LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.
March Membership Madness!

We are at the end of our March Membership Madness month – thank you to all of you who have joined/renewed! We greatly appreciate your support … this clubs exists because of you.

Our training get-togethers have been great! And our club Facebook page has been very active with people posting training days/times for swimming, biking, and running. With the triathlon season getting ready to launch, this is a good time to connect and form some good training partnerships.

We are still full-go for our four club events – remember, these events are free with membership. Right now, we are limited to 50 people per event. Registration will open about 1-2 weeks prior to each event.
  • April 23rd
  • June 12th
  • July 16th
  • August 21st
We still hope to have your membership support even if you cannot participate in any of these events. Through your support, we are able to continue to build our already strong endurance community.
Socials/Training Events/Education
Check our Facebook Group for locals who are training in town or down at Lake Mead. Post your workouts!

2022 Club Sprint Tri Events

  • April 23rd (registration will open soon)
  • June 12th
  • July 16th (Aquabike)
  • August 21st
Membership Drive

Support your local Triathlon Club
Membership Includes:
  • Club logoed gear for purchase
  • 3 Sprint Triathlons & 1 Aquabike
  • Triathlon Programs: Events and Skill Clinics
  • Opportunities to train, get together and socialize
  • Discounts for members only on BBSC races
  • Additional discounts on products and services

Single Membership is $65.00
Family Membership is $85.00
College Membership is $40.00
Safety Corner

Essentials to Carry on Your Next Bike Ride 
Spring is finally here, so it's a great time to discuss items to bring on your next outside bike ride. 
  1. Hydration & Nutrition - Train with the nutrition you want to use on race day. Also, carry enough water/electrolyte drink to keep you hydrated in the dry Nevada climate.   
  2. Bike Repair Kit - Everyone's kit will differ, but the following are essentials: spare inner tube with correct valve for your tires, patch kit, tire levers, bike tool, and a pump or extra co2 cartridge and inflator. 
  3.   Personal Identification - If there is an unfortunate accident, emergency responders will want to identify you. You could carry your government-issued ID, or wear something like a Road ID (
  4. Cell Phone - While you can't use a cell phone on a racecourse, it's great to have during a training ride in case of an emergency. 
  5. Cash/ Credit or Bank Card - Riding outside can be unpredictable, and you never know when you might need something that requires payment. 
Honorable Mention: Bike lock, chain tool, GPS watch, bungees, first aid kit, sunglasses, sunscreen, map (if no GPS or phone). 

~Amanda Wolpink
Coaches Corner

Join the club!
Just say 'yes'. Just try it out 'this one time'. Just tag along and 'see what it's all about'. Just step into the unknown faithfully following that annoying coworker, relentless friend, corporate challenge, or curious meet-up group. For every happy, well-balanced, inspired, and inspiring endurance athlete has a legendary beginning of their story. A story born from a common and most empowering entity- A supportive and spirited community.  
Multisport in particular, yields a special kind of character representing their community. Individual/s who make the start of the sport for one feel like the first day of Kindergarten. Newbies are excited and anxious in all the best ways preceding certain personal growth. Indoctrination typically involves a leap of faith by one with no equipment, clue, or bias; thrown into the workout/race fire by one obsessed as though it's a religion. Many neurotransmitters and all contributing feel-good brain juices are thrown around with a lot of life changing fitness talk and racecation options, bubbling up the perfect addictive mix for another member in 'the cult of the best kind' (Quote- Nancy Jones).  
And it's here, in our special world of movement minded folks, that Kindergarten lasts forever. Initial excitement never fades. The first sprint leads to the first full distance race. The changing of the first bike guard bows to the sparkling new and faster machine. The friends are ever-present and ever-growing. So much so that many once remembering themselves as the clueless follower, can currently regard themselves as part of an athletic family.  
This kind of family will always transcend podium moments or race mishaps. For this kind of family was born from common passion and nurtured by kindness/support. Let's keep it growing! Bring someone to LVTC events! And remember YOUR first day of athletic Kindergarten...

