December 5, 2020
Continue Supporting the Lake of Bays Association
We would like to ask for your continued support of the Lake of Bays Association (LOBA); or if you're not currently a member, please become one. The 2021 membership year runs from November 1, 2020 to October 31, 2021.

To renew or join, click HERE or call 705-767-3395. If you are not sure if you have renewed, please call Beverley to find out.

Keep your Covid-19 Silver Lining Stories Coming!
While 2020 has been a difficult year, we'd like to hear your positive story. Tell us about something that happened to make 2020 extra-special at the lake. Anything! A new tradition or return to an old ritual. A new hobby or completion of a years-old project. New ways of connecting with old friends. Whatever it is, send your story to We’ll share as many as we can in the 2021 Association yearbook.

Photo Contest Deadline is Fast Approaching
Open to all Lake of Bays Association members and families. Photos must be previously unpublished and taken in the current year--limit of 5 per category. They must be in high-resolution, digital format. Send to, subject line Lake of Bays Association photo contest. Deadline December 30, 2020.
LIFE at the LAKE: people, pets and dwellings
NATURE: wild plants and animals
LANDSCAPE: land, water and sky
photo by Katharine Harvey
2019 photo contest entry

Township of Lake of Bays Updates

Notice of Second Public Meeting
The Township of Lake of Bays is reviewing and consolidating its two existing zoning by-laws (Development Permit By-law 2004-180 and Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2004-181) and creating a new Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) By-law to implement the policies of the Township’s Official Plan. This system will clearly identify development rules and requirements applicable throughout the entire Township. The new Community Planning Permit By-law applies to all lands within the Township.

Meeting Date: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2020
Meeting Time: 11:00 a.m.
Meeting Location: ZOOM - Virtual Meeting with Electronic Participation (contact Melissa Markham for link to participate, details below)


Council will be reviewing and potentially adopting the 2021 Municipal Budget.


District of Muskoka Updates

On June 15 2020, District Council directed staff to explore ways to promote inclusion, celebrate diversity, ensure equity and combat systemic racism in Muskoka. The resulting project has been branded as the IDEA Project (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Racism).
To better understand the nature and scope of IDEA issues in Muskoka, the District is launching a Community IDEA Survey. This survey is the first step in a series of community engagement activities which will allow all residents to share their experiences, thoughts and concerns. In turn, this information will provide the basis for a Community IDEA Action Plan.
As a visitor, year-round or seasonal resident of Muskoka, you will be asked to share your experiences and thoughts on what is needed to create a more inclusive community.
It should take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete the survey and at the end you can choose to be entered to win one of four $100 gift cards. This survey will be open until December 8.

Test your internet speed to help build better access to broadband in Muskoka!
To help position Muskoka to take best advantage of federal and or provincial broadband funding programs, the Muskoka Economic Recovery Taskforce (MERTF) is working with partners to identify needs through speed testing and gap analysis. To help with that work, the Task Force is encouraging all residents and business owners in Muskoka to test the speeds of their current internet service.

District introduces GeoHub mapping website
Muskoka GeoHub is an online portal that allows the public to access important geographical information in Muskoka such as:
  • Air Photos
  • Topography and Crown Land Maps
  • Floodplain Mapping
  • Shoreline Videos
  • Trails Explorer
  • Zoning Maps
  • Subdivision and Condominium Development Maps
  • Data sets for Environment, Community Public works, and so much more!

Muskoka GeoHub replaces the Muskoka Web Map and features new maps, tools, and functions to help you explore Muskoka’s geographical information.


Modernizing pleasure craft licensing
Transport Canada develops and maintains the regulations, standards, policies and guidelines for licensing a pleasure craft as per the requirements under the Small Vessel Regulations.

A pleasure craft licence is a document issued by Transport Canada which contains a unique licence number used to trace a vessel to its owner. This number allows police and search and rescue personnel to access important information in an emergency. It also supports accountability and compliance with safety and environmental regulations.

The department needs to amend the Small Vessel Regulations to improve data quality and the way they deliver services to pleasure craft licence holders. They are looking for input on the changes they would like to make to the pleasure craft licensing requirements.

photo by Warren Prince
2019 photo contest entry
The purpose of the Lake of Bays Association is to promote, sustain and enhance a clean and healthy natural environment, a well serviced community and a safe and peaceful Lake of Bays.

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Lake of Bays Association

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