Palmetto Middle School is participating in The Listeners/Oyentes Program®. In the world we live in, the objective of The Listeners/Oyentes Program® is to identify any student who would benefit from a consistent, weekly opportunity to share their feelings with their non-judgmental, non-advice giving Listener/Oyente volunteer, not just those students who appear to have been identified with behavioral issues.
Volunteers have seen lonely children struggling to connect with their peers, identified children who were falling through the cracks, and we have had the honor of witnessing students discover their own unique gifts that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. Once the student is comfortable with the safe space the Listener/Oyente has created, there is an opportunity to observe who is being bullied and who is doing the bullying. By becoming a constant in their student’s ever-changing world, the Listeners/Oyentes play a unique role in their lives. If you want to volunteer for this important program, click here.