November 22, 2019

Lake of Bays Association and Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation
Granted Party Status in Langmaid's Island Appeal
The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) Case Management Conference (CMC) for the Langmaids Island Corp. appeal was held on Wednesday November 20. The Lake of Bays Association (LOBA) and the Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation (LBHF) have been granted party status for the appeal proceedings, along with the Township of Lake of Bays, the Town of Huntsville, the District of Muskoka and Kelly Zytaruk who is a resident. Parties can participate fully in the Hearing by receiving written evidence, presenting witnesses, cross-examining the witnesses of other Parties, and making submissions on all the evidence. The Tribunal also granted Participant status to the ten individuals who requested it, which will allow them to provide a written submission.

The Parties have been directed to provide their Issues List and Witness List prior to the second CMC scheduled for February 27, 2020. The purpose of the second CMC will be to approve the Procedural Order, confirm the lists of issues and witnesses and set the date and duration for the Hearing. Due to the complex nature of the appeal and involvement of multiple ruling authorities, the Hearing has been divided into two phases. Phase 1 will address the appeals related to the Official Plan amendment, and zoning and by-law amendments with the Township of Lake of Bays and the Town of Huntsville. Phase 2 will address the appeal related to the Plan of Subdivision with the District of Muskoka. The Tribunal’s decision on Phase 1 will determine whether Phase 2 will proceed, and if so, how.

It was a full house in the council chambers for the first CMC yesterday and all observers were invited to provide their names and email address so that they could receive copies of the Procedural Order which will outline the Hearing process. Look for updates on the Langmaids Island appeal in upcoming Newsflashes. You can check the status of the appeal on the Tribunals Ontario website , case number PL180898 or under L for Lake of Bays.

Background – Langmaid’s Island Corp has proposed the subdivision of Langmaid’s Island into 32 residential lots with mainland access from two waterfront landings on nearby South Portage Road. This development proposal is unique because Langmaid's Island is a designated Muskoka Heritage Area and is recognized as such in the Township of Lake of Bays Official Plan with specified constraints on the creation of new lots.

In November 2018, Langmaid's Island Corp. filed three LPAT appeals on the basis that no decision had been reached by the respective approval authorities (The Township of Lake of Bays, Town of Huntsville and District of Muskoka) within the time limit mandated by the planning act. The appeals were filed a few days prior to council meetings that were scheduled to consider the applications and hear a second round of public comments. The planning staff reports for both the Township of Lake of Bays and the Town of Huntsville had recommended that the applications be denied. LOBA and LBHF support the staff recommendations to deny the development application and chose to seek party status in the appeal in order to defend the policies that protect our local natural heritage and advocate for responsible land use planning that is consistent with the character of the surrounding community. 
photo above by Jacquie Godard
Community Planning Permit System review
The Township of Lake of Bays is reviewing and consolidating its two existing zoning by-laws (Development Permit By-law 2004-180 and Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2004-181) and creating a new Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) to implement the policies of the Township's Official Plan. This system will clearly identify development rules and requirements applicable throughout the entire Township. You can read the draft CPPS by-law and provide comments to the Township here .

LOBA sent a letter to the Township outlining our concerns with the the draft by-law. You can read it here . Earlier this week, four Directors of the Association met with Mayor Terry Glover, and Councillors Bob Lacroix and Nancy Tapley to reiterate our concerns.

2020 Draft Budget
The Township of Lake of Bays is preparing and reviewing their budget for 2020. The draft budget was discussed at the Council meeting on Tuesday November 18 and will likely be passed at the December council meeting. LOBA is reviewing the budget and will be providing our comments in writing next week. At the meeting with the Mayor and two Councillors noted above, we expressed concern over the proposed increase in the levy.

You can see the draft budget in the agenda for Tuesday's meeting under item 5(k).
ASHMuskoka wants your input

ASHMuskoka, is Canada’s first residential wood ash recycling program designed to solve the calcium decline problem in Muskoka’s forests and lakes. Funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and operated by the Friends of the Muskoka Watershed, the program plans to have 1000 Muskokans saving 100 tonnes of ash from their fireplaces and woodstoves by the end of the three-year project.

