Late Summer 2017

Welcome to the SomeTimes Newsletter!

It is DENVER Time again!!

It has been wonderful to see the level of creativity in the lapidary world. Along with wonderful classic designs, we have been bowled over with the newer fantasy cuts that are showing up from all quarters.  

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the comments, Likes and submissions to our Facebook and related social pages. 

If you haven't visited yet, please do... there are wonderful gems and cutting tips.... cut by a thriving community of many talented and wonderful people!
Please feel free to email all your pictures to 

...Facet Forward!
DENVER Gem Show - 2017

The MAIN SHOW in Denver - at the EXPO Building - is Sept.15 thru 17 .
Swing by the UltraTec booth E84 in A Aisle... and say hello to Ron Snelling, Ultra Tec's Rep in Denver
See the ULTRA TEC V5 Faceting Machine - See the ULTRA TEC Fantasy Machine - IN ACTION.


He should. Each year, the San Diego County Fair includes gem cutting competitions, and there is lively competition - after all, Southern California is a faceting-friendly area.  Last year we told you about Bill Brisebois having had 3 prize winners - we called it "a hat trick".  But this year... he entered 7 faceting categories, and won 7 (!) first places - I don't know a special name for 7 winners (except "wow").


Bill is a faceting instructor at the San Diego Gem and Mineral Society - and if you are within range , and looking for lessons - check it out.  The class schedules are listed on their website.
Now, yes, you could have Bill as a teacher, but, you know, Bill at one time was a student himself at the San Diego G&M Society.  Who was Bill's teacher?   Well, it was none other than Elbert (Mac) McEuen (pictured below)  - who this year is 100 years old (!) - proud owner of a V5 - and still teaching faceting at the SDGMS - he's only 100 years old this year.  "He's sharp as a tack!" his students confirm - and with more than a few faceting secrets to share.

John and Sally Mandle visited ULTRA TEC, having enjoyed their drive from Santa Barbara.  We gave them the grand tour of the factory.  They brought in their 35 year old Ultra Tec faceting machine for a "check out" - and the comment of our Ultra Tec Assembler was that the machine was in "pristine condition".

John and Sally have been involved in the world of gems for many years, having been owners of Regency Created Emeralds.  Their ULTRA TEC machine was a "quality control" machine, used almost daily for testing their created gem rough.  After they departed from the business, they held onto their ULTRA TEC machine, and became faceting hobbyists.  John volunteered that faceting "kept me young".


We are most pleased to introduce John and Alina Burleyson of Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  

They are a team - both faceters - and together they operate GemRite, doing custom gemstone faceting and custom jewelry design - and now, representing Ultra Tec equipment.

John started his faceting about 20 years ago - so, a wealth of experience.  Alina has been an ULTRA TEC faceter for 5 years.

INTRODUCING - ULTRA TEC's faceting ambassador to Chinese speakers  中国演 员大使

Born in Taiwan, and a frequent visitor home, Jack Chong is now a resident of Corona, California.  Back home his name is still Chen Jong - a little difficult for Americans to remember - so, in the US, his first name has become "Jack".  Jack has been a serious faceting hobbyist, and has gained a world of experience - and has focused on high quality gem cutting - hence, Ultra Tec.

 Now, as the World became "globalized", Ultra Tec has managed "other" languages pretty well - Spanish, German, even English English - all of them, but Chinese has represented a problem for us - and Jack Chong is the perfect knowledgeable communicator.
If you are more comfortable speaking Chinese, we'll put you in touch with Jack - he can answer any questions you may have -- you can even call him Chen Jong.

Join Our Facebook Community -- Over 16,000 'LIKES' & growing everyday! 

ULTRA TEC Faceting has a thriving community on FACEBOOK. Take a look at our page for interesting links and updates. If you are more of a TWITTER'er, we are right there too ( 
We welcome all our ULTRA TEC cousins as FANS -- your, pictures, videos, experiences, comments and suggestions are always welcome!
Don't Forget to Click on the  LIKE button to be added to the community.

Rep in action


DOUG AUGSPURGER demonstrated gem cutting at Delores Jewelers, at the Florida Mall - and set up a display case of faceted stones, done by himself or his father Willard on the Ultra Tec machine - yes, updated, but dating back to the "80's.
Faceting, and answering questions, Doug  drew an interested, and even excited group of viewers.

A "repeat performance" is planned
Doug is an ULTRA TEC Rep.  ( tel 407 382 4737)


Scott Sucher introduces his famous diamond replicas at TGMS 2017
Scott Sucher introduces his famous diamond replicas at TGMS 2017


MIKE SOEBBING demonstrated, and taught faceting, at the annual Kalispell Gem and Mineral Show (in mid-March each year).  Mike reports that he liked responding to many "great questions" - and in particular enjoyed the enthusiastic and inquisitive kids that attended the show.

The Ultra Tec V5 Faceting Machine

The Ultra Tec V5 Faceting Machine

See you next time!

Once again, thank you as always for your interest in ULTRA TEC and our products. We'll be in touch again soon with the next Sometimes Newsletter. 

Bye for Now! 

The ULTRA TEC Lapidary Team

ULTRA TEC Mfg., Inc.| +1 714 542 0608 | |