 ~Coach Nancy
Prez Corner:

The Las Vegas Triathlon Club Legacy Scholarship

On 12/10/20, five Las Vegas athletes were killed when a driver of a truck fell asleep and ran into a group of cyclists. The athletes were Tom Trauger, Erin Ray, Aksoy Ahmet, Michael Murray, and Gerrard Nieva. These five athletes are endearingly referred to as TEAMG (Tom, Erin, Aksoy, Michael, and Gerrard).
Following their deaths, there has been a upswell of community support for the families and survivors directly affected. There has also been a renewed call for action to create a safer environment for athletes to train here in the Greater Las Vegas Valley.
The purpose of the Las Vegas Triathlon Club Legacy Scholarship is to honor the legacy of TEAMG as well as any local triathletes who have passed away. The Legacy Scholarship is designed to encourage involvement in triathlon by new athletes, youth athletes, and/or continuing athletes in special need.

Scholarship Categories

New triathlete
A barrier to enter triathlon is often the expense of gear, race registrations, and/or travel, for example. The purpose of this category of scholarship is to support new athletes entering the sport. The applicant can request funding to support acquiring gear, race registration, and/or travel, for example. The applicant should describe how the scholarship will remove barriers to a lifelong pursuit of multisport involvement.
Youth / Collegiate triathlete
The future of triathlon is built upon involvement of youth in the sport. The purpose of this category of scholarship is to encourage and support youth and collegiate members. Some barriers to youth/collegiate triathletes include the cost of education on top of the cost of participation in the sport (e.g., gear, travel, race registrations). The applicant should describe how the scholarship would support their educational and triathlon goals.
SOS Scholarship
Things happen … and there may be times that a triathlete needs special assistance. The purpose of this scholarship is to assist a triathlete in some manner to allow continued involvement in the sport.
Please visit our webpage to find out more information about this new scholarship opportunity. I also ask that you renew and/or join the club to help support important initiatives such as this.

~John Mercer
Past President

Making Sure Your Marriage is Not a DNF

I know a lot of athletes who have a spouse that is not excited about triathlons. A lot of times there are unclear expectations and hurt feelings on race day. Listen, I know you are having fun for hours doing your thing, but it is boring and exhausting standing there waiting to see you for 30 seconds as you pass by. Does this spouse of yours really need to be dragged to every event you attend? No. Your spouse loves you, but that doesn’t mean your spouse has to love triathlon too.
There are many ways your spouse can support you. Your spouse may be going on race day: driving you to and from, cheering you on, and updating your friends. Your spouse may be supporting you during your training: training with you, meeting you to provide extra food or water, picking you up if you bonk or if plans change. What about the big sacrifice of picking up your slack in everyday life? Taking care of the children while you race or train, doing extra chores when you are too tired or are out at all hours. Doing the logistics for your out of town races. These contributions should not be overlooked.
You really need to have the “Can I do this event” discussion every season, minimum once a year. Let’s face it, when you signed up for a triathlon you had no idea how much time it was going to require. Likewise, your spouse was even more clueless. Once you both get an understanding of the time and commitment, you both need to sit down and discuss the events in the future. It does put a lot of stress on the relationship and you both need to feel like it is worth it. There are always compromises that can be made. You can do shorter distances, agree to a certain amount of races a season, or take a few months off a year, etc.  

~Shawna Glasser

Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!
LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.

·      Travis Campbell, BBSC
·      Bogdan Hirciag
·      Danny Tran
·      Bonnie Parrish-Kell
·      Barett Gamble
The Evidence-Based Triathlete

·      IM 70.3 Oceanside
·      The Long Swim, Bike, Run session
·      Bonking
·      On site at Elevate
·      Aerodynamics
Las Vegas Triathlon Club