LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.


Not only is the Fall a great time for a lot of triathlons, it is a great time to pause and give thanks for your family and friends who are part of your triathlon journey.

This is also a great time to expand your multi-sport experience! As triathletes, we have the benefit of training for three different sports: Swim, Bike, Run. What many of you enjoy about our sport is that it is easy to shift your focus to different sports. For example, we can work on swim technique one week, track work on another, and hills on another. It is also fun that we can tap into different equipment for each sport – who doesn’t like buying a new pair of goggles, a new cycling jacket, or a new pair of running shoes?!

A challenge with our sport is that it can be very time consuming – it is not easy to train for all three sports. Offseason is not only a great time to explore some other sports but also a time to step back and thank those around you who have helped you along your triathlon journey. 

Socials/Training Events/Education

Check our Facebook Group for locals who are training in town or down at Lake Mead. Post your workouts!

Membership Drive

Support your local Triathlon Club
Membership Includes:
  • Club logoed gear for purchase
  • 3 Sprint Triathlons & 1 Aquabike
  • Triathlon Programs: Events and Skill Clinics
  • Opportunities to train, get together and socialize
  • Discounts for members only on BBSC races
  • Additional discounts on products and services

Single Membership is $65.00
Family Membership is $85.00
College Membership is $40.00
Purchase Membership

Board Members / Ambassadors

The Las Vegas Triathlon Club is 100% operated volunteer 501c(3) organization. In 2022, we had such great support from volunteers – well over 50 people were involved in volunteering in some capacity!


Of course, there are a few special shout-outs to some … our Las Vegas Triathlon Club Board Members (President, Past President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership, Sponsorship) and Ambassadors (e.g., social, gear, education, youth, media, newsletter, volunteers) as well as all our event volunteers!


This group is simply a lot of fun to work with … very inspiring to not only see them have success on the race course but also see how they thoughtfully contribute to supporting our endurance community. Very genuine love of the sport and community.


Looking ahead to 2023 … do you want to get involved with the club at a deeper level? We want you! There are several ways to get involved – we really strive to make sure people are doing things that they really enjoy and have a passion for. 

We will be having a planning retreat in January 2023 to fine tune what our 2023 season will look like. 

If any of this sounds interesting – reach out and talk with one of us.

2022 Board Members:

  • President: John Mercer
  • Vice President: Matt Olson
  • Operations: Bob Gamble
  • Treasurer: Lisa Child
  • Membership: Laura Mercer
  • Secretary: Colleen Takahashi
  • Past President: Shawna Glasser

2022 Ambassadors:

  • Melodie Cronenberg
  • Barett Gamble
  • Tedd Girouard
  • Christina Gruber
  • Nancy Jones
  • Ethan Klein
  • David Lehrner
  • Yoshi Masumoto
  • Jennifer Schultz
  • Amanda Wolpink

Past President

Let's Talk Turkey🦃!

I was born and raised in Las Vegas. When I was growing up, there weren’t many natives. I always kidded that I was 1 of 9. The reason being a native was rare was because of the transient nature of our city. We have military bases that people come, work and leave. We have an amazing college that students come, learn, and leave. Our housing market is still booming and with that comes a lot of construction jobs, but once the work is done, so are the workers. Hotel employment, more of the same. My point is something I’ve always heard growing up is that Las Vegans aren’t friendly. Neighbors don’t talk to one another and you don’t make any lasting friendships or feel a real sense of community.

Why do I bring this up? It is almost Thanksgiving. That time of year where my parents always taught me, “The more, the merrier.” I try to think of why people don’t socialize with their neighbors anymore or have those really close, lasting friendships. That’s where the transient city comes in. I think people are afraid of investing their time and their emotional investment in someone that is going to move in a year.

I’m a huge advocate for diversifying your relationships. Go for it! Every life we touch and that touches us, enriches our life. With technology and, usually, cheap airfare back to Las Vegas it is easier than ever to keep those relationships thriving. This year for Thanksgiving, offer up a spot at your Thanksgiving table or take someone up on the offer to come over. You never know what the future holds for your relationship.

~Shawna Glasser

Prez Corner:


Triathlon is an individual sport, but we never do them alone.

Yes … you have to swim, bike, and run … but it is amazing when you take a step back and think of all the people that are connected to your race day:

  • Family and friends that come out to cheer you on - in person and electronically!
  • Your race-day sherpa (support crew) who coordinates dropping you off, managing your gear, running to the store to get you any supplies you need (and probably forgot to bring!), giving you encouragement during the race, and being there at the finish line to celebrate.
  • Race volunteers … of course! From check in to aid stations … volunteers make the race happen.
  • Competitors / fellow athletes … yes, there is something about ‘suffering together’ that helps us on race day!

These are the first groups that come to mind that help you in some way on race day. But the list of people connected to your triathlon experience gets deeper when we think about training. Some of you are training 5, 10, 15, or 20 hours a week! That is great to see the commitment and the drive. But often, there is someone behind you supporting you, encouraging you, helping you in some way get out the door for training. Some of these would include …

  • Your spouse / significant other who supports you going for a swim, bike, and/or run at odd hours of the day (or evening).
  • Other family members … a parent, child, sibling … aunt, uncle, …
  • Training partners. Many triathletes have (and benefit from) training with friends … and we have a great endurance community!

I also know many of you are like me … and I do the vast majority of my training sessions on my own … lots of solo long rides, runs, and swims. I’ve also been known to go to races where I don’t know anyone. But that doesn’t mean we are doing the training and racing alone. 

This is a great time to step back, think of all the connections you have made that make your triathlon journey happen … and then thank them.  

The stronger your support team, the better your chances of achieving your fitness goals. 

~John Mercer

LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.

The Evidence-Based Triathlete

Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!
Las Vegas Triathlon Club
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