January 29, 2021
Langmaid's Island Appeal Update
Beginning this coming Monday February 1 at 10:00 a.m., the Lake of Bays Association and Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation are Joint Parties to a Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) hearing about the proposed development of Langmaid’s Island. The hearing will proceed virtually, and is scheduled to last up to 25 days.

Anyone wishing to listen and/or watch the proceedings is welcome. You will find details on how to connect on page 3 of the Notice of Hearing and here:
By phone: 888-299-1889 (toll free) or 647-497-9373
Access code: 626 183 053
Viewers are reminded that only Parties to the appeal will be able to speak, so ensure your microphone is muted and camera off.

Once the working schedule for the hearing is confirmed, we will post it on the LOBA website.


Langmaid's Protection Fund

As we have let you know previously, costs for this appeal will be covered by the LOBA/LBHF jointly-administered, Langmaid's Protection Fund. To date we have raised over $80,000 of the $100,000 we will need for the appeal. If you have not yet donated, please consider helping us reach our goal.

Once you are at the Donations page and click on DONATE NOW, you will be given the option to direct your donation to the Langmaid's Protection Fund.
Langmaid's Island
The Lake of Bays Association has made the proposed over-development of Langmaid’s Island a priority for over two years and we are in the final stages where your financial support is crucial. Please assist us in defending the municipal Official Plan policies that are in place to preserve one of the last natural, largely undeveloped islands left on Lake of Bays and donate today.
The Township of Lake of Bays is reviewing their Noise By-law and is seeking public input. A new draft by-law based on public input as well as a review of surrounding municipalities will be presented to Council in early 2021. Please let them know how you think the Noise By-law could be improved by taking their short survey at From there you can also review the existing by-law and see the Council Resolution directing staff to review the by-law.

.... to the 80+ members and guests who attended the LOBA Open Board meeting last Saturday. If you missed it, or would like to hear any part of it again, the video-recording of the meeting will be posted for 60 days.

The District Municipality of Muskoka Municipal Modernization review is holding a public meeting on Thursday February 4 starting at 9:00 a.m. Fraser Govan gave an overview of this initiative at the Open Board meeting, starting at minute 55:00.

Reading, interesting links and events

Township of Lake of Bays

Safe Quiet Lakes

photo by Paul Madder
The purpose of the Lake of Bays Association is to promote, sustain and enhance a clean and healthy natural environment, a well serviced community and a safe and peaceful Lake of Bays.

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