tire threatening to derail her race-day dreams. In that moment, I made a split-second decision, veering off my planned path to lend a helping hand.

As I assisted her with the tire change, I witnessed a remarkable transformation—not just in her bike, but in her spirit. Words of encouragement became the catalyst for a shift from despair to determination. However, amidst the act of altruism, fate dealt its own blow—a mishap with my own bike’s derailer, resulting in precious time lost.

Though the race clock continued ticking, my mindset shifted from disappointment to reflection. It wasn’t until later, amidst the hustle of airport terminals, that a message illuminated my phone screen—a heartfelt note from the very athlete I’d aided on the course.

Her words echoed with gratitude, revealing that for her, this race wasn’t just a test of physical endurance, but a testament to the power of human connection. In her eyes, my impromptu act of kindness made all the difference, transforming a potentially devastating moment into a triumph of resilience.

Reflecting on this experience, I’m reminded that as triathletes and coaches, our impact extends far beyond finish lines and personal accolades. It’s in the moments of camaraderie, the selfless gestures, and the unwavering support that we truly leave our mark on the sport we love.

So, as we navigate the twists and turns of training and racing, let us never underestimate the ripple effect of our actions. For in the grand tapestry of triathlon, it’s often the smallest acts of kindness that leave the most enduring legacy—a reminder that in the pursuit of greatness, compassion is the ultimate victory.

~Hilary Mauch

Have you met these Coaches?

Triathlon race season is here. Do you have a coach? Are you looking for one? Well, the Las Vegas Triathlon Club is going to try to help make some connections.

Earlier this year, we sent out a google form to try to capture our local coaching expertise. We had a number of coaches (all are members of Las Vegas Triathlon Club) respond and we have featured them on this webpage:

Las Vegas Triathlon Club Coaches

We are going to continue to highlight coaches on our web page – if you would like to be part of that, please fill out this form.

LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.

The Evidence-Based Triathlete

Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!


Las Vegas Triathlon Club

Editor: Quyen Luu

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