Where will they put all this wood ash ? They will be applying wood ash to sugar bushes and forest soils in Muskoka. Why? Because wood ash, with its high calcium content and other nutrients, is a valuable forest soil fertilizer. Through natural soil processes, some of the calcium and nutrients will make its way to Muskoka’s lakes.

To contribute to the success of the program Drs. Robert Gifford and Leila Scannell, in the Psychology Department at the University of Victoria are conducting an online survey that assesses your thoughts and experiences about wood ash recycling, your willingness to participate in the program, and your sense of connection to Muskoka in general. You are eligible for participation in this study if you are a resident (seasonal or permanent) of Muskoka over 18-years-old, who heats with wood. If you voluntarily agree to complete the online survey, it will take less than 10 minutes and as compensation for your time, you may enter a draw to win one of three prizes:

First prize; $100
Second prize; 1 L maple syrup
Third prize; 1 L maple syrup 

If you are interested in completing the survey, click here . All opinions are welcome.
District of Muskoka seeking Flood Impact photos

After significant flooding in the Muskoka River Watershed in 2013 and 2016, the District Municipality of Muskoka sought Federal funds through the National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP) to conduct flood plain mapping. The District was successful in securing funds and initiated its Flood Plain Mapping (FPM) project in 2018. This project is nearing completion and is expected to conclude in early 2020.

The District is now seeking to engage the public to assist in the verification of the FPM by sharing photos of 2019 flood impacts resulting from a lake or river overflowing onto their property, or onto a road that they use to access their property. To achieve this, the District is using the Engage Muskoka platform. You can access the photo submission form directly here .

Please note that individuals may upload a maximum of 3 photos of their property and/or 3 photos of a flooded road used to access their property. With permission from the individual, these photos may be used in public presentations and/or outreach material (personal information of the submitted photos will not be shared). The photo submission period closes on Sunday December 1, 2019.
Applying salt to our roads is a necessary evil. We need it for our safety. With climate change and the increased frequency of such things as ice storms and thaw-freeze situations we cannot do without salt. However, salt damages cars, boots, pets, plants, buildings, wildlife and, yes, even our water!  Our lakes in Muskoka are getting saltier from all of the road salt used.  

The District of Muskoka has signed up with the Smart About Salt Council (SASC). This not-for-profit organization offers training to improve winter salting practices on facilities and recognizes industry leaders through certification. 

All District employees who operate salt trucks are receiving training to become Smart About Salt Certified. This means that a minimal amount of salt will be used on District roads and straight sand will be used when and where appropriate. The Township of Lake of Bays already limits the amount of salt combined with sand on all township roads that are maintained year round. The salt content meets the District specifications. Steve Peace of the Township reported that everything possible is being done to keep salt at a minimum on Township roads while always keeping safety in mind.

Pet safe ice melting products that replace salt are still harmful to the environment. Alternatives such as kitty litter, sand or ash from your fireplace or woodstove are much safer.

Whether you are in the city or in Lake of Bays there are things that you can do in winter to make a difference. 

Be Safe : Wear appropriate footwear with good treads; put winter tires on your vehicles and use kitty litter, ash and sand on icy surfaces.

Be Smart : Shovel first; use salt sparingly and only on the icy patches giving it time to work; redirect downspouts away from pathways and driveways to prevent ice buildup in winter; shovel unsalted snow onto to low areas of your property to direct the melt off away from hard surfaces; ensure hired contractors are Certified Smart About Salt.

For more information on the Smart About Salt Council and to find Certified Smart About Salt Contractors visit:
It’s Time to Renew your LOBA Membership for 2020
Don’t wait—Renew TODAY!
Your support allows us to continue our work to promote, sustain and enhance a clean and healthy natural environment, a well serviced community and a safe and peaceful Lake of Bays.
Go to to renew or join and pay online, or download a membership form to renew by mail.
Questions about your membership? Please contact Beverley Govan at 705-767-3395 or email her at

Reading, interesting links and events

Township of Lake of Bays

From Cottage Life, 6 Questions to ask before purchasing cottage insurance

From, How the province’s regional government review affected Muskoka

Upcoming events

First snow of Winter 2019
The purpose of the Lake of Bays Association is to promote, sustain and enhance a clean and healthy natural environment, a well serviced community and a safe and peaceful Lake of Bays.

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