LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.

Happy New Year!

We had such a fantastic year of racing in 2022 – if you haven’t already, be sure to watch our club 2022 Recap video:

Click here to see the video

And now we move forward looking towards 2023!

Club membership starts in March of 2023 – so you’ll see some “March Membership Madness” events coming up and encouraging people to renew their memberships. A key feature of membership is free entry to our four club events:

4/15/23:            Saturday           Triathlon

6/18/23:            Sunday             Triathlon 

7/8/23:              Saturday           Aquabike 

8/13/23:            Sunday             Triathlon 

We also will have a variety of clinics and other get-togethers throughout the year. Our club is open to anyone who enjoys triathlon! We have a variety of levels of triathletes in our club from the first-timer to Age Group World Champions! 

Each year, the club adopts a ‘theme’. Previous themes have been:

- That’s the Vegas Way (#thatsthevegasway) 

We want to always call out the positive things members do that reflect our club culture of being helpful and encouraging to others as well as racing with integrity, grit, and enjoyment.

- Enjoy the Journey (#enjoythejourney)

Races are fun and a great way to test fitness. Our fitness goals are often built around races in some way (e.g., finish or PR). But … it is so important to enjoy the process of getting to the start line of a race. Our theme last year was built around the idea of Enjoying the Journey!

This year, our club theme will be: 'Thrive!' Throughout the year, you’ll hear more about how athletes thrive and what this means to them. The key is, we want triathlon to add value to our lives so we can thrive not only on race day but also in the workplace, in relationships, and personal growth.

We hope you enjoy this newsletter and we hope you continue to be involved with the Las Vegas Triathlon Club in 2023!

Socials/Training Events/Education

Here are the tentative dates for our 2023 events (we are submitting permit requests for these dates):

  • 4/15/23: Saturday - Triathlon 
  • Registration opens March 1st
  • 6/18/23: Sunday - Triathlon 
  • Registration opens May 1st
  • 7/8/23: Saturday - Aquabike 
  • Registration opens June 1st
  • 8/13/23: Sunday - Triathlon 
  • Registration opens July 1st

Pencil these dates into your calendar! 

Also ... remember, membership opens in March 2023 (and runs to March 2024). More information on this will be posted as we get closer to that date. 

Thanks everyone!

Check our Facebook Group for locals who are training in town or down at Lake Mead. Post your workouts!


Coaches Corner

January and the whole standard resolution revolution is almost an obsolete concept for triathletes or endurance athletes. Most reasons for this surround the truth that we generally renew our constitutions with goals and convictions pretty much year round. A new challenging race. Challenging our times in an old race. 

In other words…we are already the embodiment of annual renewal. 

So what makes us such admirable goal crushing machines? What distinguishes the seasonally end over end THRIVING human, from the average flailing New Year habitual homosapien? What is worth singling out as a positive tendency worth nurturing? Is it the choosing of the ideal goal itself? Or is it the recognition of another G-word?…

The GLUE! 

Yes, the glue or Ground level support holding the goals together with real life. Who was consistently there? What was a given background practice beneath the main stage performance?

It’s worth a thought when considering future goals spanning the New Years to New Race spectrum. Consider your own glue, and your own route toward thriving through a few of these examples. Some examples include, though are never limited to the following:

Family recognition- race support, moral support, support still when you’re an a***h**e, patience with you, understanding of you, and sacrifice for you. 

Self care/love- massage, body work, meditation, breathing, moments taken just to be aware of the disposition of you and only you and therefore how well you can operate with others. 

Rest- the temperamental ingredient which if adequate will make all possible, while if deficient will make all feel as though they’re trying to change the rotation of the earth. 

Nutrition- not just a means for avoiding hangry tendencies, but a means not to jack yourself up for life metabolically mid season. 

Fun- the Time Machine back to what training originally represented/felt like. 

The long view- perspective on care for our bodies alongside care for our sanity as the cumulative training byproducts continue to stack. What’s important. Why. What’s it worth. 

…these are some considerations worth annual review for the sake of thriving.

~ Coach Nancy

Past President

Dreaming Big!

I was asked to speak to my Toastmaster’s group about all the “crazy” adventures I go on, triathlons I’ve done, ultra marathons, etc. My gut reaction to why I do these things is, “I like to dream big.” As I sat down to draft this speech an epiphany hit me. It is deeper than just I like to dream big. 

My youngest son was born and I got postpartum depression. The feeling I hated the most, being a mover and a shaker, is that feeling of being empty and passionless. Nothing sounded fun and I had to force myself out of bed everyday. I started dreaming big. I started focusing on doing my first triathlon. I started making friends. I pulled myself out of the depression hole.

Every time big life changes happen, I can directly correlate that to a big dream. I jumped from a boat in front of Alcatraz Island and swam to the Golden Gate Bridge, just like the prisoners had done, when my oldest son started school. I swam for 10,000 yards when my father-in-law needed me to step in and be his primary caregiver. I did my first full distance triathlon after I had a major cycling accident, broke 9 bones and punctured my lung. I did a 100 mile ultra marathon when my kids went to schools that didn’t want parent volunteers. I picked up a guitar when my oldest could drive and I hiked 25 challenging mountain peaks in 18 months when Covid shut down the world. I need something certain when my life isn’t certain.

The epiphany was even though my youngest is 17 years old, I am terrified of falling into depression again. Dreaming big is my defense mechanism. If I’m focused on a big goal and I’m excited about that big goal, surely, depression has no room to grow and thrive.

~Shawna Glasser

El Jefe

Prez Corner:

Time to Thrive!

Happy New Year! As we start off 2023, I’m sure many of you have already laid out your race schedule and have training plans ready to go … that’s the way we are, right?!

This year, our club is going to have the theme ‘Thrive!’ What does Thrive mean to you? That may mean you are going to go after a personal record, or maybe try to qualify for a world championship, or maybe to get on the podium! Thrive might also mean you want to complete an event, or finish a race feeling good, or maybe feel like you could push the pace the entire race, or maybe it is to get to the start line injury free!

Thrive is very personal and can be very different for every athlete.

But it is important to remember that Thrive could also mean that triathlon training and racing can bring something positive to your relationships and/or to your work place. Maybe training and completing in a triathlon shows that you can overcome challenges in the athletic world and translate that confidence to the work world.

Of course, there are anecdotes of how endurance training can put a strain on relationships and be distracting from work. That is not what anyone wants to see happen! 

Instead, we should be able to use triathlon training and racing to thrive not only athletically, but also thrive in our relationships, at the workplace, socially, and in personal growth. Triathlon should add value to our lives and to others around us. 

In the end, the PR, the qualifications, the podiums are not as important as personal growth and relationships. 

Let’s Thrive in 2023!






~John Mercer


LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.

The Evidence-Based Triathlete

Lake Mead 10K
Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!
Las Vegas Triathlon Club
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