Join Fellow LaTEACH Members!
Put on your Purple  
SEAP needs to hear your voice!
September 19, 2014

Do you think Louisiana can improve how students with disabilities are taught and served?  

How do you think the Department of Education can improve how it provides support, training, and monitoring of special education to ensure every student receives an appropriate, individualized education?

Did you know many school systems claim the information from the Department of Education left them unsure how to properly chart the alternative pathways for some students to earn credits toward graduation?   

The Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP) will meet next week to consider the following issues:
  • State Performance Plan
  • State Systematic Improvement Plan
  • Implementation of Act 833 
SEAP members will consider implementation concerns and guidance documents from the state Department of Education.

Join other LaTEACH members and let SEAP know how you feel about these issues!
DATE:    Wednesday, September 24

TIME:     9:00 A.M.


PLACE:   Claiborne Building
                1201 N. Third Street
                Baton Rouge, LA  70802


Click HERE to see the agenda for the September 2014 SEAP meeting.  

Need a purple LaTEACH shirt?  Contact your 
LaTEACH Regional Leader or email

What To Do?

LaTEACH members are encouraged to attend SEAP meetings and share their thoughts and concerns with SEAP members.  LaTEACH promotes policies and practices to reflect the best interest of ALL students.


LaTEACH members are also encouraged to contact SEAP Members and let them know how you feel.  Send Patsy White, co-chair of SEAP, your thoughts and comments to

Important Information
State Performance Plan
The State Performance Plan (SPP) describes how Louisiana plans to improve implementation of special education.  Targets set for each of 20 indicators in the SPP are used in assigning determinations of local school districts along the following four categories: met requirements, needs assistance, needs intervention or needs substantial intervention.  The 20 areas range from exit outcomes (i.e., high school diploma rates and dropout rates), participation and performance on standardized tests, suspensions and expulsions, placements, family involvement, identification, transition, supervision, and the handling of complaints, due process, resolution settlements and mediation agreements.

Related links:  the Louisiana SPP from February 2013

State Systematic Improvement Plan
The State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) is a comprehensive,       multi-year plan designed to improve results for children with disabilities.  


The SSIP contains three phases: 

  1. Analysis of data and other information to provide a foundation for the SSIP 
  2. Development of the SSIP I
  3. Implementation and evaluation of the SSIP.  

During the first phase, States are required to conduct a thorough data and infrastructure analysis, identify the State-identified measurable result or results to be achieved for children with disabilities, select coherent improvement strategies, and develop a theory of action. 

Act 833
Act 833 created huge changes regarding how some students with disabilities can graduate.  Learn about it by watching the video below. 
Act 833 General Discussion
Act 833 How and Why
At the first meeting of the Act 833 Steering Committee on September 3rd, special education directors, principals, and superintendents raised concerns and frustrations over the lack of guidance from the Department of Education on implementation of Act 833.  

Related links:
Did You Take Action?
action alert
Please let us know if you plan to attend the SEAP meeting or sent any comments for SEAP to consider by emailing us at
Any questions?
If there are any questions about the information in this alert, contact LaTEACH at:
contact pic 
Phone: 1-800-450-8108
Phone: 1-800-894-6558

LaTEACH is an initiative of the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council.