LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.
2022 Triathlon Season!

We had a third LVTC event July 16th – Aquabike! For those of you not familiar with this format, this is a swim-bike event. This type of format is great to try a different pacing strategy on the swim and/or bike knowing that you don’t have the run.
Congratulations to everyone who participated!

The next Las Vegas Triathlon Club event is a triathlon on August 21st. This event is open for registration.

  • April 23rd  - done
  • June 12th – done
  • July 16th - done
  • August 21st

Points Series
Each year, we keep track of how our members do in each event and have awards for the top ‘points winners’ for our different divisions:
  • Overall Male and Female
  • Master’s Male and Female
  • Rookie Male and Female
  • Clydesdale and Athena
For each of our four events (three triathlons and one aquabike), we award points following this structure:
  • 1st in each division receives 4 points.
  • 2nd in each division receives 3 points.
  • 3rd in each division receives 2 points.
  • Everyone who completes the main event 
Please know that we always offer the opportunity to do just the swim, an aqubike, or duathlon – but we only keep track of points for the main events.
We have quite a few ties after three events, can't wait to see how it all shakes out after our August event !
Points Series Standings after three events:
Socials/Training Events/Education
Check our Facebook Group for locals who are training in town or down at Lake Mead. Post your workouts!

2022 Club Sprint Tri Events

  • August 21st
Membership Drive

Support your local Triathlon Club
Membership Includes:
  • Club logoed gear for purchase
  • 3 Sprint Triathlons & 1 Aquabike
  • Triathlon Programs: Events and Skill Clinics
  • Opportunities to train, get together and socialize
  • Discounts for members only on BBSC races
  • Additional discounts on products and services

Single Membership is $65.00
Family Membership is $85.00
College Membership is $40.00
Safety Corner

Good Pain vs. Bad Pain

We are approaching mid-season in triathlon, where many triathletes begin to experience fatigue, pain, and sometimes injury. Pushing through pain is pretty normal for us, so when should our pain cause us concern?

What are the 2 types of pain?
  • “Good Pain” - aka “Positive training pain” looks like reasonable muscle soreness that only lasts for a day or two.
  • “Bad Pain” - aka “Negative training pain” can be extreme muscle soreness that you experience beyond three or four days. If you push through this pain, it may lead to (further) injury.

Training and racing is tough on the body, so when should we raise caution?

  • Even after rest and attempts to reduce inflammation, the pain lasts several days
  • The pain occurs on one side of of your body
  • The pain is sharp and direct
  • Mobility is reduced and/or there is a decline in our training progress

What steps should we take to prevent “Negative Training Pain” or worse?

  • Consult a doctor before the season, and throughout the season as needed.
  • Find an expert in triathlon injuries if you suspect that the pain is linked to injury.
  • Listen to your body, and learn to differentiate between “good” and “bad” pain.
  • Consider regular massages, stretching, and foam rolling.

~Amanda Wolpink
LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.

The Evidence-Based Triathlete

Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!
Prez Corner:

Mid season

Living in the southwest region, it is easy to stretch out a triathlon season over 10-12 months. Typically, mid-season ends up being in the hottest days of summer. The combination of the heat and long season can sometimes make ‘mid-season’ tough to get through.
Generally, it is always exciting when registering for a race and making initial plans. Working training into our regular schedules is easy … we are often really motivated to train. Likewise, in the weeks leading up to an event, we are typically tapering, starting to feel ‘fresh’, and excited about the upcoming event.

The middle part of a training plan – or, mid-season – can often be the most challenging part of the program. How do you carry over that initial excitement that we had when registering for an event? There are a few things we can do …

  • Recognize that it is normal to have some mid-season slump in training. 
  • Look at your training program and evaluate if you are overdoing the load … have you incorporated the right amount of recovery to absorb the training?
  • Try a new race format (e.g., Aquabike, swim-run, …) or replace some training with challenging hikes (e.g., Mt. Charleston).
  • Connect with others. The Endurance Community is here to lean on when you need it!
  • Try a new pool for swimming or route for running and/or biking. Sometimes a new perspective can be refreshing. 
  • Check in with your endurance friends to see if they are struggling … sometimes, you can help yourself by helping others.

The bottom line is that your training sessions should leave you invigorated – but it is easy to overload the system and lose sight of the enjoyment that sessions should bring us.

If you find your self dreading the thought of an exercise session or not feeling better after a session – take a step back and switch it up! A ‘reset’ of sorts will help carry you through that mid-season and still prepare you well for your event.

Afterall … the joy of endurance events is often the path that we follow to get to the start line and to the finish line. #enjoythejourney

~John Mercer
Past President

Thoughts From a Triathlete During the Mid-Season

You’ve done several of your big races, but still have a few more to go. How do you keep the momentum and stay in your groove? Well, it depends. I’m a triathlete who gets overwhelmed if I look too far ahead at the workload, but some triathletes like to see the end goals and have all their cards on the table. I think putting something fun at the end of the season or something to look forward to is always helpful. Look back at what you’ve accomplished so far. Celebrate the successes and also visualize what those future race days are going to look like. You can also brain storm about the races or equipment that you want in the future. Having goals can be a huge catalyst for keeping you engaged and focusing on how you are going to achieve them. 

One of the greatest inspirations to me is volunteering. Go volunteer at a race and have them put you in the busiest spot. You will see every kind of athlete. You will see sacrifice. You will see kindness. You will see tears. You will see triumph. You will see someone who was told they could never finish a race and you will watch them cross the finish line. Most of the time I get more joy and satisfaction volunteering than I do racing. You realize triathlon is bigger than yourself and you get to be proud to be a part of that. 

Sometimes you are in the building phase of your triathlon training plan and the workouts are long and monotonous. I like to switch it up and give myself a break. You can get the same fitness as one of your runs by going to the trampoline park and playing dodgeball with friends. It doesn’t always have to be swim, bike, run. Get your heart pumping a different way and enjoy a break. 

Gift yourself some self care. Get a massage. Get a manicure. Get your haircut. Buy a book. Soak in a hot bath with a bougie bath bomb. Life is short and so is the triathlon season. Seize it!

~Shawna Glasser

Las Vegas Triathlon Club