It's Tucson Time!
Welcome to the SomeTimes Newsletter!

Thanks to everyone for the comments, likes and submissions to our Facebook and related social pages. 

If you haven't visited yet, please do... there are wonderful gems and cutting tips.... cut by a thriving community of many talented and wonderful people!
Please feel free to email all your pictures to 

...Facet Forward in 2018!
TUCSON FACETERS FROLIC.  January 31, Feb. 1, 2, & 3. (9AM to 9PM)

-- Presented by the USFaceters Guild  * Lectures * Demos * Lessons 

WHERE: The Old Pueblo Lapidary Club /  3118 North Dale Ave, Tucson 85712

General admission and attendance to the lectures is free -

There's an outstanding line up of lecturers, including...

Tom Mitchell - Lisa Elser -  Tom Herbst - Scott Sucher - Diane Eames --  Dr. Arya Akhavan - Dr. Alexander Bulatov 

This is a quickly evolving event, so please keep cheking in on the US FACETERS GUILD page for the latest details.

Part of the Faceters Frolic - A BUYING-GEM-ROUGH TOUR.  

If you are a "newbie" - if you've just recently gotten into faceting - or, if you've been faceting for a while but still feel challenged by the mysteries of buying gem rough, here's a bit of advice.... sign up for the Gem Rough Buying Tour of Tucson


-  a tour for newbie faceters conducted by Arya Arkhavan - young Dr. Arkhavan is an expert amateur faceter and prolific gem designer. 

You may have seen his FACETING 101 Video Series.

He enjoys working with materials with unusual or extreme optical properties, as well as rare and unusual synthetics.  You will enjoy and learn a lot from a tour with Arya.

The  fee is $40.  It's an opportunity.

Sign up on...

The tour will be on WEDNESDAY - January 31, "9 AM till whenever".  When you sign up you will give your name and cell phone number.  Arya will contact you before the event to give you the location where to meet.

The Ultra Tec V5 Faceting Machine

The Ultra Tec V5 Faceting Machine


UT-Tucson ballon
ULTRA TEC will have a booth at the Convention Center - Feb 8-9-10-11.  Come by and say hello-even if you're just visiting...maybe you have a question...or a story to share

Say hello to Robert Mendoza

He's the man from the factory.  Do you have questions about the equipment?  He's the guy to ask.  As young as he is, Robert has been with ULTRA TEC for over 30 years.  Starting in the machine shop where he showed what a perfectionist he is - he moved on to managing the entire production operation.

Say hello to Scott Sucher and his wife Karen.

Scott is an expert faceter - well known for producing exacting replicas of famous diamonds.  

Last year he had a display of those famous replicas, and it drew a lot of interest.  This year he will display his "Diamond Evolution Collection" - diamond replicas dating to 1200 AD (!) - stepping through the centuries!
Scott and Karen will not be at the booth on the last Sunday

Lately, Scott has been dabbling with fantasy cutting - he'll have some of those to show.  I'll bet you they are good.

Scott will be the keynote speaker at the Hob Nob on Feb 3.  He has more than a few great stories to tell.

Say hello to Larry Mattos.

- do you have questions about Fantasy Cutting?  Larry is the guy with the answers - hey, he wrote the book. Take a look at his website 

- there's a lot of information there.  

What's that gizmo on Larry's machine?  Yes, it is something new - an indexed and motorized 90° Block (mounted onto his Fantasy machine - if you're curious, he'll have one on the booth).

If you have questions about classic flat faceting, Larry knows that too.

tucson 2010 robert m and pat kelley
joe at tucson

Several other of our reps and cutters will be around during the Tucson Gem Shows. If you can't make with the FACETERS FROLIC or TGMS, please let us know and we'll see if it is possible to arrange for you to meet with a rep, or maybe even to see a machine. 

Download the Free Guide to the 
Tucson Gem Shows

Click Image Below

Download your free Tucson Show Guide here ---  

The front cover features a stone from renowned cutter (and all round excellent fella) Mark Oros of  Hashnu Stones & Gems.  See more of Mark's work at

VIDEO - 90 Degree Rotating Adapter for ULTRA TEC Faceting Masts

90 Degree Rotating Adapter for ULTRA TEC Faceting Masts - video by Larry Mattos
90 Degree Rotating Adapter for ULTRA TEC Faceting Masts - Video by Larry Mattos


Scott Sucher introduces his famous diamond replicas at TGMS 2017
Scott Sucher introduces his famous diamond replicas at TGMS 2017

Dr. Reg brings Reality to the Fantasy Machine

ULTRA TEC Fantasy Machine by Dr. Reg
ULTRA TEC Fantasy Machine by Dr. Reg

Dr. Reg Williams is a self-taught faceter who started teaching himself faceting a about 4 years ago.  He said, "I love competing with myself to see if I can facet a beautiful gem!  I am passionate about faceting, but you could have put on a pin-head what I knew about gemology."  

Since his career was in health care and he did research in stress and depression, he decided to pursue a course in gemology and is now an ISG Registered Gemologist.  He is Professor Emeritus at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 

All of his students called him Dr. Reg, and the name stuck.  He is a member of the Midwest Faceters' Guild, the United States Faceting Guild, and the Huron Hills Lapidary & Mineral Society.

Join Our Facebook Community -- Over 17,000 'LIKES' & growing everyday! 

ULTRA TEC Faceting has a thriving community on FACEBOOK. Take a look at our page for interesting links and updates. If you are more of a  TWITTER'er, we are right there too ( 
We welcome all our ULTRA TEC cousins as FANS -- your, pictures, videos, experiences, comments and suggestions are always welcome!
Don't Forget to Click on the  LIKE button to be added to the community.

See you next time!

Once again, thank you as always for your interest in ULTRA TEC and our products. We'll be in touch again soon with the next Sometimes Newsletter. 

Oh, by the way....  did we mention it is Tucson Time?!

Bye for Now! 
                                                           The ULTRA TEC Lapidary Team

ULTRA TEC Mfg., Inc.| +1 714 542 0608 | info@ultratec-facet.com | www.ultratec-facet.com