LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.
Justin and Rick
2022 Triathlon Season!

Our triathlon community is certainly busy with events! BBSC Rage, BBSC Sand Hollow, Oceanside 70.3, Ironman St. George, Ironman Tulsa, … so many great races!

The next Las Vegas Triathlon Club event is June 12th … and it is open for registration!

  • April 23rd  - done
  • June 12th – open for registration
  • July 16th
  • August 21st

These events are free with your club membership. If you can’t participate – we always welcome volunteers!

In this newsletter issue, there is more information about exercise in the heat. Yes … it gets hot here in the summer! Always good to warn visitors that they need to take enough water or know where to fill up during a ride. People from out of town will underestimate the impact of the dry-heat during a ride or run.
Do you know where to fill up and fuel up? If you doing a new route, be sure to plan out where to refill water. You can always check our facebook group too.

Gas stations, convenience stores, and grocery stores are all good ideas – and good to ride in pairs so someone is always watching over the bikes.

There are also a number of free water fountains … but not all of them are refrigerated. 

Be safe when exercising in the heat … and you’ll end up with a bit more training stimulus when you do!
Socials/Training Events/Education
Check our Facebook Group for locals who are training in town or down at Lake Mead. Post your workouts!

2022 Club Sprint Tri Events

  • June 12th
  • July 16th (Aquabike)
  • August 21st
Membership Drive

Support your local Triathlon Club
Membership Includes:
  • Club logoed gear for purchase
  • 3 Sprint Triathlons & 1 Aquabike
  • Triathlon Programs: Events and Skill Clinics
  • Opportunities to train, get together and socialize
  • Discounts for members only on BBSC races
  • Additional discounts on products and services

Single Membership is $65.00
Family Membership is $85.00
College Membership is $40.00
Safety Corner

Summer Sun Care for Triathletes 

Our skin is amazing. During these warm summer months, our skin helps to regulate our body temperature. Dehydration can result from sunburn. Each sunburn puts us at risk for skin cancer, which is the most common form of cancer in the U.S.. And let’s be honest, sunburn does not feel great. So how can we as triathletes protect our skin? 

  • Always wear sunscreen when you head outdoors for training. The ADA recommends an SPF of at least 30 (which blocks out around 97% of rays). 
  • Full-spectrum sunscreen protects from UVA (the rays that age skin and cause wrinkles) and UVB rays (causes skin cancer). The overexposure to either of these can cause cancer.
  • Apply 30 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply each time you leave water. And, reapply sunscreen every 2 hours. Sunscreen degrades by 50% after 2 hours.
  • Natural sunblocks containing high amounts of zinc or titanium dioxide can provide great protection. These can be great for athletes who have sensitive skin. 
  • Spray your scalp with sunscreen even when cycling. The sun can sneak through the air vents on your helmet. 
  • Wear a cap or visor to protect your head when you run. 
  • Purchase swimsuits, running clothing, and cycling kits with UPF to provide extra protection. 
  • Summer long-sleeved cycling and tri kits add extra sun protection without overheating. 
  • Get a skin check-up with your dermatologist at least once a year. 

~Amanda Wolpink
Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!
The Evidence-Based Triathlete

Prez Corner:

Full Speed Ahead!

The triathlon season is in full swing – we had our first Triathlon Club event (April 23rd) and our next event is June 12th– let’s hope the water level doesn’t make the transition from swim to bike too long!

We have seen so many members doing a variety of races already this year. It is always fun to see so many people travel to races as well as participating and supporting our local events.

I especially enjoy seeing pictures and reading race reports of members competing. The race reports are so helpful to everyone – you can learn quite a bit about an event by reading the reports. And race reports are helpful regardless of finishing times. Sometimes you have a great race and hit your best time … other times, you may just be struggling to finish … and sometimes, you don’t finish. But no matter what, I know our endurance community is supportive.

Take a look at the comments from people who had great races and compare them to people who struggled. They look similar: all very positive and encouraging. Why? I think we all recognize how hard it is to train for an event let alone complete it. We all recognize that it takes a lot of grit to just get to that start line – and that alone is a great accomplishment.

Our club theme this year is ‘Enjoy the Journey’ … the race is just one part of that journey. Frankly, sometimes it is easy to get lost in the path for preparing for an event … and if the event does not go well, it is hard to keep Enjoying the Journey. If you are in that category … connect with a club member! Go for a bike ride with a group … meet up for a swim at the lake … go for a hike! By connecting with others, you’ll find that enjoyment again … after all, that is why we train and race … to enjoy the experiences!


~John Mercer
Past President

Keep Your Cool!

It is heating up quickly! We all go through that phase adapting to the heat here in the valley. The biggest success is knowing your limitations and calling it quits before you have a problem. 

Heat exhaustion comes first. You become very hot, have excessive thirst, get muscle cramps, and have a weaker pulse. If you get out of the heat, your symptoms should be gone within 20-30 minutes. Take in fluids like water and Gatorade with electrolytes.

Heat stroke is an emergency. You stop sweating, you could be vomiting or nauseous, have a strong rapid pulse, or be dealing with losing consciousness. This is the time to call 911. Get some place cool. Apply cold compresses to neck, arm pits, and groin area where large blood vessels are close to the surface. This will cool you down quicker. Do not give fluids by mouth in this case because if consciousness is an issue you might obstruct the airway and have no way to drain it.

I, personally, have run out of water a few times training around Lake Mead. A little known secret is the rangers have a fridge and a water spout at pay stations. They have always been more than happy to help a thirsty stranger. You can even flag them down when you see them in their vehicle. Admit defeat early into being out of water. You won’t look weak or silly for asking for help. We all occasionally under estimate our needs. It is part of training and figuring yourself out.

~Shawna Glasser

LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.

Las Vegas Triathlon Club